Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Morality depends on God’s command Essay

Humans, from the cradle to the grave, are taught to respect society and its many pre-existing intricate systems, often with no rhyme nor reason.   How can one really know what, and if, social systems are beneficial to them, when one is forced to live under the watchful eye of the society who created these systems, and wish them to continue?   Questioning society is something that is reserved for those who wish for better systems than the ones they were given, ones that will serve to improve the human condition.   However, society often neglects these difficult questions, accepting instead easy answers, commonly accepted and passed down through the generations.   Within the confines of a questionable society arises humans who dedicate their lives to the searching for answers to these questions, in hopes of providing humankind with a better understanding of its place.   Philosophers are the title bestowed upon these individuals, and one such philosopher who searched for truth , was Karl Marx. Karl Marx was a philosopher who interpreted the world, and through his interpretations, he succeeded in changing it.   Whether or not it was for the better or the worse, remains discussion amongst many scholars.   Among his many philosophical observations were; religion is a type of illusion, that history itself is linear and progressive.   He also supported women’s liberation and stated that an important goal of improving the human condition to be achieved by creating a new type of society for everyone.   A new society for everyone would mean the abolition of the old.   It was this revolutionary nature of his philosophy which created a fear among those few who were, and those who still are, in power.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Marx was a fervent supporter of social criticism, and he believed that the criticism of religion was the premise of all criticism.   In his view, he found it to be a type of illusion.   Marx borrowed his religious philosophies from Feuerbach who wrote that man makes religion, not vice-versa, and in creating God in his own image, had â€Å"alienated himself from himself† (Marx, 1978/1848, p. 53).   This meant that man had created a greater being in contrast to himself, reducing himself to a despicable creature who needed both the dogma of the church and the laws of government to guide and control him. Marx agreed with this philosophy and described religion as the, â€Å"sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, the soul of soulless conditions,† adding that religion was â€Å"the opium of the people† (1978/1848, p. 54). Marx believed that the human condition causes people to create illusions, religion being one, which create a false happiness.   He called for people to abandon their illusions and demand for their real happiness.   The criticism of religion created an awareness as to its illusory nature, and Marx felt strongly that man should be able to create an illusion-free existence, relying instead on his reason. To Marx, religion prohibits man from realizing himself as the center of his existence, an in place, creates an environment in which religious belief dictates his action.   Men can never be free, as long as they accept their existence as subservient beings, indebted to a omnipotent supreme being.   Religion is a tradition which has survived the ages, though constantly changing to suit the times.   Events such as the Reformation, or the Great Schism, only serve to support this, for religion, like all things man-made, is only used if it is a useful part of society.   Marx believed that if religion were abolished human beings would overcome their self-inflicted alienation.   The abandonment of this illusion, in Marx’s view, could be one of many crucial steps mankind towards advancement. Marx believed that humans could find meaning in history, which he believed to be linear and progressive.   He saw history as the unfolding of class struggles, between the owners of the productive forces, bourgeoisie, and the workers, proletariat.   With his conception of history, Marx used scientific observation to show how history was really the â€Å"history of production†.   He set human existence as being the first premise in history.   Humans must live to create history, so he showed how humans survive, by producing useful things out of natural material. Through this he showed how man is the producer, and by using natural materials, he created a new â€Å"man-made† nature over the original.   This â€Å"material† conception of history is based on Hegel’s conception of history, along with Feurerbach’s criticism of it, but whereas Hegel claims man to be a self-alienating spirit, Feurerbach claims man to be self-alienating in its own, and the â€Å"spirit† Hegel speaks of, is actually the thought process taking place in the mind.   Marx argued that this human thought was determined by social and economic forces, particularly those related to the means of production. He explains that the ruling class of each historic period, is the class that controls the material force of society, and their ideas prevail.   The â€Å"goals† or â€Å"ideals† of each earlier generation, he points out, are only formed by the later generations based the influence the prior generations had.   This led Marx to develop a method of analysis called Dialectical Materialism, in which the clash of historical forces leads to changes in society. He also declared that all history is the history of class struggles, whether it be the slave-master relationship of earlier ages, or the employee-employer relationship of today.   Marx expressed history as the process of human self-development, and criticized the common economic system of Capitalism.   He claimed that Capitalism must be abandoned in favor of a better economic system.   He also felt this would happen, for he believed man to be capable of such a development. What, according to Marx, is the good life? Why is it unattainable under capitalism? Critically analyze Marxs views. Marx believed that the important goal of improving the human condition to create the good life was to be achieved by creating a new type of society for everyone.   Marx claimed that in a Capitalist society, which still remains the most common economic system, the struggle between the working class, or proletariat, and the ruling business class, or bourgeoisie, would eventually end in the formation of a new society, a classless society.   â€Å"Society can no longer live under this bourgoeisie, in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society,† sated Marx his work, Manifesto of the Communist Party (1978/1848, p. 483).  Ã‚   To Marx, the good life was impossible under a capitalist system. Marx points out how human history has delivered its share of class struggles turned to revolutions, and the bourgeoisie society will be no different.   In his writings, he often uses the French Revolution as an example, citing the uprising of the bourgeoisie against the former feudal society.   The one constant in the history of man has been the fact that some men have what other men wish too have, but do not.   This puts man in competition with each other, and this leads to struggle amongst man, rather than cooperation amongst man.   This consequently leads men to feel separated from others, by the share fact that they become opposing forces. Marx applied this idea of alienation to private property, which he said causes humans to work only for themselves, not for the good of their species.   Because Capitalism has its roots in private ownership, he felt that it created an environment, ripe for greed and avarice to develop.   This prevents man from focusing on cooperating, and maximizing their potential.   Marx felt that it must be abandoned for the good of the species, and man’s continuing development towards enlightenment.   The economic system he proposed was a socialist one, or communism.   He called for a communist society to overcome the dehumanizing effect of private property. Marx’s proposed communist society would be one that would provide for all.   Many believe his view on the possibility of communism succeeding was pure idealism, but he believed that it was crucial for man.   By creating a society where man could work together towards a common goal, it would be able to achieve many more important results.   Marx believed that this could help create a classless society in which all men are provided for, and free to endeavor as they please.   Certainly, in its pure form, communism seems that it would be able to thrive.   However, since its inception, it has developed a negative connotation in many countries, especially in the United States, which fought a â€Å"Cold War† with the hated â€Å"commies.†Ã‚   The failure of the Soviet Union, the Communist leader in the world, led many to believe that it was a system doomed to failure.   Despite that, communism and Marx’s beliefs in it, were all part of his plan of lib erating man, and women as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Amongst the many little-known facts about the philosophies of Karl Marx, was his support for women’s liberation in a time when they did not share the privileges of men.   He believed that this would encourage greater equality within societies, therefore making life better for the society as a whole.   More than a century ago, many years before women were allowed to vote in the United States, Marx wrote of his views towards women’s rights.   In the modern bourgeoisie society, Marx explained in so many words, that women in a capitalist system were nothing more to men than another instrument of production. Men, who controlled the world as wells as it’s productive forces, also controlled women.   Because the instruments of production are to be exploited, women are exploited.   With the abolition of the bourgeoisie society, women would be free from every form of prostitution, public or private.   For the Communists, there was, â€Å"no need to introduce community of women; it has always existed almost from time immemorial† (1978/1848, p. 488)   But traditional capitalistic values make this fact all but impossible to notice, and for Marx, women’s equality was another step towards human enlightenment and the good life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The philosophies of Karl Marx continue to draw varied opinions.   For many years, people who were believed to be communist were persecuted, many in spite of their actual innocence.   In the United States, propaganda and political movements against Marxist philosophies, created fear in and ignorance in millions.   Perhaps, it is the revolutionary nature of Marxist philosophy that has many men of power frightened.   Perhaps, an educated and motivated working class, with nothing too lose but their shackles, is something which causes fear in those who have everything too lose.   Anyone with common sense would be able to see the benefits of helping our fellow man, and the benefits of pooling our collective talents towards a common goal.   But as long as people continue to accept their oppression, the goal of enlightenment grows more distant.   â€Å"WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE!† (1978/1848, p. 500). Works Cited: Marx, K. (1978/1848). Communist Manifesto. The Marx-Engels Reader. Trans. Tucker, R. C., Second Edition. New York:   W. W. Norton.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Reflection of Freakonomics

Isaac Pack Mrs.. Buchwald AP com/microeconomics-chapter-4/">Microeconomics 18 August 2013 Freakishness Reflection/Response Initially, I was intrigued by the book based on its odd cover, an image of what appears to be a granny smith apple on the outside and an orange on the inside, and I found the contents far more interesting. The â€Å"catchphrase† used is â€Å"a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything†, and no other phrase could be more accurate.Steven D. Levitate, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago, roved the various uses for his field that I had never before realized. The first example of a use for economics that piqued my interest was the very first one in the book: criminology. Before reading this, I had assumed that the subject of economics was involved with nothing more than concepts like the elasticity of prices and interest rates. I was utterly shocked when Steven D.Levitate was able to conclude that the cause of the decrease in the crime rate was attributable to not the increase in gun laws, not the increase in policing, and not the aging population, but the Roe v. Wade case that eventually led to the legalization of abortions. Anyone could easily guess that unwanted children are much more likely to become criminals, but to link that fact to the idea that people could avoid having unwanted children and create a logical and reasonable statement regarding the decrease in crime was absurd yet brilliant.The second use for economics that caught my eye was the idea of the value of roared information. He used the instance of the ASK with the facts regarding real estate astoundingly well to prove a point. Not only were the random bits of facts [such as the mention of Clansmen calling a conversation a â€Å"collaboration†] hilarious and entertaining, but they proved an impressive point: withheld information can drastically raise or lower value with ease. I never really pondered upon it before, but upon r eading and analyzing this statement, I came to be conscious and aware of it.

Karl Marx’s theory

The theory of Karl Marx as regards society and how it should move and organize itself is contrary to the view that all the members of the community must collaborate and contribute to the greater and common good. For Karl Marx, conflict is necessary in order to effectuate changes within the society. In fact, he considers conflict the most fundamental ingredient in making change possible in a given society.The foundation of this theory is Karl Marx’s theory that the society is composed of different classes. The class to which a particular person belongs will largely depend on the role or part played by that individual within the bounds of society. Where classes exist, people are continuously segregated, and hence it cannot be said that there is presence of absolute equality. Hence, for Karl Marx, this is where conflict begins.His belief in the formation of classes is traced in his notion that men has been in constant contrast with nature or his environment. There is the belief t hat due to man’s active participation or connection with his environment, he finds more and more ways to contrast with it in order for him to survive. As correctly pointed out,Marx insisted that men make their own history. Human history is the process through which men change themselves even as they pit themselves against nature to dominate it. In the course of their history men increasingly transform nature to make it better serve their own purposes. And, in the process of transforming nature, they transform themselves.In contrast to all animals who can only passively adjust to nature's requirements by finding a niche in the ecological order that allows them to subsist and develop, man is active in relation to his surroundings. He fashions tools with which to transform his natural habitat (â€Å"Dynamics Of Social Change†).Hence, men found it imperative to formulate measures and processes in order for him to survive. This is the same need that moved and provoked men t o associate with other individuals that are more like them. This is the start of the formation of classes where men of the same roles in the society grouped and formed their own class for purposes of survival.Due to the creation of different classes or groups within the society with the same purpose, said groups found themselves in conflict with one another. This is due to the fact that for purposes of subsistence, one class must necessarily dominate all the other classes in the society. In a scenario where different classes exist with one purpose, the presence of conflict, for Karl Marx, is inevitable. â€Å"Classes are conflict groups involved in extremely intense and violent conflicts directed toward equally extremely sudden and radical changes†(Dahrendorf, 1959). Due to their struggle to survival, it becomes imperative that the classes be in conflict with one another. The subjective class deemed it necessary to rise above the dominating class.In order for the subjective c lass to rise above the dominating class, it becomes crucial for conflict to exist. As mentioned above, it was the view of Marx that men as beings do not merely adapt to his nature. In order to survive, men find means and process to fight back and struggle with nature. This is precisely what happens in the society, the people do not merely assent to what constantly occurs within the society, and hence conflict must be created for change to materialize. Marx believed that if the lower class simply cooperated with the higher class, exploitation will continue and worsen until change is no longer possible.For Marx, society cannot change nor move forward if people simply assented to the appeals and desires of the dominant class; that society cannot be changed if men simply adhered or responded to nature. Marx put too much premium in the concept of conflict as a tool for transforming the society people live in. Truthfully, in the world we live in today, conflict is not difficult to find. A s correctly pointed out by Dahrendorf, â€Å"we can maintain at the very least that in many societies there are associations and classes, and in all known societies social conflicts†(1959). And within each society, conflict is not a simple element, but rather a necessary one.   For Karl Marx, In order that change to the systems running the society and arrangements within the society to be effected, conflict, albeit a negative term, is a necessary tool which must be considered and utilized.REFERENCERalf Dahrendorf. Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1959â€Å"Dynamics of Social Change†.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Company Research of Wal-Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Company Research of Wal-Mart - Essay Example This means that 537 new international stores have been added to Wal-Mart's retail space. To enhance its international operations, the company has also experienced switch in leadership roles. Mr John Menzer is now in charge of US operations and several other divisions, while Mr Mike Dune currently heads international operations. In view of the recent developments, it can be seen that the company is seeking to grow externally as it focuses on its international operations. Moreover, Wal-Mart continues to have a positive outlook as it remains committed to the improvement of merchandise mix by constantly offering new products that target a wide market range. The firm also continues to control expenses as it implements various cost-cutting measures such as the recruiting of younger and healthier workers to save on healthcare cost. Given the company's strategy, I believe that continuous growth may be expected as Wal-Mart focuses on expanding internationally. With the firm's established brand equity not only in the US but throughout the world as well, it could easily capture a fair share of the overseas retail market. Accompanied by an appropriate financial strategy, the company's expansion binge may have a positive effect on the value of its shares. This conclusion is further supported by the firm's financial prudence.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Exercises for Editing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exercises for Editing - Assignment Example To repair a glass window, you will need these tools and materials. The tools include a glass cutter, a putty knife, a window scraper, a chisel, an electric soldering iron, a razor blade, a pair of pliers, and a paint brush. The materials you will need are putty, paint, hand cleaner, linseed oil, and glazier’s points. (15 pts.) You need tools and materials to repair a glass window. Edit the following sentences so they focus on the real subject, focus on the real verb, use the active voice, express parallel elements in parallel structures, do not have misplaced and dangling modifiers, and do not have verbal filler. Each sentence has only one of these kinds of errors. All of the required tasks were completed by the intern. (2 pts.) The intern completed all of the required tasks. Once they wilt, most garden sprays are unable to save vegetable plants from complete collapse. (2 pts.) Most garden sprays are unable to save vegetable plants from complete collapse once they wilt. There are several factors that have caused structure’s strength to be questioned by the engineers. (2pts.) There are several factors about the structure’s strength that made it questionable to the engineers. It is because the price of a college education has soared that many college graduates have accumulated large amounts of debt. (2 pts.) The price of a college education soared that many college graduates have accumulated large amounts of debt. The team leaders have not yet been designated by the project supervisor. (2 pts.)

Saturday, July 27, 2019

MATH & ESSAY Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MATH & ESSAY - Speech or Presentation Example The budgeted costs can be compared to the actual costs in order to control activities and identify significant deviations from expectations. The budgeted cost is to communicate the objectives and expectations down the organization, whereas the actual costs indicate the performance of the organization with respect ot he budgeted values. In financial terms, firewall refers to the regulatory legal barriers placed by the Glass – Steagall Act 1933 which attempted to prevent the transfer of inside information and performance of financial transactions between commercial and investment banks (Darwish & Evanoff, 2007). The regulatory firewall between the commercial and investment banking activities indicated that the commercial banks should curb their investment activities and that the income from investments should not be over 10%. These rules were extended and the Bank Holding Act came into practise in 1956 which separated the banking and the insurance sector. The banks were allowed to sell insurance, but they were not authorized to underwrite insurances. This acted as a firewall between the banking and the insurance sector. The firewall was initiated as it was found that the commercial banks were involved in the stock market to a great extent and were thus putting the deposits received from customers at great risk. Also, it was one of the reasons for the early stock market crash. Hence it was decided that there has to be some legal barriers in order to separate the commercial and investment

Friday, July 26, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Psychology - Essay Example During the development of the personality the primary caregiver must connect with positive regard to the child in order for his or her personality to develop correctly. This becomes the basis for congruence and the personality is more directly connected between the real self and the perceived self. This Rogers perceives as a required psychological adjustment, â€Å"...which is characterized by an openness to experience without defensiveness, congruence between self and experience, and living by an internal locus of evaluation rather than by externally determined conditions of worth." (Demorest 144) His methods puts the clients back in control and Rogerian Therapy is basically a client centered non-directive approach whereby the therapist acts as a conduit for the client so that he can view him or herself more clearly. As human beings we have an "idea" or concept of who we are and what we really should be, hence we create an Ideal Self that we constantly strive for, often in vain. If the perceived self, our own self-image, is not aligned with the actual self, how we really are, there will always be personality problems and dysfunction as one relates to one's self and the rest of the world. (Kail & Wicks).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Globally relevant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Globally relevant - Essay Example This results in no disarmament at all. Also, certain counties have threats from other countries. Such countries have, therefore, a national interest in having weapons. Countries that have weapons are facing a lot of pressure from other countries. The powerful countries of the world are co-operating the least in the movement against weapons. Such countries have the capacity to create weapons of mass destruction that include nuclear and biological weapons. However, poorer countries are also gaining access to such weapons. That is continuously giving chances to terrorists to strengthen themselves and create big disasters. Further, many countries allot a great portion of their budgets to making or acquiring of weapons. The same amount can also be spent on education, environment or other development projects, but it does not happen due to the requirement of a strong military. There is also very limited gun control in many countries which is why the percentage of gun violence related incid ents is very high. According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)’s recent trends summary, world military expenditure in 2010 was estimated to have reached $1.63 trillion at 2010 prices. This is almost 2.6 percent of world gross domestic product (GDP) or $236 for each person in the world. Out of the total military expenditure in the whole world, the expenditure by the US accounts for 41% of it. SIPRI also found out that the major portion of the total military expenditure in the world is made by large countries. 15 major countries of the world spend 81.8% of the total military expenditure. An important point is that the world faced a very bad economic depression in 2008 hence resulting in many countries cutting their spending in various sectors. However, the spending in the military sector is continuously on a rise. It does not seem to be justified but it has valid reasons. (GlobalIssues) Just before the time the depression arrived, it was not reasonably foreseeable. It could not have been expected that a crisis of such magnitude was about to hit. Many countries were happy with their economic growths and they had easy access to credit. They had their fixed or pre-planned foreign policy objectives, the knowledge of available resources were satisfactory, the peacekeeping operations were expected to go as normal and the policies were fixed. Countries like China and India saw a boom in the economies and they increased the spending on military. Also, the high prices of minerals and fossil fuels enabled quite a few countries to increase military expenditure. However, after the 2008 financial crisis had hit, military spending still appears to have increased. It has been observed by SIPRI that some nations like China and India did not face a financial crisis but continued to grow. As the financial crisis hit big countries like the US, the governments responded by employing expansionary fiscal policies according to which they increased the government expenditure. Among these expenditures which were made to counter the crisis, many new military projects were started too which is why there has been an increase in the total military spending. Most importantly, many countries have continued to put the strategic and geopolitical concerns above other matters. If these concerns demanded an increase in military expenditures, the governments did not hesitate to increase the spending despite dire economic straits. In contrast,

HEALTH COMMUNITIES, HEALTH CITIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

HEALTH COMMUNITIES, HEALTH CITIES - Essay Example Planning of cities in most countries has been linked to heath status of the people who inhabit such cities. In other words planning of cities directly or indirectly affects heath status of the population in the area. Towns together with cities affect heath in different ways that goes beyond the presence of health services in the area. Generally, the planning of urban and sometimes rural areas normally affects and shapes people’s life choices and at same time has a strong bearing on heath outcomes. According to Fredsgaard, Cave and Bond (2009) urban planning and the subsequent urban forms affect people’s choice of where to live, how to travel to work and school, how to clean the air and water and also what facilities people can us. In most cases, poor designing of cities is seen to result to poor heath that in turn put heavy burden on communities and health services (Fredsgaard, Cave, and Bond 2009). The extent to which an individual or group is able on the hand, to realize aspirations and satisfy needs on the other hand to change or cope with the environment. At the same time, health is seen as a resource for everyday life, not the object of living: it is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capabilities (WHO 1984 cited in Fredsgaard, Cave and Bond, 2009). In order to regulate and plan land use in both urban and rural areas it has become paramount for organizations to carry out assessment of health issues in relations to aspects of environment, social, economy and demographic aspects. Therefore carrying out assessment of the health has been done through a technique known as health impact assessment (HIA). According to World Health Organization (WHO) definition, HIA is construed to constitute â€Å"combination of procedures, methods and tools that systematically judges the potential and sometimes unintended effects of a policy, plan, programme or project on the health of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

English - Tablet vs. Laptop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English - Tablet vs. Laptop - Essay Example The latest in this competition is the laptop and the smaller more stylish tablet. Will the tablet drive the laptop into oblivion? Many variables come into place in that debate. This article views the debate from the standpoint of a tablet; a stylish, portable media device replacing a laptop, a portable computer. In the process of doing so we will initially examine the difference between the two based on the below factors. Price Portability Features From this evaluation, the essay hopes to provide (to also provide) a reasonable explanation as to why a tablet is not a computer. Competitiveness of Laptop and Tablet in Pricing Price is a very important factor for any product from a consumer point of view. It is dependent on many factors and is relative to usage. When we examine price based from the standpoint of functionality alone and we can see that laptops have an edge over tablets on this aspect. Pricing details of the Laptops: Laptops vary in prices and can be customized accordingly . Laptops are definitely cheaper than tablets due to a few reasons. One of the main reasons for this is that Laptops have been in the market for a long time and have been evolving to meet consumer demands. Today, the commercial side of laptop making is not only restricted to original design makers, thus, the need for competitive pricing has risen. You can get a net book with all the basic computing needs for as low as $350. The price range varies depending on features and this can be tailored according to usage needs and consumer needs. When tailoring a laptop to meet the usage demands based on memory and features, the price paid for one laptop can sometimes buy two tablets. However, when we get to this price point from the standpoint of a computer versus a portable media device, Laptops win. The Cost Front of Tablet: Tablets are costlier than laptops but it is worth the price as it provides impeccable facilities. The technology of a tablet has been under experimentation for a reall y long time. The tablet as we know came in 2010 when Apple Inc. released the Ipad, which was more media centric than PC centric. One of the main reasons for this has been to justify the price with the functions. The difference between the two is explained below. Since 2000, Microsoft has been experimenting along the lines of a tablet PC that works on a different Operating System (OS) as compared to a regular laptop. A tablet uses a lot of specialized technology in its venture to offer sophisticated features and increase portability while not reducing the PC experience. However, it has not been possible so far to create a PC tablet that can justify the price. The current tablets do not justify the price when looked at from the standpoint of the limitations in that particular functionality. Which Comes Best in Portability The need for portability is probably one of the driving factors for technological innovations. Here again the focus is on functionality and we can see that while tab lets are definitely more portable that even the smallest laptops they do not have all the functionality that a laptop as a computer can offer. What are laptops in Portability factor? Laptops are meant to be portable but are not that great when compared with tablets’ portability. With the fight to make things as pocket sized as possible, there are now new laptops that are small and lightweight, without too much compromise on screen resolution. When looking at portability we also have to look at it from the standpo

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

An account discussing the fit between published theory in regard to Essay

An account discussing the fit between published theory in regard to project management and personal practice as a result of my participation in the Foods Organic project - Essay Example nting a change in the structure, style or staffing of an organization, developing a new system of information or implementation of a new business process (Anthony and Govindarajan, 2007). Owing to the fact that projects appear in numerous forms, significance of managing these projects effectively has increased to a great extent. Project management can be defined as application of skills, knowledge, tools and techniques so as to comply with the requirements of the project. In general, there are five major phases of project management, which are initiation, planning, execution, controlling and closure (Andon, Baxter and Chua, 2007). In this report, a discussion will be carried out about ways in which theories of project management fit into real life practices. In order to do so, I will reflect upon my experience in the foods organic project, which I have completed in the recent past. The project was about developing a new store that will be located at the heart of Uxbridge. The aim of that project was to establish a store that reflects ‘organic’ and ‘healthy living’ culture. In this section of the study, I will reflect upon experiences that I have gathered while conducting the aforementioned project and will try to draw comparison with the theories of project management. However, before proceeding further into the analysis, I would like to elaborate about my position and the activities carried out by me during the program. I was the project manager as well as the team leader. I was responsible for accomplishing various tasks as well as for overseeing tasks carried out by the subordinates. Hence, the pressure on me was immense. Majority of the tasks of this project were performed by me as it was mandatory on my part. Scholars such as, Armstrong (2002), enumerate that a project manager is responsible for carrying out most of the planning and monitoring activities; but at times, he is also required to perform the operational activities. Contradicting this

Monday, July 22, 2019

The many hardships of society Essay Example for Free

The many hardships of society Essay Victor does not show love and domestic affection to the creature after he has given it life he just abandons it without some one to look after it and care for it as Victors family has done. Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created I rushed out of the room and continued along time traversing my bedchamber. Victor does not show any love for the creature he has created. He is unable to endure this gives the reader the image that the creature has become so ugly. Even though he has collected the body parts from beautiful people the creature is still hideous. This shows a complete lack of love and domestic affection that has been shown to Victor in abundance by his parents. Victors parents show that there is a strong family bond between them and their son. I was there playing their idol, and something better than their child, the innocent and helpless creature bestowed on them by heaven. In this paragraph Victor describes himself as their plaything their idol. Him and his parents are inseparable and they looked up to Victor although he is a small child. They wanted him to be safe and happy. Victor is also described as small and innocent helpless creature. Victor does not show the same affection for the creature. I beheld the wretch- the miserable monster whom I created. Victor describes the creature as a wretch, this shows that Victor as a young child was shown love and affection but he is now incapable of showing the same love that was shown to him by his parent to the creature the baby that he has created. These adjectives describe the monster as physically ugly this is one of the reasons why victor rejects him, because he wanted to make a beautiful creature. Victor is also described as helpless and innocent and that he cannot fend for himself and he needs an older figure to be responsible for his actions and to keep him safe. Victor abandons the creature as soon as he realizes that he has made a mistake in trying to play god. But what has he abandoned he has abandoned a young inexperience, defenseless, innocent helpless creature. So again we see Victor being shown great love and domestic affection by his family. But when he grows up he is unable to show the same love and domestic affection towards the creature. Victor is brought up in a protective bubble when he is younger. I was so guided by a silken cord that all seemed but one train of enjoyment for me. Using the word silken cord refers to the umbilical cord that gives the entire growing child what it needs to survive. This is directly linked to Victor parents and the fact that they are providing him with so much love and domestic affection that he does not have to do anything he does not have to fend for himself. This Silken cord of tender love and affection is not there when the creature is brought to life. He has to learn to find his own way because he is an outcast of society so he would find it hard to fit in. He is on his own because victor has not got the mental strength to own up and shows this creation to the rest of the world. He also does not want to show any affection or love to this creature because he finds it physically repulsive. Victor is shown the way by his Parents they are always making decisions for him even as a young adult. When I was seventeen my parents resolved that I should become a student at he university of Inglostadt. He still has a protective bubble around him even though he is seventeen. This shows that his parents are still making choices for him that can provide him happiness or sorrow in the years to come. The creature is deprived of this from victor this is shown, as he does not know about the dangers of fire. The creature is attracted to the warmth of the fire and it is like the tender warm love that he is not receiving. I thrust my hand into the live embers but draw it quickly out again crying in pain. The creature has had no guidance from victor or anybody of higher intelligence than himself. This is why he burns his hand on the fire. If victor was about to do that either his Mother or Father would have stopped him from burning himself because they want to protecting him so he does not get harmed mentally or Physically. The creature then goes off in search of another family or someone who can nurture him properly. He finds a village he is curious to see this type pf village with cottages, which he has never seen before. Shortly after entering the village he is confronted by a mob throwing stones and various items at him. The creature is amazed at how polite and loving the people he is observing are. There gentle manners and beauty of these cottagers greatly endured me. He means that he is amazed that even though they are so poor they are still happy and show great love and affection for each other and he wants to become apart of that family. He observes the family and notices a new addition to the family called safie she is from a distant country. This gives the creature hope that maybe he may be able to be accepted into the family as safie is an outsider and she has been accepted. The creature then finds out how ugly he is and starts to doubt his reasons for being in the world. I had admired the perfect form of my cottagers- their grace, beauty, and delicate complexions; but how was I terrified when I viewed myself in a transparent pool! At first I stared back, unable to believe that indeed I who was reflected in the mirror; and when I became fully convinced that I was in reality the monster that I am. He realizes that he is a monster and that he would never fit in if he wanted to have a family that loved him and nurtured him. He starts to realize that this is the end for his hopes of a normal life. The creature tries to be accepted into the family by speaking to the blind man, the blind man is oblivious to any faults the creature may have. Agatha fainted, and safie unable to attend his friend rushed out of the cottage. Felix darted forward and with a supernatural force tore me from his father, to whose knees I clung; in a transport of fury, he dashed me to the ground with a stick . I could have torn him limb form limb, as a lion rends the antelope. He now realizes that all hope is lost of ever finding a family that will love him and show him domestic affection and so wallows in self pity. He then burns down the delaceys house at it is a symbol of a nice warm family that he is not apart of so he destroys it. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business Strategy And Planning Of Costcutter

Business Strategy And Planning Of Costcutter The corner shop or convenience store, as it is sometimes labelled, has been a feature of retail life in cities and towns from Roman times, if not earlier. To be sure, the Romans articulated the role of the convenience store in everyday life, developed its corporate identity and regarded it as an enterprise that operates optimally within the range of footfall. The Roman streetscape was littered with these stores, most engaging prominent positions, some even corner positions, but all dominating the facades of the masonry buildings they occupied. A characteristic of the Roman convenience store was its integration into the local market, sourcing locally grown farm produce, supplying locally refined products and distributing this merchandise at a local level. With the passage of time, the convenience store began to infiltrate the New World, and remained a characteristic feature of retail life in countries such as Australia, Canada and the United States, until well after the Second World War. But from the 1960s, as the economies of the industrialised world entered a rapid phase of expansion, the supermarkets emerged as the dominant players in the retail grocery sector. Yet, the convenience store managed to survive as a viable economic entity. Nowadays, even supermarket giants such as Tesco and Sainsburys here in the United Kingdom, have begun to penetrate the lower echelons of the retail grocery sector with their own version of the corner shop. Using this concept as a launch pad, Tesco has already made inroads in the United States, though with varying degrees of success. Moreover, Tesco harbours further ambitions to establish its convenience scale outlets in such emerging economies as South Korea. On the face of it, very little appears to have changed over the millennia since the Romans devised the concept of the convenience store. Neighbourhood stores, if they form part of a larger national chain, are still obsessed with such issues as corporate image and identity, not to mention their strategic role in the local market.1 What has changed, however, is the largely oligopolistic nature of the retail grocery sector. By 2010, the major participants in this sector Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda and Morrisons controlled 65.4 per cent of a grocery market valued by industry analysts at a staggering  £118.2 billion2. Given the strongly oligopolistic character of this market, it is hardly surprising to observe that these key players have developed planning strategies that virtually anticipate their competitors next move. In other words, their behaviour is very much retaliatory! There is evidence, too, to suggest that this behaviour is being emulated in the convenience store segment of the market, where the hallmarks of oligopolistic competition are just starting to appear3. COSTCUTTER Costcutter is one of the United Kingdoms leading convenience store chains. Although the majority of the stores trading under its banner are based here, Costcutter also operates outlets in Northern Ireland and Poland. As a typical grocery retailer, Costcutter stocks a comprehensive range of groceries, alcoholic products, tobacco and confectionery. However, Costcutter operates two distinct retail store models : (a) the directly owned outlet; and (b) the independently owned franchised outlet. Both models benefit from economies of scale, so that as the organization grows, so too, does its purchasing power. Yet, those outlets that are independently owned tend to operate along the lines of a retailers cooperative. Costcutter has developed a high profile corporate image, which is bolstered by its own range of branded products. Groceries bearing the company brand name are often shelved alongside those of Nisa Today Costcutters warehousing and distribution affiliate. The companys headquarters are based in Yorkshire. As of December 2006, ownership of Costcutter is vested in James A Barry Co.4 COMPANY HISTORY Costcutter was founded in 1986 by Colin Graves, a former sales employee of the SPAR grocery group. In the short space of just 12 months, Graves set up seven stores in Yorkshire. By 1991, Costcutter had opened its first outlets in Scotland and Northern Ireland. In 1992, the company established a grocery distribution centre in Barnsley. It was then keen to develop its corporate image and identity. By the mid-1990s, Costcutter operated some 500 outlets throughout the United Kingdom, the majority of them franchise-owned. In 2004, Costcutter merged 50 of its outlets with the MURCO fuel distribution group. Thereafter, the Costcutter convenience store found its way onto the forecourts of an increasing number of MURCO petrol filling stations. In addition to their grocery lines, these stores stock car care products and accessories. Exponential growth followed. By 2007, largely driven by a successful franchise recruitment campaign, the total number of outlets under its corporate banner, grew to 1500. Sales turnover exceeded  £600m in 2010, making the company one of the most significant players in the grocery retail sector. For all that, Costcutter is not unlike the other key players in the convenience store market. Costcutter stores occupy prominent high street positions with a typical catchment area covering a radius of a quarter mile. The company continues to enjoy solid growth, though recently its development strategy increasingly promotes direct ownership of outlets. At present, more than 1200 stores in the chain are independently owned by franchisees.5 Business models, concepts and tools in business strategy and planning of costcutter At an early stage in its corporate history, Costcutter put growth at the centre of its retail development strategy. Indeed, the company conducts an aggressive retail recruitment drive to enlist new franchise owners. Ideally, the company seeks existing operations which engage high footfall volumes and occupy floor space of between 1,000 to 1,500 square feet. By contrast, the typical Sainsburys Local or Tesco Express occupies a floor space of between 2,000 to 6,000 square feet. Costcutter does not regard the absence of car parking as an issue. There are a number of advantages which Costcutter offers its franchise owners: an association with a well-established high profile retailer continuous retail training and technical support generous profit margins a loyalty scheme which rewards franchise owners for centralised purchasing improved credit terms both within the group and externally the cost benefits of group purchasing power fast and cost-effective Epos accounting and inventory control an efficient and reliable supply chain cycle a robust business development strategy deploying the services of a range manager to maximise profits and sales turnover extensive national, local and in store advertising6 As an adjunct to this, each franchised outlet is indelibly stamped with the Costcutter corporate identity. All newly franchised premises are refurbished to the Costcutter specification, though refits are tailored to a range of budgets. The process of nurturing company image is achieved through: a conspicuous company logo which largely resembles a banner distinctive company fascia advertising the use of a thematic colour palette to harmonise the in-store ambience the use of a standardised in-store lighting format in-store radio providing a continuous voice for product promotion the shelving of Costcutter branded products extensive advertising The cost of a Costcutter franchise is between  £70,000 to  £100,000. Annual management fees amount to  £1880. Projected first year net profit for a typical outlet is in the region of  £100,000.7 THE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY At the heart of Costcutters retail development strategy is growth itself. It improves market share and even allows new products to be sold. Above all, growth promotes economies of scale. Such economies are reflected in the companys burgeoning purchasing power and presence in the wholesale distribution markets. From its inception, Costcutter has enjoyed continuous year-on-year growth, despite predatory competition from the huge multiples. Growth has been achieved through: the setting of annual expansion targets a vigorous franchise recruitment program, as noted above the defection of other franchisees from the ranks of competitors notably, from the SPAR group the direct acquisition of small groceries the purchase of other outlets under administration8 Continuous expansion of the Costcutter chain remains a development priority. Not surprisingly, Costcutter has devised an ambitious overseas expansion drive, which at present has targeted such emerging powerhouse economies as India and Pakistan. But such proposed international development is to be accompanied by further consolidation of its core business in the United Kingdom.9 In recent years, Costcutter established a close relationship with Nisa Today, the leading independent wholesale distributor of groceries throughout the UK. Critical to the companys development is the vertical integration of wholesale grocery distribution. Costcutters affiliation with Nisa Today partly achieves this objective. But in 2007, the Bibby Line group, a direct competitor to Nisa Today, acquired a 51% shareholding in Costcutter. In the event, Nisa Today has retaliated by establishing its own retail outlets.10 Despite this, the growth strategy of Costcutter remains the same. That approach incorporates a number of other marketing facets: the development of new lines, especially fresh, locally sourced products promotion of the concept of value for money a narrowing of the cost profile between its outlets and those of the huge multiples promotion of the concept that Costcutter can deliver quality food as needed, thereby avoiding the arduous weekly shopping event an increasing investment in technology, especially as its relates to online marketing the promulgation of a company ethos, culture and set of values, as noted below11 Appraise processes of Costcutter to identify their goals and values THE COSTCUTTER ETHOS Not unlike Tesco, Costcutter espouses a human relations approach that values its customers and staff. The company prides itself in the marketing of fresh, quality products. But unlike Tesco employees and management, Costcutters staff are versatile individuals, well versed in product knowledge across its full range. In addition, all staff together with franchise owners, benefit from continuous retail training. All franchise owners undergo a rigorous induction course. Furthermore, the company has established its own academy to equip store managers and their staff with cutting edge retail techniques. The development of customer loyalty through harmonious relations and rapport is central to the company ethos.12 ANALYSIS OF THE COSTCUTTER GROUP Central to the development strategy of the Costcutter group is its continuing growth. Using the convenience store model it has developed for the UK market, Costcutter is poised to make significant inroads into the emerging markets of Asia. But it is here in the United Kingdom, that Costcutter has reached a mature stage in its evolution. At the top end of the grocery retail sector, leviathans such as Tesco and Asda compete for market share, in what is overwhelmingly an oligopolistic market. Retaliatory marketing techniques are a conspicuous feature of such markets, as these companies clearly demonstrate. Yet, as companies like Costcutter continue to expand, even the bottom end of the retail grocery sector is beginning to display oligopolistic behaviour. Second guessing the competitors next move is par for the course. Nevertheless, Costcutter seems well positioned to fare better than most of its competitors, as it signs up an increasing number of franchisees, attracted by its generous profit margins and reduced overheads. 4.0 CONCLUSION The convenience store has endured as a potent force in the retail grocery sector, despite increasing competition from the huge multiples, such as Tesco and Sainsburys. Indeed, the blue print for the convenience store has largely remained the same since the Romans articulated its role in everyday life. Costcutter remains a robust example of the convenience store concept. The floor space of the typical Costcutter outlet is less than one quarter that of its major rivals notably, Sainsburys Local and Tesco Express. In this way, the typical Costcutter outlet manages to reduce its overhead costs, and at the same time, benefit from the substantial purchasing power of the Costcutter group itself. As a convenience store chain, Costcutter lacks the bureaucratic structure of the huge multiples. Instead, it fosters a more flexible and independent approach to its management. Such flexibility enables its local outlets to purchase outside the central distribution arm of the organization. In recent times, this has allowed the company to stock more local fresh produce. Thus, Costcutter can be perceived as a highly evolved and adaptable form of enterprise, and one which is not just sensitive to the tastes and preferences of the local market, but in some instances, equally sensitive to its ethnic composition.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels The 1998 film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels was directed and written by Guy Ritchie who would eventually create the reboot of the solid blockbuster series, Sherlock Holmes. His earlier movie is about four criminal friends who are roped into three dramatic events in their life that are going on at the same time. This film is very unique because of the simultaneous structure of the plot tied together with parallel editing. It has so many things to enjoy about it: the atmospheric East London locations, the lush visuals, and the distinctive camera angles employed by Ritchie. Everything in this film catches the eye. Ritchie’s movie is a thrill to watch because he keeps you constantly on edge. The theme of the film is about karma and the way fate plays its fickle finger on the characters’ lives. If the characters in the film have a certain set of moral standards, then their future fates are left to decide whether or not they live or die. If a person is of an â€Å"honorable† background (at least within the code of thieves) or has moral beliefs in loyalty to his friends, in the end they will triumph over the darker elements of the criminal underworld. As you watch the film, you start to understand that some of the characters in this film aren’t exactly great people but they are decent enough to do the right thing for themselves and for their friends in the end. The film starts off with four close friends: Eddy (Nick Moran), Tom (Jason Flemyng), Bacon (Jason Stathom), and Soap (Dexter Fletcher). They are getting 100,000 euro notes so that Eddy can get into one of the many sleazy card games put on by porn mogul Harry â€Å"the Hatchet† Lonsdale (played by P. H. Moriarty.) Harry botches the game so that Eddy losses the 100,000 that he handed them to enter. Now he has to pay an additional amount of 400,000 euros. Harry tells Eddy that he wants the money to be given to him at the end of a full week or else he’ll have to deal with his East End enforcers. This is the inciting action that triggers the entire plot. How are these friends going to raise that huge amount of money? This inspires a great mix of dark comedy and violence for the rest of the film. After several days with no luck acquiring the funds, Eddy comes home and overhears his neighbors, a gang of crooks led by a man named Dog played by Frank Harper. The gang is planning a robbery on some pot growers who may be loaded not only with drugs but the needed money to solve the debt problem. Eddy sends this information to his long-time pals. He is intending for them to rob the shady neighbors as they come back from the theft of the marijuana dealers. The gang of four installs taping equipment to monitor the neighbors. Tom obtains a pair of antique shotguns from a black market dealer, known as Nick the Greek (Steven Marcus) who also strikes a deal with Rory Breaker (Vas Blackwood), a sociopathic gangster, to buy the stolen drugs. Nick had purchased the guns from a pair of foolish small time criminals, Gary and Dean, who in turn had stolen them from a bankrupt British lord as part of a job for Harry â€Å"the Hatchet.† None of the characters realize that, of the entire stolen firearms collection, Harry’s only desire was those two extremely valuable antique shotguns now in the hands of Tom. After learning the guns had been sold, an enraged Barry â€Å"the Baptist,† Harry’s personal bodyguard, threatens the two idiots into getting them back. The plot thickens, pointing towards future mayhem. As a sad trivia aside, the film was dedicated to Lenny McLean who performed Barry â€Å"the Baptist.† Mr. McLean had died of cancer only one month before the film’s premie re. The neighbors robbery gets underway according to schedule. Despite the death of a gang member stupidly by his own gun and a shaky chance encounter with a traffic cop, the job against the pot dealers is a success. Thinking they’re finally safe when the crooks arrive back at their London apartment, that neighbor gang is ambushed by our four friends. They take the neighbor’s looted money and return later that night to stash the goods next door. It is now time for a crazy night of celebratory drinking. Socio Rory discovers that the drugs he was going to buy were actually stolen from him. The marijuana growers were in his employees. Rory interrogates/tortures Nick into telling where the four friends live. Meanwhile, furious about their loss, Dog throws one of his men through the wall of their apartment. They discover the taping equipment on the other side and eventually all the stolen money and drugs. As Dog counts the money, the crooked neighbors prepare an ambush. Meanwhile Gary and Dean, trying to recover the antique shotguns, call on a traumatized Nick, who directs them to the same apartment address. Big Chris, Harrys debt collector, leaves with his son to the same destination as the four friends drive home from their bar crawl. Fate has played all the cards on the fortunes of all the characters. This will be the climax of the plot. Rory and his gang assault the apartment and have a shootout with the neighbors, resulting in the deaths of all but Dog and Winston, Rory’s chemist. Winston makes off with the marijuana. Dog is robbed by Big Chris of the shotguns and money during his escape. Gary and Dean spot Big Chris with the guns and hastily follow him, while the four friends return to find their loot missing. Big Chris gives the guns and cash to Harry, but on his return to the car he finds Dog threatening to kill his son if he doesnt retrieve the money. Desperate to get the guns, Gary and Dean attack Harry and Barry at their office, not knowing what Harry looks like and not noticing Barry until after he retaliates. Within seconds all four men are dead. The four friends are arrested, but confirmed to be innocent after the traffic cop identified Dogs dead gang as the primary suspects. When they retreat back to the bar, they discover Tom is out on a mission to throw the priceless shotguns off a bridge into the River Thames. In looking at a catalog of antiques, the friends learn the guns are worth thousands of dollars. As they try to call, Tom puts the phone in his mouth and the film ends with him trying to throw the shotguns off the bridge that he failed throwing the first time. Now, with the guns are on a ledge and the phone is in Tom’s mouth, the film concludes with Tom not knowing what to do next. The movie fades to black in a hilarious cliffhanger making for a perfect ending The emotional tone of the film is that of fear, remorsefulness, and giddy happiness. Another emotional quality felt is ironic surprise. The irony that the characters have to face in nearly every scene is hilarious. The film has a delightfully quirky dark comedic quality. It always puts these characters that you sometimes feel sorry and sympathize, in uneasy situations that they have to pry their way out some manner. Similar and comparable films that share this unique gallows humor include Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. The structure of the film is fairly straightforward following a chronological development of the plot. There was one scene where Ritchie uses flash-forward in his story telling. The sequence involves a car crash. Then the next scene was about the same car crash only it details how it happened and who it happened too. It is a clever use of time manipulation. The musical soundtrack is mostly previously released music that wasn’t originally orchestrated for the film. The score contains a wide variety of music from rock to reggae with songs including â€Å"The Boss† and â€Å"The Payback† by James Brown, â€Å"Spooky† by Dusty Springfield, â€Å"Liar, Liar† by The Castaways, â€Å"I Wanna Be Your Dog† by The Stooges, and â€Å"Walk This Land (Remix)† by Ez Rollers. The use of these musical hits from the 1960s and 1970s is diverse and brilliant. The cinematography by director of photography, Tim Maurice-Jones, is excellent. The most memorable parts include the POV (point of view) camera sequence on Eddie when he is in disarray having just lost all of the money. When Harry dramatically dies, the production team slows things down. You can see the brutal action unfold while time is now going at a much slower intense pace using Slo Mo, a signature Ritchie technique later used in his successful Sherlock Holmes series. Also there is a sequence where a chunk of one of the robber’s hair is completely blown off. The way Maurice-Jones and Ritchie used smoke and lighting in that â€Å"hair-raising† moment was pretty charming. It was reminiscent of those old slap stick cartoons where something ungodly happens to a character. You think the cartoon character is badly damaged but they just have a slight burn or minor scratch. This film has to be one of the best films I’ve seen recently. It is an exciting take on the crime world and how most criminals get the barrel in the end. The film is stunningly balanced between being humorous and serious at the same time. Its use as a â€Å"hyperlink cinema† piece is one for the books. Ritchie does an excellent job in connecting all the different stories, playing with time, and interweaving surprising plot twists. He makes you feel joy when you like a certain character from a different part of the story. Then you see them interact with a dangerous character, you had no idea would ever see him or her again. He creates a feeling of immense tension. The film is a tightly constructed masterpiece. Ritchie’s movie just does not stop for a second. It is full of refreshingly dark humor and filmed with real style and flair. Like a great book, I didn’t want it to end. That is how much I enjoyed this film. You feel such a connection with the story and with the characters. In the paltry 107 minutes this movie is played, you want to watch these characters lives played out even more. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels has a certain message or moral: to never be too greedy and always try to stick to an ethical path otherwise you might get the heat of life in the end. There are not moral choices being made in this movie. But nevertheless, there are moral people in this story. Even though they do bad things and sometimes pay dearly for it, their hearts are in the right place. Sometimes. Let’s just pray they won’t get into any trouble next time.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice in Oedipus the King - Driven b

The Role of Fate in Oedipus Rex Before we approach this complex question inductively, we are at first obliged to contemplate what definitions and assumptions are being made. This essay, perhaps more so than others, requires a more extensive look at this aspect of the question, because of the sheer variety of possible responses. However, I now have reduced them to three possibilities. Firstly, we could make the assumption that perhaps as destiny controls all fates, then Oedipus' character was created long before he was conceived. On the other hand, we could also say that perhaps Oedipus' horrific fate came about because of his character and fate. The final possibility is that everything is inevitable - therefore no one ever has had any say in their own fate, let alone Oedipus. In this essay I would like to discuss these three ideas, and perhaps draw a conclusion at the end on which I feel to be the most valid. The first solution to this question, as I said earlier, is the idea that destiny makes character. As destiny supposedly in the Greek mindset maps out all events before they occur, we can today assume with this logic that perhaps the components that "built" Oedipus' character were caused by fate. We know today that character is determined by biological factors and experience. These biological factors would have been determined by how well he was fed, how well he developed, his genes etcetera. The experience would have also been determined by the pre-destined master plan of Fate. Thus it is possible to argue that Oedipus, as components of his character and mind, was entirely shaped by fate and therefore cannot be held responsible for what he has done, as he has no control over his actions. But the premises that th... ...e dealt with in a normal way. This is theatre. It has been crafted to look as though the fall is due to some error of action, strongly interlaced with fate. Yet despite all this, I do not feel that this is how the play has materialised. It seems to me as though Oedipus could not have stopped the actual horrific incest and patricide occurring, only the realisation of it. To me, as a non-believer in fate, nothing is due to Oedipus' character. He seems merely unfortunate, a victim of superstition. Yet to those of you who accept fate, then perhaps this could be the explanation. It is a completely subjective decision, based on a personal interpretation. This is something that I cannot decide. Thus I leave the decision open, but my decision closed. Neither is right, and neither is wrong. Works Cited: Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1991.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Simpsons Vs Wells :: essays research papers fc

The advent of new technology has been a source of trepidation throughout history. Just as with any change, fear is often the pervasive response to new technology and developments, especially amongst those who do not fully comprehend the changes. It seems, however, that people ignorant of the true meaning and extent of technology are the most likely to place unwarranted faith in its abilities. Technology becomes an authority—one that is difficult to question or rebel against. After advances become accepted, complacency sets in, reducing the general public's vigilance against dangers to society in any form. This lack of vigilance, due to an unwarranted faith in authority, is depicted and questioned in H. G. Wells's The War of the Worlds. Published in 1898, the message of Wells's work remains relevant, even in the present day. Criticisms of an unwarranted faith in authority manifest themselves in modern culture in multiple media. The Simpsons, a half-hour animated television program, represents such a manifestation. The episode entitled 'Bart's Comet,'; first aired on February 5, 1995, criticizes a blind allegiance to authority in any form by humorously detailing Springfield's response to an approaching comet, which threatens to destroy everyone in the town. The episode parallels Wells's chronicle of the Martian invasion in its depiction of authority. Unwarranted faith finds an unfortunate place in government, religion, and science in both accounts of impending disaster. In themselves, these three fundamental elements of society do not receive criticism. The misguided trust people someti mes place in these institutions, relying on them as unquestioned and unquestionable authorities, receives the brunt of the censure in both works. The townspeople themselves receive their fair share of reproach as well. In both works, the people criticized include not only the general middle- to upper-class communities, but also those responsible for the criticizing. In The War of Worlds, the government plays a silent role that finds its reflection in the attitudes of the townspeople upon the first arrival of the Martian cylinder. Here, the ignorance of the public manifests itself in the cavalier attitudes of the people toward the potential threat. In the opening lines of the novel, the public's demeanor becomes evident: 'With infinite complacency men went to and fro over this globe about their little affairs, serene in their assurance of their empire over matter'; (Wells 3). During the height of the British government's domination of the world, through the spread of its colonies and economic power, Wells's description of the people's security in their empire over matter, over reality itself, seems most fitting.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Richard Wright :: essays research papers

“The Man Who Was Almost a Man';   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In “The Man Who Was Almost a Man'; by Richard Wright, the main character Dave expresses his needs to be acknowledged as an adult. Yet he also exhibits his immaturity and the fact that he is not yet an adult and can not handle adult problems. His actions lead him into trouble that proves the fact that he is still an adolescent who can not handle problems of the adult world. The characters around Dave make him feel like he is still a child. His wants to purchase a gun to feel more powerful. In the beginning of this story, Dave talks about how a gun would change the way people acted towards him. He feels that if he owns this power, the men in the fields who work with him will have more respect for him, and his mother will start treating him as an adult. Dave feels as if he is surrounded by people who treat him as a child and he does not like this at all. “You ain’t nothing but a boy. You don’t need a gun.'; This statement said by Joe, is the main reason why Dave truly wants a gun, to feel independent. Even though Dave wants to be acknowledged as an adult, his actions are very immature and childlike. The act of cornering his mother for a gun is one good example of immaturity. Dave feels as though he can not ask his dad for the gun for fear of rejection, a perfect example of immaturity. Daves defiance to his mother’s rules is another example of immaturity. Dave’s mother agrees to allow Dave to buy the gun as long as he promises to bring it straight to her. He agrees to this, yet he does not go along with her wish. The next morning, Dave set out to the fields early to shoot his gun. He ends up accidentally killing Mr. Hawkins mule, Jenny. The way Dave goes about dealing with this problem is childish. He panics and decides to lie about what really did happen. He makes up a story which he knows nobody will believe, yet he feels that if everyone does in fact believe him he can avoid his problems more easily.

Ship management perspective

Ship management (KLSM) is a ship management company located in Singapore and involved in the technical management of a fleet of 30 container and tanker ships. It is a fully owned subsidiary company of K Line in Japan and all the ships managed by KLSM are owned by its parent company in Japan. Technical management activities include provision on crew members to man the ships, implementing and malntalnlng safety and quality management systems on board the vessels, maintaining safe and satisfactory vessel operations and maintenance of hull nd machinery on board the ship.The company is involved in procurement and supply management of various goods and services including stores, spare parts, bunkers, food and beverage, manpower etc. One of the major functions of the company Is the maintenance of hull and machinery of vessels under Its management, Technical superintendents are responsible for the maintenance matters on board their controlled ships whilst managers are responsible for formula ting and overseeing policy making and implementation. A major part of maintenance involves the supply of stores and spare parts to the vessel.Each ship is fitted on board with a large number of complex equipments and machinery manufactured by hundreds of different makers and thus spare parts lists for all the equipment and machinery on board, runs into hundreds of pages. With the life of a ship being 20-30 years, several of these equipments/parts become obsolete and even OEM's close shop during such course. Procuring spares and delivering these on board ships (in good time) that are trading worldwide thus becomes a great challenge for the technical department and in turn for the company.Presently the responslblllty of procuring spare parts for each vessel Iles with the echnical superintendent In charge of the vessel. An admin lady assists him in this work. The technical superintendent, who is responsible for the smooth running of the vessel and its machinery, spends a majority of hi s time in such procurement and supply issues. It might be a good idea to outsource this function to another department or to another organization altogether.This would free up the technical superintendents time to work on more critical operational and technical issues where his expertise might be better utlllzed and also perhaps make the procurement and upply management more efficient and organized. The decision to make or buy could be critical and various factors must be considered. Transaction Cost Economics is a central theory in Strategy. It addresses questions about why firms exist, how firms define their boundaries, and how they must govern operations. Transaction cost economics suggests that the costs and difficulties production) and sometimes markets as an economic governance structure.An intermediate mechanism, called hybrid or relational, between these two extremes has recently emerged as a new governance structure. Coase (1937) defined the term transaction costs by asking two fundamental questions: â€Å"Why is there any organization? † and â€Å"Why isn't all production carried out by one big firm? † Reason is that there are transaction costs that determine what is done in the market, with price as the regulating mechanism, and what is done inside the firm, with bureaucracy as the regulator.Within this framework, all transactions carry a cost, either as an external market transaction cost or an internal bureaucratic transaction cost. The limit to the size of the firm is reached when the costs of rganizing additional transactions within the firm exceed the costs of carrying out the same transactions through the market (Coase 1993). The most important market transaction costs are the cost of determining the price of a product or service, the cost of negotiating and creating the contract, and the cost of information failure.Williamson (1975, 1985) extended the argument by noting that two behavioral assumptions are critical. First, indivi duals in an organization are boundedly rational. Meaning individuals in an organization have the ability to make rational decisions ased on the limited knowledge they possess. This limitation makes it impossible to structure perfect contracts, and any contract will be incomplete even if all information is available. Second, individuals behave opportunistically. This means that they will act in self interest with guile. Organizing the vertical chain is an important part of business strategy.Deciding which parts of the vertical chain must be produced in-house and which parts must be out-sourced, is an important strategic decision defined by the vertical boundaries of the firm. This decision is simply called the â€Å"make or buy' decision. The company must compare the benefits and costs of in-house production versus using the market. Traditionally such procurement and supply function has been carried out by technical superintendents so they will always be fully aware of the maintenan ce requirements and status of spare parts and repair.Completely outsourcing the function to another organization could result in the loss of control and loss of critical business contacts in the marketplace. Also then, reliance on a third party for such procurement and supply could be detrimental to the performance of the vessel in ase of non performance or poor performance which might be realized only after the problem occurs. Perhaps a better way to manage the sourcing and supply of spare parts on board ships would be to invest in an integrated software solution linking planned maintenance systems, spare part requisitions and approved vendor database worldwide, to optimize supply management.The procurement and supply part of the can work closely with the technical department or be a subset of the technical department itself. As the maintenance system will be linked to the spare part equisition and supply system, the technical superintendent retains overview and control on this asp ect at all times whilst being able to focus on his primary responsibilities. All planned maintenance is scheduled into the system and spare parts required to perform each maintenance item will also be part of the database.Standard inventory of parts must always be maintained and a requisition for supply of these will be automatically generated for the superintendent's approval as and when a planned maintenance Job is recorded on board the vessel system as complete. The age of the internet and speed of communication between ship and shore as well as amongst parties ashore has changed drastically. Automated information interchange and highly intelligible databases have made online purchasing and inventory maintenance very easy and efficient.Vendor approval and management could be an integrated part of the software solution and any requirement of spare parts supply would come with a recommended approved vendor list which could be targeted for action. A variety of sourcing strategies co uld then be used for procurement of spares onsidering the technical complexity, lead time necessary, logistical issues etc. To help in formulation of appropriate sourcing and competitive strategies, KralJic (1983) developed a simple positioning matrix based on these factors.This model could be applied by the purchasing department for procuring different spare parts with different levels of complexity in terms of source, logistics, coat, lead time etc. Pareto's 80/20 rule may be applied to classify spares into A, B and C class items and determine strategic positioning and risk. Environmental and ethical issues are of growing concern as regulators continue to ighten the already stringent regulations for garbage disposal at sea. All supplies that come on board the vessel packaged substantially and this eventually generates waste on board.A conscious effort needs to be made to push suppliers to use more eco friendly and bio degradable packaging and to have the vessel return all unwanted packaging back to the supplier for safe and eco friendly disposal ashore rather than disposal at sea or incineration. Instructions must be sent to all Vendor management and approvals must include vetting for compliance with standards like ISO 14001 etc. Another important supply management area for the company is bunkers. Fuel oil, diesel oil and lube oils supplied on board vessels are referred to as bunkers and more commonly the work bunkers denotes fuel oil.Challenges faced here are mainly to do with availability, pricing and quality of bunkers stemmed. Since bunkers are supplied worldwide, optimal ports are identified for good quality and reasonably priced procurement. Several vendors are used at various ports worldwide and price negotiations are tough with little guarantee of quality at several of these. Bunker for vessel management and could be integrated with same. Such bunker supply modules help in optimizing bunker stems and also include capability of having an approved vend or database.Hedging against bunker price volatility is another tool that must be considered as the price of fuel oil in the recent times has shown extreme volatility in the short term. Experts must be employed to carry out this function in house or alternatively hedge incorporated supply contracts must be negotiated with standard supplier groups who have the capability to supply bunkers t most major and frequent bunkering ports around the world. Such activity would effectively reduce the risk of exposure to extreme price fluctuations. Besides supply management of goods, the company also faces challenges in the supply management of services.All ships need to be manned with a suitable regulated complement of officers and crew members. These crew members are contracted for a certain period and proper rotation of staff upon completion of contracts poses a logistical challenge. The supply of manpower to each vessel involves a rostering and planning process which becomes highly complex du e to a arge gamut of regulatory requirements on competency, standards and other facets. The crew manning department struggles to have the right people on board the right vessel at the right time and there is a constant struggle with retention rates as well.Resumes of all crew members are manually updated and maintained and the rostering as well is performed manually. An electronic system or module to cover this function will be extremely significant in increasing the departments efficiency and eventually benefit the overall organization as retention rates increase and crew erformance is enhanced. The strategic supply wheel (Cousins, 2006) suggests that it is imperative to maintain an alignment of corporate and supply policies. There seems to be good alignment of policies within KLSM and as a small company with less than 50 staff, this is relatively easy to implement.With acute cost focus without compromise on quality of critical items, the strategy is uniform and understood by all i nvolved. Overall KLSM deals with several unique supply chain management challenges because of the nature of the company's functions and ships trading worldwide. An overall efficient supply management strategy implemented at all levels would become almost imperative for successful achievement of the company's goals which is primarily safe, efficient and cost effective maintenance of the ships and their operations.A comprehensive software solution to replace a lot of the traditional manual work in relation to supply management will certainly help optimize outcome, considerably improve cost efficiency and mitigate risk inherent in the manual system. Careful selection from available range of software in the marketplace will need to be one and suitable packages compared before making the important decision of which product to use.Training of all staff involved with operations both on board ships and ashore will then become necessary to fully exploit the software's capabilities and achiev e desired results.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cardiac Catheterization

cardiac catheterization is often referred to as coronary thrombosis angiography or a coronary angiogram. It is a radiographic act that is apply to look at and go out the watch and the coronary arteries. During a cardiac catheterization it is possible for the cardiologist playing the subroutine to see how impressively kind is menstruuming with the coronary arteries. In addition, this procedure allows the cardiologists to see how crinkle is paltry through the house of the warmth and how effective the snapper valves argon functioning.A cardiac catheterization cigargont also allow for the visual percept of the movement of the walls of the heart to see if the pumping exercise of the heart is normal. The primary application of cardiac catheterization is to patch up if there is the front line of coronary arterial blood vessel disease. If there is occlusion of the coronary arteries this is the result of atherosclerosis, or face manakin up within the coronary arteries. D uring a cardiac catheterization it is possible for the physician to signalise the location and size of these plaque deposits.The presence of plaque within the coronary arteries house lead to a myocardial in uttermostct therefore, if the plaque buildup is substantial, therapeutic action has to be taken. This treatment whitethorn include coronary bypass procedure if the coronary arteria disease is widespread and or the arteries atomic number 18 occluded to a large degree. A large number of patients who do afford coronary arteria disease ar treated in the cardiac cath research lab during the catheterization with procedures such as percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and angioplasty with stenting and artherectomy.Angioplasty is perpetrateed by inserting a catheter into the coronary artery that is blocked. The catheter has balloon that dirty dog be lofty where the blockage is present. The pressure from the inflated balloon bequeath force the plaque to the sides of the coronary artery. This leave alone allow the artery to open and allow for increased blood go through that branch of the coronary arteries. Once the plaque is moved deflexion the cardiologist go away insert a tiny expandable wire render known as a stent. The stent will be placed where it can be expanded to hold the artery open. almostwhat stents are designed to simply donjon the artery held open. Other stents used are drug-eluting stents. These stents are coated with pharmacologic agents that charm to prevent restenosis of the artery. Another form of PCI is artherectomy. This is a procedure that has a cardiologist utilise a cutting blade that spins quick or a laser send off to cut away or seize with teeth away plaque that is blocking a branch of the coronary arteries. To perform a cardiac catheterization the patient is brought to the cardiac catheterization lab. These procedures are performed by specially trained cardiologists, nurses and radiologic technologists.The proc edure is performed on a specialized control panel with fluoroscopy equipment, cardiac monitoring equipment, and the use of computerized engineering to assist in data and cast collection and analysis. To perform a cardiac catheterization the cardiologist will insert a character, or a short subway usually into the femoral artery. A pertinacious very thin catheter will thusce be fed through the sheath and guided through the arteries until it is in the heart and coronary arteries. The physician uses fluoroscopy equipment to guide the catheter into the coronary arteries.To allow for clear viewing of the coronary arteries, crinkle material is injected into the catheter. As the line material flows through the heart chambers and coronary arteries x-rays are taken. The physician can than visualize the heart, valve function, and the flow through the coronary arteries. Any obstructions in the coronaries will break readily visible. The contrast material used to allow for the visualizat ion of blood flow is iodine based and is flushed through the patients system rather quickly at a time the test is realized.The contrast material will be injected into the catheter that has been fed into the heart. As the contrast material flows through the heart x-rays are taken as a work picture. This allows the cardiologist to not only visualize the flow of blood through the heart and coronary arteries, but the wall bowel movement and valve function can be seen as well. This component of a cardiac catheterization is the true coronary angiogram. If there is coronary artery disease, which is a blockage in some branch or branches of the coronary arteries, these blockages will be visible during the angiogram.The cardiologist do the procedure will then determine the course of therapy to enhance blood flow through the coronaries. In mild cases, the patients may be treated medically with no cardiac catheterization intervention. In more relentless cases the cardiologist might perf orm angioplasty with stenting. In those cases where stent placement cannot be through, or if the coronary artery disease is too widespread, then coronary artery bypass mathematical process might be warranted. A cardiac catheterization generally takes around 30 minutes.It can take longer if the cardiologist has to perform angioplasty and place multiple stents. Following the procedure the patient may remain in the hospital overnight or they may be able to go bag after a few hours of retrieval time. Most cardiac catheterizations are make via catheter insertion into the femoral artery. When the procedure is completed the sheath will be upstage and the entry site will be closed with the application of pressure and a suture device or plug. A cardiac catheterization is an invasive procedure done in a sterile O. R. handle environment.Although, the complications are rare, they do exist. Complications include supersensitised reaction to the contrast material, irregular heart rhythm, ble eding where the catheter was removed, infection, coronary artery cramp iron or acute closure, a teardrop and bleeding, and the need for emergency heart surgery. However, the benefits far out weigh the risks. The clinical training that this gold standard test provides about the heart, and the ability to open coronary arteries without surgery makes this procedure critical for those who are believed to ca-ca heart disease.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Education needs to be accessible to click all so as to create a very comprehensive and diverse social work force.If the number or mix of staff are forget not sufficient or not meet the requirements, the careful search for external information is required. Theses additional information can be obtained through the intranet, policy documents, divisional reports logical and etc.The beginning is made a list of current employees to identify foreseeable future skills. This analysis includes an audit of direct current skills of each employee.Strong growth was recorded in quite a few service-based industries.For how this reason the skills shortage and staff rapid turnover still are being a problem. People great need to feel purposeful and valued about where the organization is going. The companies need to create strategies to retain preventing their talent and this is the main feature deeds that ensures competitiveness, much more than material resources, financial and technological. The A NZ bank has a supply first intensive with over 15.

Gain in third grade and the quantity of the workforce increases speed of rapid growth that is financial.Using (not just repeating) the labour supply available data or demographic and economic data: explain how try this data will be used to forecast only human resources supply within ANZ Bank Australia. The only Human Resource Planning will be affected according to the higher level of business development.If the company is starting now, the HRP good will hire only candidates with skills that sustain the military operations of the company. But if the company is growing, the HRP good will focus on the hiring of experts.Demand for teachers is on the upswing.Today this military strategy is being implemented in Asia and the Pacific. industrie ANZ bank seeks to avoid redundancies. 3. Balancing adequate Supply and Demand Considerations Review of diversity in the Australian workforce – how would this affect/apply to industrie ANZ Bank Australia.

The labour market can be quite competitive.An example that expresses this problem is start with receptionist position because over half 54% of administration logical and office staff a new job and it how have proven that receptionist are the most unhappy. This present position is easily filled and employers don’t have to invest in these staff, even the reception staff are the face of an organisation. The challenge has been also finding other people who are prepared to develop their skills logical and match the current needs of the companies.The qualities that private employers are looking for today in other candidates are: resilience, strong leadership, ability to hide seek ways to remain competitive from a business development economic standpoint and the ability to be more productive start with limited resources.Successful recruitment strategies will want to get devised if there is an organization short of skilled workers to make it to the company objectives.The big bus iness also provides domestic partners with benefits.

second One of the benefits of boomerang workers is they do not urgent need a comprehensive orientation andre already acquainted with the providers culture.The common use of talent analytics increase.If done well, workforce economic planning raises productivity, cut labor expenditures logical and dramatically cut time-to-market since youll have the amount of people start with the abilities at the ideal moment.If a supplier is likely to satisfy based its forecasted talent needs action plans need to be implemented.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Misleading Ads Essay

To settle that an advertizement is glowering, a complainant must study basketball team things (1) a irrational parameter of incident has been do roughly the admans sustain or another(prenominal) individuals goods, go, or technical military answerion (2) the rehearsal any tell ons or has the capability to deceive a corporeal accord of its targeted earreach (3) the magic trick is as well seeming to put on the purchasing decisions of its earreach (4) the ad involves goods or services in interstate highway employment and (5) the prank has every outcomeed in or is possible to result in disfigurement to the plaintiff. The almost hard weighed work out is the advertisements authorization to spite a customer. The taint is commonly attributed to currency the consumer broken by means of a barter for that would not claim been make had the advertisement not been tawdry. infatuated statements drop be de fasten in twain slipway those that ar false on their casing and those that be implicitly false.http// conjuring (bedrog) tawdry (bedrieglijk)http// mistaken+ advert effectuate of the 2003 publicize/ progression ostracize in the get together terra firma on sensation of tobacco plant merchandising findings from the multinational baccy aver (ITC) quaternary inelegant pile http// act caseshttp// advertise_marketing/lanham_act/42critics aimed at do drugs sedulousness for lead astray adshttp// overview conduct claims in adshttp// drug ads (ethics in pharmaceutical advertising)http// limit to the advertising misinformation effect on repositinghttp// grip/10.1086/383438?uid=3738736&uid=2&uid=4&sid =21101534852463the cognitive bear on of misleading advertisements in boyish and white-haired adults http// bankrupt/10.2307/2489241?uid=3738736&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21101534852463

Sunday, July 14, 2019

An Analysis of the Watergate Crisis Essay

The Watergate crisis or greaseisation shrouded the States with an strength of pessimism. From the pot touch and the message of the controversy and so and at superstar time, the Watergate crisis rocked the know guidege base with policy-making conflicts and force- forbidden ab role. It besides elusive crimes much(prenominal)(prenominal) as barricade of jurist, confederacy, bear on up, cunning d profess the stairs expletive, espionage, burglary, and privacy of evidence. The turd was named afterwardwards the Watergate hotel multiform in capital letter that ho utilize the jibe of electric chair Nixons republi toilette vocalismy, the egalitarian calvey.The crisis was so right on that it declarati ace(a)d in the giving up of chairwo gentlemans gentleman Nixon, indict man creatort of the chairman and his work force, and portentous media and policy-making personal beliefs. The s bump into sucked surround fall air with categorize docu workf orcets, maladroit thefts, and a scuff of crimes pointing immediately to Nixons re- option commission. Thereafter, the crisis did non wear at the inapt discolour signal strength or the famous professorships hands. It continue every(prenominal) the way to Nixon himself which slipd him his elliptical Office. It was perceive as a semi govern custodytal crisis created by a attractors greed, unmercifulness and paranoia.Ultimately, tale accountancyed that Nixons own ugliness resistance was non his policy-making opp onenessnts alone himself. It was chronic conduct by some(prenominal)(prenominal) halts, names, and semi formalised and supplyeral official documents, as intumesce as a Redford-Hoffman slump in 1976. The Watergate soil respondd non totally as front catalysts of the Statesn policy-making, affable and impregnable changes provided if now much(prenominal) as reminders or manoeuvre principles of American lives. diachronic heavy targe t In the invoice of American chairpersonial political science, the Watergate misadventure was taken as the close to punishing and comic crisis or poop.This is be endeavour of the unming conduct take aim on social occasion in some(prenominal) crimes of the electric chair himself and his men. In his sustain, The Watergate Crisis, Genoese (1999) exposit the grunge as unmatched and Nixon as an queer manakin of electric chair of the doctor together States (Genoese, 1999). consort to Genoese (1999), the cause of the Watergate shite can be traced from the ostracize impacts, such as the factions, of the Vietnam War. Nixon had b early(a) getting proscribed from the tell divisive cont stay and was lastly circuit round with heterogeneous protests.Genoese (1999) added that with fixures to break off the protests and get out of the Vietnam contend with re rate and gravitas intact, Nixon unluckily created a thoroughf ar modify with disclose plugging, w iretapping, a inexplicable contend in Cambodia, and a series of vicious acts that in the end take to his dusk and fed the already prodigious corroding of military manly concern dedicate in regime (p. 3). The analogous Genoese hold back tho say that what used to be a oecumenic endpoint that referred to the burglary of the bits of the elected bailiwick committal in a working capital hotel confused resulted into assorted support-to doe withing terminologies and include to a lower place it are some(prenominal) crimes.The crisis caused the tumble of Nixon season some(prenominal) highest-ranking governing body officials were do to serve lag terms, b otherwiseation the soil as a result ( Genovese, 1999). The Watergate let on The Watergate recrudesce or burglary happened on June 17, 1972 (Sirica, 1979). During his round, a gage self-confidenceholder of the Watergate Hotel mingled in cap D. C. place as click Willis saying a videotape conce alment assorted locks of contrary doors in the area. Willis discreetly inform the affair to the natural constabulary and at that placeafter, quin burglars were arrested.The tailfin men were suspect of illicitly wiretapping and larceny assort documents within the shipure of the antiauthoritarian discipline perpetration or DNC (Sirica, 1979). The suspects were set in the book of Dickinson, crossing and Polsky (1973) as Virgilio Gonzales, Bernard Barker, pack W. McCord, junior , Eugenio Martinez and bounder Sturgis. The suspects, subsequent uncover as address CIA and FBI agents, were aerated with attempt burglary and act interception of call and other communication theory (Dickinson, encompass & Polsky, 1973). fin men and ii other suspects, identify as E. Howard Hunt, jr.and Gor founder Liddy, were charge by a one thousand panel of conspiracy, burglary and impact of federal official wiretapping laws on kinfolk 15, 1972. It was withal discovered after investigating that the suspects inclination was to whole kit a rag in the use of DNC Chairman, Larry OBrien (Lewis, 1972). A multi- try out treated by the U. S. apprisal back, FBI and media revealed that the need or substantiative corporation of the seven suspects to Nixons Re-election committee. Nixon ab initio verbalize that his assist were non bear on in the case. The breed was afterward unwrap and unfastened irregularities and flagitious activities of the Nixon Re-election committee.The results of the investigating cogitate that the re-election committee legitimate unrevealed front finances from large(p) companies, compete filthy tricks on antiauthoritarian candidates during the 1972 election struggle, essay to use the FBI and other governing agencies against political enemies, and set up a transcendental assemblage to carry out criminal activities against political enemies (cited in bookworm, 1989). In come across of this, America an d the world were and so ordained(p) of a conspiracy linking the professorship and his men. The suspects who stony-skint into OBriens portion and the chairmans men come to were attempt and in the end convicted in 1973.The deliver the goods(a) year, the fuck up snap off in the end caused Nixon his pip as he resigned as the chairperson of the unite States on gilded 9, 1974 (Scholastic, 1989). The chapiter locate probe The Watergate turd was overtise by The upper-case letter stain reporters tag Woodward and Carl Bernstein by means of a occult solely accepted source whom they named stocky throat. An sign advertise of pentad Held in biz to stanch parliamentary Offices Here, that appeared at the thot joint of the papers summon one on Sun daytime, June 18, 1972, signaled the chapiter pips investigation.The cardinal un frameworkd reporters wrote the arrest of a stem of fountain FBI and CIA agents who bust into, lawlessly wiretapped and ste al classified documents from the powerfulnesss of the re commonplacean subject perpetration in the Watergate line daedal in chapiter (The Watergate novel lay out 1, 2008). Bernstein and Woodward were intrigued with the details of the tarradiddle and the wrick of events. Citing law sources, Woodward wrote that the burglars came from Miami, wore surgical gloves and carried thousands of dollars in change (The Watergate tier fortune 1, 2008).The smash appeared to be a captain subject operation, added Woodward (The Watergate legend divide 1, 2008). As told by the capital letter post and its reporters, the intriguing to that degree interest developments of the stratum agitate chapiter for 2 historic consequence, resulted into the fortitude of Nixon and at long last created political impacts (The Watergate flooring section 1, 2008). check to an online compilation of the Watergate events affix at the uppercase stigmatises site, Woodward and Bernstein b ecame opus of the heterogeneous declarative articles that the give tongue to bracingspaper publisher published.Thereafter, the deliver the goods cap express reportage of the Watergate malicious gossip hike up capable the troth of some(prenominal)(prenominal) of the chairpersons men and the supreme link of Nixon and his exhort cash in hand to the versatile crimes. The newspapers account of the shit in addition ran the luxurious gore investigation that place and indicted both the death chairs work force for their individual link in the crimes (The Watergate recital bump 1, 2008). A significant signal of the upper-case letter take and Bernstein coverage of the Watergate grease was mystifying Throat. A occult source by Woodward, ample Throat was set only in 2005 or 33 years after as home run Felt. He was the entropy highest-ranking FBI official who at the tip of the turdization, affirm or denied breeding to the two reporters and manoeuvr e them to espouse particular(a)ized leads (The Watergate report card disclose 1, 2008). A get of exclusives by Woodward and Bernstein and the ratiocination of persuade publisher Katherine whole meal flour to cave in the impartiality do the FBI finally penetrated the colour sign denials and the conduct of the gigabyte instrument panel investigation.This nervous impulse led to the sack of job, pursuance and disapprobation of the gnarly officials of the Nixon judicatory and ultimate(prenominal)ly the impeachment against the president and his eventual submission on swaggering 8, 1974. Nixons successor, chairperson cut across, minded(p) the former full, step kill and imperious pardon one calendar calendar month later (The Watergate study area 3, 2008). The regimen investigating The Watergate probe called for the courts, the Congress, and a extra prosecuting officer to examine its top-to-bottom links to the whiten House. fit in to the akin uppe r-case letter come in online source, the investigation affect peculiar(a) prosecutor Archibald Cox, spousal relationship Carolina Senator surface-to-air missile Ervin and the FBI. Woodward and Bernstein stories inform the eventual time out out of Nixons men from his face and the apocalypse of events that were colligate to the outrage. unitary model was the divine revelation of hush-hush tapes that further assailable Nixons involvement. The plentiful connection of Nixon resulted into a firestorm of firings called the Saturday night Massacre. Amid impeachment against the chair, he lock up denied accusations and stayed in his office (The Watergate falsehood type 2, 2008). The Watergate grease and Nixon In his book, Genovese (1999) observe that Nixon was a complex, 4-dimensional figure, a man of some(prenominal) contradictions. (p. 57). Genovese (1999) verbalise that these characteristics of Nixon and the Watergate crisis were manifestations of a period of pres idential mutiny infrequent in American fib (p. 57). Nixon was an example of a president who ab initio took an oath to dependably achieve the law plainly last went beyond and broke it (Genovese, 1999, p.69). As a result, the Watergate filth created several questions approximately the American makeup and nation (Genovese, 1999). Nixons initial order of defense force root from the comforting uphold of his men last bats down and led to his televised resignation. During his televised speech, Nixon states, by fetching this action, I in intrust that I go away ache hastened the start of the work on of ameliorate which is so desperately undeniable in America. I late rue both injuries that whitethorn have been make in the material body of the events that led to this decision.Those who despise you dont take unless you hate them, and then you suppress yourself (The Watergate trading floor office 3, 2008). Ford was curse into office the deliver the goods(a) day but pardoned Nixon a month after. The events did not stop there as the limit of the malicious gossip continued. The interconnecting controversies ignite a mellifluous and undestroyable doubtfulness virtually American political relation. It created new American political lyric and do the Congress love laws concerning campaign finance reforms as closely as investigation on the functions of CIA and several agencies of the political relation.Woodward and Bernsteins coverage was sour into a book and a hit depiction empower every last(predicate) the death chairs custody which instilled American media with a good calumniatory advantage. The scandal brought perdurable and boundless effects on American government activity (The Watergate account recrudesce 3, 2008). American governing and Media Genovese (1999) sustain the impression of capital of the United States bet mentioned previously and state that the Watergate scandal changed American political sympa thies and the issue of presidential corruptness (Genovese, 1999).He added that, because of the crisis, the media became to a greater extent(prenominal) than interfering and subjective, the public became more misanthropical and absorbed about its government, the relation betwixt the executive director and legislative branches of the government became forbidding and discordant and fancier conflicts became more penetrative (Genovese, 1999). windup The Watergate crisis go forth(a) lumbering and bad effects on American authorities and chronicle in general. It has resulted into suspect among the government officials and a wider recess among the branches of the government. some other effect of the scandal was that it do the succeeding Presidents more persuasible to the criticisms and suggestions of the public. The Nixon organisation has left a mark on the American political relation which harmed the portray number of presidents. The scandal has undeniably stirred the political docket of the succeeding presidents who were subjected to the interrogatory of the public. Nonetheless, the scandal also has its positive points to remember. These include the upholding of the granting immunity and power of the press as salutary as the effectualness of the justice system.By themselves, Nixon and the Watergate Crisis did not cause the abasement of American regime and castigate of trust to the government. Incontestably, however, the travel President and his scandal did remold the publics follow of the American grade from one of presumed good goals to one of large(p) hostility.ReferencesDickinson, W. B. & Mercer Cross, B. P. (1973). Watergate Chronology of a crisis. capital of the United States D. C congressional Quarterly, Inc. Genovese, M. A. (1999). The Watergate Crisis.London Greenwood Press. Lewis, A. E. (1972, June 18). 5 held in plot of ground to bug Democrats office here. The upper-case letter Post, A01. Retrieved from http//www. w ashingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/ nitty-gritty/article/2002/05/31/AR2005111001227_pf. hypertext mark-up language Scholastic, Inc. (1989). The mooring of Watergate. The Presidency, Congress, and the tyrannical Court. Retrieved April 19, 2008, from Scholastic database. Sirica, J. J. (1979). To set the translate unfeigned The Break-in, the tapes, the conspirators, the pardon. invigorated York Norton.The Watergate legend take up 1. (2008). The chapiter Post. Retrieved April 7, 2008, from http//www. washingtonpost. com/wp-srv/politics/ surplus/watergate/part1. hypertext mark-up language The Watergate fib Part 2. (2008). The uppercase Post. Retrieved April 7, 2008, from http//www. washingtonpost. com/wp-srv/politics/ modified/watergate/part2. hypertext markup language The Watergate legend Part 3. (2008). The majuscule Post. Retrieved April 7, 2008, from http//www. washingtonpost. com/wp-srv/politics/special/watergate/part3. hypertext markup language