Monday, September 30, 2019

Save a Girl Child

GIRL CHILD IN TODAY’S SOCIETY The female child in India has been most vulnerable for centuries. We are committing the worst crime against humanity when we don’t even allow children to be born just because they carry the stigma of being girls . The poor infant girls have no choice because they are killed inside the womb of their mothers or killed after birth in parts of Bihar ,Tamil Nadu ,Rajasthan and other parts of India. We forget that only girls take care of their parents and their in-laws also. they are always giving a helping hand. Only girls when they get married take care of their children. They are really responsible for any duties they take on. Usually girls are the topper in board exams. Still we don’t welcome them. Then ask yourself why do we behave like this? Aiman Muskaan V-C THE GIRL CHILD â€Å"GOD COULD NOT BE EVERYWHERE, SO, HE CREATEDMOTHERS†A MOTHER IS A HIGHLY ADORABLE FORM OF GIRL CHILD. Children are the blooming buds in garden named ‘earth’ A child brings immense happiness in the family . Children are a special gift from the almighty to a family and particularly a girl child is a wonderful blessing because the birth of a girl child is a symbol of incoming prosperity . A girl child is a living deity on this earth. A girl child plays a vital role in the upliftment of society . as they usually are apostreles of care, kindness, adoration and understanding . everybody should respect – respect the girl child as she is future of nation. â€Å"Give me good mothers; I will give you good nation! † YASHICA CHUGH V-C CHANGES IN A GIRL CHILD IN TODAY’S SOCIETY Girl child is a topic of discussion today also in India. Nowadays girls have gone is a topic of discussion today also in India. Nowadays girls have gone much ahead than boys and are working in similar or better positions than boys. They have their best in every field like-wrestling, sports, and business as they too are capable and equal to boys. Example of such great women are-Indira Gandhi, Kiran Bedi, PT Usha. But even now in some places the position of a girl child remained unchanged. They are killed. On other hand some people think opposite. They educate their daughter and treat them well. Government is giving free education to girls. They are working on good posts like-IPS officer, president etc. They are good role models as housewife, mother or sister, I am proud to be a girl. UJJWAL NEGI V-C

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fusion Power, can it ever work?

The idea of the power of fusion began towards the beginning of the 20th century and research into it is continuing up until today. On earth it is modelled on the method in which stars obtain their energy, from the fusing of nuclei. As these reactions occur a little mass is lost and this is released as heat. This reaction follows Einstein's most famous formula E = MC2. As the value of mass is multiplied by the speed of light squared, a tiny change in mass results in a massive amount of energy being produced. So far the most effective methods of recreating fusion on earth have been by using large chambers surrounded by electromagnets and by heating the reaction mixture generally hydrogen Introduction We live in a society in which energy, in all its forms, is at a premium. The cost of household electricity does not only hurt your back pocket more every year, but with each kilowatt-hour that is used we are damaging the environment that until now has sustained us. In this modern world it is becoming increasingly important that we find a practical and sustainable new form of energy and soon. One possibility is that we harness the source of energy that has been powering the stars over the aeons, the energy locked away inside hydrogen atoms, the energy known as Fusion Power. Fusion often known as nuclear fusion is defined as â€Å"the union of atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus with the release of energy1†. The important part of this definition is the fact that these unions release energy. The other important facts about fusion are that it uses hydrogen, the most abundant element in our universe and produces the harmless element helium. Therefore no pollution is produced during the process of fusion. History You could say that the history of Nuclear Fusion began with the big bang as in its aftermath matter began to form clumps due to gravitational attraction forming the very first stars the matter of which then began to undergo fusion. However on earth, the history of fusion began in with a number of scientific discoveries near the beginning of the twentieth century. In these years, scientists began to learn more and more about the structure of the atom. This was also the time in which the theory of relativity and the formula E=MC2 was proposed by one Albert Einstein. These discoveries and the war with Germany lead to scientists developing the first Nuclear Fission bombs and later the Hydrogen or Nuclear Fusion bomb. With these scientists began to realise the theoretically massive amounts of energy contained within atoms and began to realise that with proper control these could be harnessed and made to deliver power that could be used to generate electricity ( a good excuse, while also p roviding a source of radioactive matter for bombing far away nations)2. Before it is possible to explain how fusion works is, it is necessary to take a closer look at the atom. The Atom and Matter Before it is possible to explain the mechanism of nuclear fusion, it is necessary to explain the background. The atom as you probably know consists of a nucleus, with a cloud of electrons surrounding it. The nucleus further consists of protons and neutrons. Matter can usually be found in three forms with which people are familiar, these being Solid, Liquid and Gas. However there is a forth form of matter, known to scientists as plasma. Plasma is formed when gases are heated to extremely high temperatures, like those found in the cores of stars. The electrons separate from the protons and neutrons in the gas atoms and the mixture of charged particles move around separately at high speeds forming the plasma. This plasma cannot be maintained by normal chemical reactions, as the amounts of energy they produce are not sufficient instead, the process of fusion occurs. Nuclear Fusion In layman's terms what occurs during fusion is that the nuclei of two hydrogen nuclei are accelerated together with sufficient speed or kinetic energy to overcome the repulsion between the positively charged particles. When the two nuclei touch, the force of gravity takes over and holds them together forming a new nucleolus containing two protons. This means that the nucleus is no longer that of hydrogen but is instead that of helium. During this process a little of the mass of the two hydrogen nuclei will be lost. The great physicist Albert Einstein was mentioned earlier in this document as was his most famous formula E = MC2. The E in this formula stands for energy, while the M stands for mass and the C stands for the speed of light or 3à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½108.This formula shows that there is a direct correlation between energy and mass. As I stated earlier during the fusion of the two hydrogen nuclei a little mass is lost, this is because it is converted into energy. As the formula, shows the amount of mass is multiplied by the speed of light squared or 9à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1016 a massive number. This means that if a tiny amount of mass is lost a massive amount of energy is released, enough to maintain the massive temperatures inside the core of stars. It is this energy that scientists are trying to bring down to earth, in the hope that this will provide a clean energy for future generations. How Fusion is carried out on Earth As you may realise heating hydrogen to temperatures equivalent to those of the core of the sun on earth is a little bit tricky. This is because there are no materials that we have capable of withstanding these temperatures and containing the plasma that would be formed. One way to do this is to surround the hydrogen or lithium hydride with fissionable material and carry out nuclear fission in order to generate heat for the nuclear fusion as is done in Hydrogen bombs. This is however unpractical for the generation of electricity as the power station and the surrounding country would probably no longer exist. So instead physicists have attempted to generate the plasma and use a strong magnetic field to hold it. The plasma itself is heated by a number of powerful lasers, which are able to heat it to near the required temperatures. To date it has however been impossible to sustain this generation of plasma and contain the heat. It has also not been possible to actually generate any energ y from the fusion of the hydrogen atoms.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Strategic Management - Essay Example m the perspective of business and management therefore lies in its insight on the value of understanding the external environment and gaining constant information about how market behaves. Only those organizations can survive which develop the ability to know about their competition and continue to learn and become knowledge base. Knowledge based organizations make it necessary for themselves to accumulate knowledge and opposite views while at the same time ensure that they continue to develop their own ability to function. (Prusak) It is therefore critical for such organizations to ensure that they adapt best practices however, also retain their original way of doing things. This also suggests that it is critical for firms to continue to develop their core competencies while at the same time continue to focus on acquiring new knowledge and ways of doing things. (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson) This quote therefore is of significant importance in terms of ensuring that the organizations don’t become complacent and continue to evolve themselves. This would require them to acquire new as well as opposing ideas while at the same time continue to retain their ability to

Friday, September 27, 2019

Personal statement for college admission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal statement for college admission - Essay Example A few years since that pivotal day, I can now proudly confess that I am part of the strongest naval force in the world. I have come to the realization that I have matured more than I could ever imagine, and that my journey has just begun. Before I decided to join the military, I was neither ready for college nor the discipline it would take to reach my professional goal of becoming a doctor. I was naive and overconfident. My lack of responsibility proved to me that in life, nothing comes easy, and I blew my chance of having an education. After four years of attending college, I was dismissed and had no one to blame other than myself. However, something in me kept telling me that I was not destined for failure. I embarked on a new road in search of whatever I was missing. I soon realized that once I set my mind to it, I would be able to find my true capabilities and myself. As I now come to the end of my military career, I am ready for a new challenge. As I considered what my next achievement would be, I realized that a long time ago when I was a young boy in high school, I had made up my mind. I knew that in order to succeed, I had to take on the toughest challenge – to succeed in the best educational environment.There was only one place I could see myself pursuing that challenge: the University of Miami. Once again, I have decided to ride on a bus towards a brighter future, but this time, I am the only passenger. I now understand that the responsibility and discipline required to be successful in anything lies in my hands. I am confident that I will always rise up to face even the toughest challenge. I proved this when I was in the Navy where I was attending college, going on deployments, which had separated me from my children. I succeeded against all odds. There are many paths to our dreams, but I failed once before. I have learned the hard way that we fall so that we may rise

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Operation manegement (term paper) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Operation manegement ( ) - Term Paper Example Though, services are not as fruitful for businesses and as fulfilling for customers as they could be. In addition, the business services encompass a design issue. Business professionals in the service region require recognizing that they are concerned in design as well as utilize service design to enhance it. Services have exclusive characteristics. They are not substantial, are not able to be owned or stored, utilization takes place instantly as productions as well as they are a difficult understandings that occur with the passage of time. As a result, designing services necessitates special concerns. Additionally, the service design is able to tackle the unique contests that the service financial system is experiencing. However, design is not simply crafting features of products any further. On the other hand, it is an area that designs difficult and interactive procedures, experiences as well as systems. Thus, it engages skills and professionals from the related areas and clients in the design procedures. It utilizes unique procedures, techniques and tools for service design (Mortiz, 2010). This paper presents a detailed analysis of some of the prime aspects of the service design. This paper presents a historical development in this area, after that it will analyze the companies that are applying the service design for its better assessment. ... le, a hotel can choose to encompass a service design agency transforms the means and its list of options is defined, or modify the outline of the hotel to develop customer's experience. Additionally, the customers are able to involve paying clients, however as well are able to be inside a business, on stipulation that they are the direct beneficiaries of a service. For instance a business establishes a novel payroll interface intended for its employees - so the workers are able to efficiently handle and manage 'customers' as well as payroll interface. However, to carry out this activity, service design methodologies are employed to prepare and systematize arrangement, people, and communication and material mechanism employed in a service. On the other hand, the rising significance and size of the service sector, together in terms of people engaged and financial significance necessitates services to be precisely planned sequentially for service suppliers to hang about competitive as w ell as to persist to attract diverse clients (Saco & Goncalves, 2008), (Tatum, 2010), (Shostack, 1982), (Shostack G. L., 1984) and (Mortiz, 2010). Historical Development In our daily activities we are surrounded by services. There are services those have been for us for centuries and the ancient Romans and Greek had servants and even before them those services were offered and as well paid for. Yet, we are responsive that a number of things have altered radically in the previous 25 years. In the 19th century the large industrial units, new discoveries and techniques pushed a collection of less costly commodities in the marketplace. The business revolution shaped an ocean of less costly as well as enhanced products in developed nations. Nowadays, the industrial revolution has changed society

The process of flagging Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The process of flagging - Term Paper Example Flagging is a provision that is essentially allowed at the request of the student; as such the student must request for such a provision in writing to the examinations body . This request often has the reason for which they are requesting special consideration with the nature of special consideration that they are requesting from the examining body. This request must be accompanied by a physical disability evaluation report that is completed and duly signed by a qualified evaluator . It is common that special consideration be provided for those with various disabilities and the nature of consideration often includes extra time for the completion of their examination. The Law School Admissions Council will then notify the expected recipients of the student's scores of the nature of special consideration that the student has requested for and whether it has been granted or not. However, test scores of undergraduate prospective students are no longer flagged for the SAT and Advanced pla cement programs among others .This information is often sent as a confidential report to the test score recipient meant to ensure privacy. The information in such reports not only details that extra time was provided for the student to complete the test but also includes warnings that the results obtained by the student should be treated with great sensitivity and flexibility . These reports also go further to disclose the nature of disability of the student thus providing confidential information about the student.... Such special considerations are presented in light of extra time that is provided to these students with disabilities that allow them to finish the test exam. The process of allocating a student extra time is often not considered a standardized testing condition necessitating the need for test administrators to inform the test recipients of the testing conditions. This is because scores that are obtained as a result of non-standardized testing conditions cannot be compared to the scores that are obtained by other students under standardized testing conditions4. It has been the subject of extensive research methodologies that have revealed that results obtained on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) from nonstandard testing conditions cannot be compared to those obtained from standardized testing conditions. The extra testing time has been realized to provide scores that tend to over-predict how the examined students will perform in their first year of law school5. They obtain resul ts that are too high for the examined course when they are likely to achieve dismal performance in their first year of law school because they may be unable or unwilling to use such non standardized testing conditions6. This is especially the case of students with cognitive disabilities who out of fear of stigmatization by fellow mates will opt not to request for accommodation7. But students with physical disability will have no option but to request accommodation as is the case with amputees who may require assistance with filling out their answers. This concept has often been the center of research that has sought to establish why students do not perform as well when they enter their first year of law school. It is because of such reasons that the Law School Admissions Council

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critically discuss whether birth control is good or bad Essay

Critically discuss whether birth control is good or bad - Essay Example The figure below indicates the projected growth rate for the global population. These growth rates have prompted government officials to consider the importance of birth control measures. For many countries, these control measures have already been put in place. The controversy with these measures relate to political, social, and economic considerations for various countries (Worldometers, 2012). This paper will now consider the controversy using various perspectives, including scientific analysis to determine whether or not birth control is good or bad. This paper is being undertaken in order to establish a basis for making decisions on the issue, for policy-makers and for the citizens of the world. Body In general, birth control or contraception is a means of preventing or avoiding pregnancy via artificial methods including the use of condoms and birth control pills or through the use of natural methods like abstinence (Crossway, 2012). The more common and more effective methods in clude: condoms, diaphragm, pills, chemical patches, intrauterine devices, surgical sterilization, and in some extreme cases, surgical abortion. Traditionally, most Christian religions have condemned artificial contraception because they believe that it is against the will of God and that it has potentially moral implications on the unborn foetus (Crossway, 2012). In later years, many of these religions have shifted in their position, accepting some artificial means of contraception as essential methods needed in population control (Crossway, 2012). To date, the Roman Catholic Church still condemns the artificial methods of contraception because they believe that these methods bring harm to the female body and that these methods are tantamount to the killing of an unborn child. Deciding whether or not birth control is good or bad is based on various considerations, mostly in relation to the actual effect of contraception on the body as well as its social and political implications. F irst and foremost, the natural methods of contraception are relatively good, mostly because they work well in preventing pregnancies and they do not impact negatively on the female body (Crossway, 2012). They are also reversible, free, and safe methods of contraception. These methods also do not require surgery, chemicals or other drugs. They can also be used with other methods of contraception. The issue of planning and discipline are the most important hurdles which couples often face with this method because they may not always be disciplined in avoiding intercourse during fertile periods; moreover, their plans in avoiding pregnancy may be subject to human error (Borgman, 2005). Nevertheless, despite these issues, natural forms of birth control are relatively beneficial for couples. Artificial birth control methods however are more controversial because of their moral and medical implications (Borgman, 2005). In general, these forms of contraception are very much effective in pre venting pregnancies; and in the end, they help accomplish the primary goal of controlling the population. One of these artificial methods of contraception is the hormone-based birth control. This hormone-based birth control can cause side-effects on the woman, including headache and nausea (Borgman, 2005). However, for some women, switching brands of birth control can help relieve

Monday, September 23, 2019

Performing and Visual Arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Performing and Visual Arts - Essay Example There are different kinds of music such as the rich music, dark; in fact, the form of the music is determined by the musician in terms of the sounds. On the other hand, during the Baroque period there was a culmination of the masterworks from composers like J.S Bach and G.F Handel. There was a development of new styles of music during the mid-eighteenth century, which was facilitated by Bach and Handel. Some of the developed musical styles were like the Rococo and pre-classical styles. During the Classic to Romantic, there was a discernment of these musical styles by composers such as Beethoven with symphonies, pianos and string quarters (Zuhur, 1988). As a creator of visual and performance art, one uses numerous elements to depict their thoughts through music or painting. For example, there are two-dimensional objects established in painting or three-dimensional objects, where the artist employs different elements. Moreover, from one point to the other is delineated by the elements in painting through the primary elements (Buck & Schoenberg, 2008). On the other hand, as a performer, one has a role of presenting their acts to the audience, and this can be scripted or unscripted, or it is random or orchestrated. It can also be planned or spontaneous and in some cases, the audiences are present or absent. Finally, the experience of an audience relates to the welcoming the performers, and there are instances where get involved actively in the performance and sometimes they are not witty. The value of  visual and performing art relates to the knowledge and meaning that is offered which cannot be gathered from other sources and subjects. Moreover, the visual and performance art applies a perspective, which is based on judgment, invention, imagination (Reed, 2009). In fact, the integration of visual and performing art in education offers a chance for envisioning the set

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Critically analyze the major HRM systems of HP Essay

Critically analyze the major HRM systems of HP - Essay Example HP, is used strategically to shape and reinforce a certain type of culture by reinforcing certain ideas, norms, and behavior and by discouraging others. Strong values are passed down by the management and then reinforced by procedures and rituals that emphasize and reward desired behaviors in tandem with a cultural network that is consisted of a system of communication that is used as a tool to disseminate values and create corporate heroes. (Barry 2000, p. 107) This paper will explore the processes involved behind the HP HRM strategy, particularly the organizations rigorous selection and recruitment methods and the emphasis on employee training, compensation and performance evaluation. It is important to underscore that HP, along with IBM, initiated the antecedents of HRM in its studies of non-unionized employee management. For HP, HRM has always been associated with the kind of people management that placed a great deal of emphasis on gaining the commitment of individual employees to organizational goals. Confidence in and respect for our people as opposed to depending upon extensive rules, procedures and so on; which depends upon people to do their job right (individual freedom) without constant directives. (Gratton 1999, p. 109) One needs to remember that HP is now known worldwide as a company that continually creates innovative products and processes. That is why HP wants to recruit not just the best people but those skilled and committed to work in an entrepreneurial team-based environment that breeds innovation. According to Dexter Dunphy (2002), the core approach that drives HP’s way in developing its human capital lie in the following strategies: The above-mentioned strategies supposedly make it possible for HP to be able to quickly respond to the requirements of the market and the customers’ expectations. Such strategies are anchored on the development of enabling departmental structures like the utilization of smaller departments and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

War in Iraq and the US Economic Growth- History of the war in Iraq Essay Example for Free

War in Iraq and the US Economic Growth- History of the war in Iraq Essay Iraq was also known as occupation of Iraq began in 2003 march 20th led by United States. The president of US then George W. Bush, the Prime minister of United Kingdom by then Tony Blair, Prime minister of Spain by then Jose Maria Aznar, and domestic foreign supporters accused Iraq of possession of weapons of mass destruction, which was against the 1991 agreement to unconditionally give them up. This triggered one of the most historically long wars since the Vietnam War. It’s estimated that the war has caused as many deaths and resources as the Vietnam War. (BBC news 26 Nov 2007). The war is still on but key figures in the war have already been eliminated. Among them are sadaam Hussein and his sons. Impact of the War on US Economy As Wall Street reports the most recent advances of the battle, in Iraq, Economist are on the other hand worried that the war might be affecting employment, consumer confidence, and a service industry show down. According the government realized labor figures on April 4 statistics showed that economy had lost 108,000 jobs in March, more than the expected number which was 36,000. More so, the unemployment rate was steady at 5. 8% following discouragement of more people (hopes for quick war April 2003). The increase in unemployment not only affects the individuals but also the economy at large since the government invests a lot on charity in order to take care of citizens who cannot afford basic needs In addition, the crime rates are increasing at a faster rate. As manufacturers on the other hand lay off workers, there is a fall in the institute for supply management’s index for non manufacturing businesses in the service industry. This industry indicates 85% of US economic activities. Thus a fall basically means that a big percentage of economic activities are reducing. Consumer confidence has also been greatly reduced. According to study from university of Michigan consumer confidence was lowest in 9 years. With consumers hope gone people tend to do minimal buying especially of high worth assets. This brings about less money in supply and hence a slow movement of economic progress due to minimal economic activities. Economic growth has slowed in the US. This is due to the softness of the economy. Long term goals of the government to attack Iraq remain unclear. This is slowing the US economy because a large portion of money has already been injected in the war, placing other government plans to broaden the economy at a stand still. Little or no help is likely to be coming from other nations to rebuild Iraq. The Bush Administration alienated so many of its European allies with its unilateral action; it also put European bidders so far from USA government contracts for reconstruction projects. This means the only people who might benefit from such contracts are the Americans. Britons can not hence fund the Americans to do what will only benefit Americans. Financial markets are taking a dark view due to the engagement of the government in war that has brought a budget deficit. This is leaving the state money in circulation less than normal. As a result the prospective investors in stock Market cannot access enough liquidity to invest. With a country’s stock index going town, economic growth is mostly low due to the fact that many economies growth is determined partly by economic activities and financial performance. The war in Iraq might be of negative impact too. Now that uncertainties from war in Iraq have not ended and souring oil prices are trying though not yet the uncertainties might not be eliminated in a short time and the war might not be economic benefit to US. With the US government suffering a budget deficit, it might be difficult for the economy to move forward. Analyst approximated $100 billion, to rebuild and secure Iraq. Such and expenditure added to the already existing deficit will not only slow the entire economic growth of American but also drag it behind. Since the start of the Iraq war, the price of oil shot up from $37 a barrel to over 90$ a barrel. Consistent disruptions from the war have affected oil prices; however one cannot argue that the Iraq war is wholly responsible for the rise in the oil prices. Oil prices have brought negative financial status in the US by transferring approximately $124 billion from US to other oil producing companies in different counties between 2003 and 2008. (Jeannine Averssa Economics writer Tue. Nov. 13) High oil price can slow economic growth of a particular country especially by slowing the spending and rate of investment by consumers and business. This is through limiting the circulation of money. When people reduce the spending power, financial institutions like banks don’t get to lend more hence the bank loans, sale of government securities and activities economic development automatically slows down. Interest changed on money borrowed to by the US Government according report had over $850 billions. Recently the debts interests hit $9 trillion. With an economy’s money being moved out at such rates economic growth of any particular economy has to be slowed (Associated press 2007) U. S decided that it will keep its short term interests rates unchanged. The US federal reserve (Fed) said in a statement that the hesitancy of the US economic expansion appears to owe importantly to oil price premiums and other aspects of geographical uncertainties. † The fed has stressed that policy makers couldn’t assess the risks of future US economy given all the uncertainties over the Iraq situation. (Xinhua News Agency march 22, 2003). This is a dangerous report for any particular economy since the central government is responsible for giving confidential report concerning the governments’ position economically. This means the fed is genuinely foreseeing a dark if not unpredictable future. The Iraq war has also created division among US residents and between bush administrations and opposition leaders. This is being reflected on the economic growth of the country. Currently the US is divided between those who feel that the Bush administration is right, and those that totally oppose it, especially those parents whose sons died in Iraq war and those whose sons are still in Iraq. As a result of the division team spirit has been lost for the country. This is affecting the nation economically since productivity rate is low. However, Bush administration, is trying out economic recovery strategies; like conducting a highly responsible fiscal policy, like taxing the richest individuals heavily. However, economists urge that tax cuts are for more political than they are simulative. Effects in Our Economy today â€Å"People pointed out how war against Iraq may not be compensated for soon enough by other oil producing countries. This is because most members of organization of petroleum exporting countries do not have much additional production capacity. The decline in world prices for oil may not go down as people expect. † (JEANNINE 2000) The Iraq war has hence led to our economy being affected by the oil prices moving up. The hiking of oil prices, in the global economy has resulted to high commodity prices all over the world Economists will urge that many commodities that incur transportation cost in order to be sold, will raise price with a rise in oil prices. This shifts the entire living standards high without increasing the income of individuals. The war in Iraq has hence worsened humanity’s standards of living globally. War in Iraq has also reduced the funding of 3rd world countries by developed countries. Countries that received aid from US for instance have had their economies run bankrupt since the US is facing a deficit budget also. This calls for other stable economies like Japan to cost share by lending to poor countries. the intervention of these other countries brings about extra cost on their side and thus what could have been done say by Japan cannot be done simply because it used the cash to help. This is lowering the chances for innovation by technologically improved countries like Japan and generally lowering the standards of living instead of improving them. Total global energy supplies are declining yet the worlds economy cannot grow beyond its energy budget. The Iraq war has affected this negatively since the world’s civilization will decline with its energy budget. This will happen has the American President instructs his citizens to hold on. If this happens oil will be available still as it will remain in the ground. But then it will be useless as the cost of extracting it will move than the cost selling the oil itself. Conclusion Many theories and suggestions have been advanced regarding the impact of Iraq war and magnitude. Considering the many articles written different opinions aired via media and internet, yes their might be an advantage of the Iraq war to our general economy or the US economy to be more specific, but so far the war seems to have been more of a disaster than problem solving decision. Works cited JEANNINE AVERSA Cost of Iraq war could surpass $1 trillion .Report Puts Hidden war Costs at $1. 6T, AP Economics Writer Tue Nov 13, 6:21 PM ET Global Interdependence: The war in Iraq and the u. s Economy Markets buoyed by hopes for quick war,, but long term outlook is dim. Date Posted on Global Envision: April 16, 2003 Martin Wok. Chief economics correspondent. MSNBC. Updated 4:25 p. m. PT, Fri. , March. 17, 2006 I. f stone . An institute for the rest of us. Institute for policy studies. 1963 Dean Baker. The economic impact of Iraq war and higher military spending. Center for economic and policy research Washington . 2000

Friday, September 20, 2019

Musical Psychotherapy: History, Effects, and Applications

Musical Psychotherapy: History, Effects, and Applications Samah El Saadi Abstract We all enjoy music as a form of art but we rarely take into consideration the effect of the music that we listen to. Music therapy is using music in a therapeutic manner in order to recover or stabilize a mental, physical or psychological state. This review will introduce music therapy and trace its origins back in history, and then it will give an insight on music related neurosciences explaining what parts of the brain and neurotransmitters are involved. Music can affect us on many different levels; however, this review will focus on the ability of music to aid in psychotherapy. It is important to highlight that the potential power within music can be either constructive or destructive depending on the choice of music. Musical Psychotherapy What is music therapy and what are the origins? Everyone sees music as a form of art that they enjoy playing or dancing on its rhythms as they tend to develop a preference to certain type of rhythms. However, seldom do people think of the impact of music on their health although through their experiences with music they would know that their favorite type of music can make them feel relaxed, happy or even anxious. But have you ever considered music as a form of therapy? Research showed that music does have an effect on our health and it can be either positive or negative depending on the music, yet these effects are mediated through psychology and neurosciences (News in Health [NIH], 2010). Music therapy is applying music as a tool in order to improve, stabilize or restore an emotional, mental, or physical health. It is conducted by accredited music therapists who are able to skillfully use music and music elements in assessing patients, developing treatment plans, evaluating progresses and contribute in research (Music Therapy Association [MTAO], 2010). Music therapists plan music sessions for individuals or groups and may use active or passive approaches in the therapy depending on the patients’ need. The therapy may include listening to music, making music, talking about the lyrics or even writing songs, but definitely it is not restricted to people with musical abilities. Since music is accessible everywhere, music therapy is not limited to a place and sessions can be arranged at homes, hospitals, hospices, care centers or any calm place people may prefer (American Cancer Society [ACS], 2008). The nonverbal emotional entity of music makes it a universal langu age that can ease the self-expression, personal development and social interactions which would aid in psychotherapy. Music can always have a positive impact on people whether they are ill, disabled or perfectly healthy (MTAO, 2010). The principle of therapeutic use of music is not new, ancient cultures were aware of music power which for some was part of their traditional healing practices such as the case of Native Americans (ACS, 2008). The musical power of healing was marked in different ethnic ancient inscriptions like that of Rome, India, China and Egypt (Music as Medicine, 2014), as it was mentioned in the writings of Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, Pythagoras and Plato (ACS, 2008). However the modern music therapy dates back to World War II when music was used to help in the treatment of soldiers who were suffering from shell shock, and it was in 1944 when Michigan State University initiated the first degree program in music therapy (ACS, 2008). Music related neurosciences For many years research was ongoing to understand the means of action of music and why it does have this strong impact on our lives. Since the impact is mediated neurologically, scientists intensively investigated the brain regions and with the help of the emerging imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) they noticed that it activates unexpected regions involved in emotions and memory, in addition to the brain’s motor regions that are responsible for coordinating physical movements. The neuroscientist Dr. Petr Janata in his recent studies proved that the area of the brain serving as a central hub between music, emotions and memories is the medial prefrontal cortex. In an attempt to understand the medial prefrontal cortex activity, young adults were subjected to extracts of childhood songs while being monitored with fMRI and it was noticed that the activity was optimal when they heard a familiar song that call to mind an emotion or memory (NIH, 2 010). Dr. Janata stated that in Alzheimer patients the medial prefrontal cortex is one of the last brain regions to deteriorate, hence this explains why patients with Alzheimer may recall childhood tunes whereas other memories are lost. In further investigation on the medial prefrontal cortex activity, Dr. Allen Braun and Dr. Charles Limb monitored via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner the medial prefrontal cortex in a jazz musician as he played his music. The doctors noticed that the region was not active when the musician played a memorized tune; however, it became active when the musician was improvising concluding that the medial prefrontal cortex also has a role in the creative expression of music (NIH, 2010). Going deeper into the music impact on the neurological level, an experiment was done to check the neurotransmitters involved and the time of their release. Via the ligand-based positron emission tomography (PET) scientists discovered that music triggers dopamine release in both the dorsal and ventral striatum. Nevertheless, this discovery was not surprising since dopamine is known to be responsible for the pleasure sensation whether due to sex, drugs or just music. But the more interesting discovery was the monitoring of the increase in dopaminergic voxels in the right nucleus accumbens (NAcc) preceding a favorite part and peaking when the favorite part was reached. The phase of increased dopaminergic voxels prior to the favorite part was termed Anticipatory phase, as depicted in the figure 1, and it prepares us for the subsequent musical part that we love and will cause the dopamine peek giving us the pleasure sensation (Salimpoor et al, 2011). To have a better understanding, scientists took a closer look on the music itself. Early theories about music argued that we get affected by music through the connotative meanings and mental images that it reflects; however, according to the musicologist Leonard Meyer it is the ambiguity and not knowing what the next note will be is what keeps us waiting in excitement. Repetitive expected patterns in music is boring and can be annoying like an alarm clock, hence it is the unpredictable patterns that give us the chills. Meyer stated that the uncertainty is what triggers the release of dopamine as we try to figure out what the next note is. We may be able to predict some of the notes but not all of them and that is what cause our brains to plead for those notes that will unleash the uncertainty and completes the pattern, yet these notes are usually spared till the end to keep us listening (WIRED, 2011). Music therapy in clinical trials Now that we had an insight on the neuroscience that relies behind the effects of music, we should note that music has effects on both physical level and psychological level. Some of the physical effects are enhancing immunity, decreasing anxiety, and altering the blood pressure and heart rate (NIH, 2010), whereas at the psychological level music has the power to alter our mood and aid in psychotherapy. In this review we will be focusing on the psychological effects and its role in psychotherapy. Several clinical trials have been conducted in order to ensure the effectiveness of music therapy. In a clinical trial 46 patients diagnosed with depression were randomly separated into two groups. Group 1 was subjected to the standard care that includes antidepressant medication, psychotherapy and psychiatric counseling, whereas group 2 underwent 60 min music therapy sessions in addition to the standard care. The patients were assessed after 3 months and results showed that people who received music-therapy had less depressive symptoms from those who didn’t. Professor Christian Gold, one of the two study leaders, said: Music therapy has specific qualities that allow people to express themselves and interact in a non-verbal way even in situations when they cannot find the words to describe their inner experiences.† (Erkkilà ¤ et al, 2011). Another similar clinical trial that was done on 79 patients with low- and medium-grade depression revealed results that reinforces the ones that were retrieved by the first clinical trial mentioned here (Castillo-Perez et al, 2010). In a clinical trial on 80 schizophrenic patients, 42 patient where assigned to do music therapy for 60 minutes twice a week while 38 other patients were assigned to undergo standard care. After 3-month follow-up the results indicated improvement in the depression status and psychiatric symptoms of the patients (Lu et al, 2013). It is important to note that there is dose-effect relationship in music therapy by which more recurrent sessions would result in more considerable improvements (Gold et al, 2009). Can music be destructive? The power of music is just like any other power that can be either constructive or destructive depending on the usage. Nice music can lift you up and motivate you, but on the contrary sad or violent music can be destructive. In a study published in 2003 by the American Psychological Association (APA), researchers from Iowa State University examined the effect of violent lyrics by which they made students listen to seven violent songs and 8 nonviolent songs being sung by the same artist and using the same musical style in order to control the other factors, and then they were assessed for their aggressive thoughts and feelings through psychological tasks. The results showed an increase in the aggressive interpretations where Dr. Anderson, a lead researcher, stated that violent and aggressive music makes people biased toward aggressive interpretations, and this form of interpretations will eventually manifest in aggressive verbal and physical expressions and antisocialism (APA, 2003). What complicate things more is the fact that classification of music as beneficial or destructive can be subjective. In an investigative study 80 people were played the same songs but prior that some of them were told that the music is suicide-inducing and others were told the music is life-affirming. The study shows that depending on the prior labeling of the music the same songs were perceived by listeners as either suicide-inducing or life-affirming, thus it is the censorship and prior labeling that might give songs their harmful effects on listeners (North Hargreaves, 2005). As some people argued by saying that negative music gives them sensation of relief due to knowing that someone else felt in a particular way but was able to recover and be creative enough to express their emotions in such a way, hence for them it is perceived as a form of hope if they were in a similar situation (Baker Brown, 2014). Music therapy today and its other potential powers Nowadays degrees in music therapy are becoming more available worldwide as people are becoming more aware of the therapeutic role of music whether it is physical, mental or psychological. There are a lot more potential powers in music yet to be discovered such as its role when played in businesses and retails stores and how it can affect the customers’ behavior (Yalch, 1993), its effect on fetuses by which some claim that the choice of music of the pregnant women will affect their children later on (Kisilevsky et al, 2004), and how effectively does music help hospitalized patients in recoveries and in lessening their pain (ACS, 2008). Music is an entertaining form of art that is easily accessible to everyone and flexible enough to satisfy different tastes; these characteristics makes music a potential power that if people knew how to utilize it correctly, they would be seeking a better state of a harmonic life. References American Cancer Society. (2008). Music Therapy. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from American Psychological Association [APA]. (2003). Violent music lyrics increase aggressive thoughts and feelings, according to new study; Even humorous violent songs increase hostile feelings. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from Baker C. Brown B. (2014). Suicide, Self-Harm and Survival Strategies in Contemporary Heavy Metal Music: A Cultural and Literary Analysis. J Med Humanit. PMID: 24682627. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from Castillo-Perez S., Gomez-Perez V., Velasco M.C., Perez-Campos E. Mayoral M. (2010). Effects of music therapy on depression compared with psychotherapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, volume 37(5), pp.381-390. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from Erkkilà ¤ J., Punkanen M., Phil L., Fachner J., Ala-Ruona E., Pà ¶ntià ¶ I., Tervaniemi M., Vanhala M. Gold C. (2010). Individual music therapy for depression: randomized controlled trail. The British Journal of Psychiatry. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from Gold C., Solli H.P., Krà ¼ger V. Lie S.A. (2009). Dose-response relationship in music therapy for people with serious mental disorders: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, volume 29(3), pp.193-207. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from Kisilevsky S., Hains S.M., Jacquet A.Y., Grranier-Deferre C., Lecanuet J.P. (2004). Maturation of fetal responses to music. Dev Sci,volume 7(5):550-9. PMID: 15603288. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from Lu S.F., Lo C.H., Sung H.C., Hsieh T.C., Yu S.C., Chang S.C. (2013). Effects of group music intervention on psychiatric symptoms and depression in patients with schizophrenia. Complement Ther Med, volume 21(6):682-8. PMID: 24280478. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from Music as Medicine. (2014). History of Music Therapy. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from Music Therapy Association of Ontario [MTAO]. (2010). Music Therapy Definition. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from News in Health [NIH]. (2010). Music Matters for Body and Mind. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from North A.C. Hargreaves D.J. (2005). Brief report: Labelling effects on the perceived deleterious consequences of pop music listening. J Adolesc, volume 28(3):433-40. PMID: 15925693. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from Salimpoor V.N., Benovoy M., Larcher K., Dagher A. Zatorre R. J. (2011). Anatomically distinct dopamine release during anticipation and experience of peak emotion to music. Nature neurosciences, volume 14(2), pp.121-269. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from WIRED. (2011). The Neurosciences Of Music. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from Yalch R.F. (1993) Using Store Music For Retail Zoning: a Field Experiment. Advances in Consumer Research, volume 20, pp.632-636. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Type 2 Diabetes Essay examples -- essays research papers

Type II Diabetes Mellitus: An Emerging Epidemic   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by inadequate insulin secretion by the pancreas or cellular destruction leading to an insulin deficiency. Depending on the cause of the insulin shortage, diabetes can be subcategorized into type I and type II. Type I diabetes (T1DM) is usually mediated by the destruction of b-cells in the pancreas resulting in decreased insulin production and secretion. Type II diabetes (T2DM) is the failure of these b-cells to secrete adequate amounts of insulin to compensate for insulin resistance and increased gluconeogenesis combined with an overall resistance to the insulin action (8., 1997). T2DM accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all diabetes cases.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While T2DM is traditionally viewed as an adult disease, its prevalence among children and adolescents is becoming a major medical crisis, particularly targeting minorities and those genetically prone, and resulting from the rising obesity rates, sedentary lifestyles, and dietary indiscretions. The disease is more commonly found in minorities, predominantly African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Native Americans. Studies of African American children have shown that compared to Caucasian children they have higher rates of insulinemia, increased b-cell activity, reduced insulin clearance, lower insulin sensitivity, and higher obesity risks (Arslanian, 2002). Although it is unclear if these factors are due to racial intrinsic differences, lifestyle, genetics, or other biological factors, these issues could easily explain the higher prevalence of T2DM among minorities. It is most accepted that a combination of these factors is the primary cause for the relationship between race and diabetes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some of the symptoms associated with type II diabetes include polyuria, polyphagia, and polydipsia. At diagnosis, 33 percent of patients have ketonuria, and 5 to 25 percent have ketoacidosis, both of which can be tested for by simple urinalysis (American Diabetes Assoc. 2000). Most patients of T2DM are obese with little to no weight loss, which allows doctors to distinguish them from type I diabetics. The total lack of insulin among type I diabetics, or insulin dependent diabetics, will result in problems in the storage of fat and mu... ....  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  American Diabetes Association. 2000. Diabetes Care, Volume 23. No. 3: p.381-389. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Arslanian, S. 2002. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 15: p.509-517. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nesmith, D. 2001. Pediatrics in Review, Volume 22. No. 5: p.147-152 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Novitt-Moreno, A. 1996. Current Health, Volume 2: p.30-31. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rendell, M. and W. Kirchain. 2000. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Volume 3: p.878-895. 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sadovsky, R. 2003. American Family Physician, Volume 67: p181-182. 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. 1997. Diabetes Care, Volume 20. No. 7: p.1183-1197.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Daily Collegian of University Park :: Persuasive Presidential Political Politics Essays

The Daily Collegian of University Park Dear students, professors, and residents of the State College area, The 2004 presidential election is right around the corner, only several days away. This election is one of the closest races in American history. It is very hard to tell which candidate is going to win the election. Of the two presidential election candidates, John Kerry of the Democratic Party and George Bush of the Republican Party, they have totally different styles and policies. Their policies will significantly affect our future in various aspects. I will analyze each candidate and evaluate their political opinions on different issues so that everyone will have a better understanding of the two candidates. This is the election you want to participate, since your future will depend on the two candidates. Job opportunities, incomes, taxes, foreign relationships, government spending, and education will be at stake. This editorial will provide insights and information that will help voters to cast their important votes that may alter the result of this election. Let us look at John Kerry’s plan for recovering the poor American economy. John Kerry has a detailed plan for helping America to create jobs instead of enduring the high unemployment rate during the office of George W. Bush as the 43rd president of the United States. When students graduate from college, the first thing they want is job security and income. They would preferably want jobs with good wages. John Kerry will create good-paying jobs in America. According to John Kerry’s campaign website, he will end tax breaks to the companies that create jobs overseas. John Kerry will create a New Job Tax Credit to encourage firms to hire the US local citizens. Also, he will increase the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.00 by 2007. With an increase of the minimum wage, the average wage is likely to go up. This will ensure that people can still make a living from working full-time in those minimum-paying jobs. His plan will reverse the current trend of job losses overseas and bring job opportunities back to America. Employment and wag es will increase under John Kerry's plan for economic recovery. In the area of education, John Kerry's plan will improve school quality and allow students to obtain higher education. He will offer schools the resources and reforms they need to give everyone, regardless of one's income, race, or family background, a great education.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Merchant of Venice Overview :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays

In The Merchant of Venice, Antonio is the merchant, and complains to his friends about how depressed he is and he cannot explain why. His friend Bassanio is in desperate need of money to court Portia, wealthy women of Belmont, so Bassanio asks Antonio for a loan. However, Antonio cannot give Bassanio the loan because he has just invested all of his money into a number of ships that are still at sea. Antonio advises Bassanio to go and meet with Shylock, a Jew who is a moneylender. Bassanio takes Antonio’s advice and the both of them go to meet with him. When Bassanio and Antonio meet with Shylock, Shylock has nothing but a long-term grudge against Antonio, who had made a habit of talking about him and the way he ran his business. But, Shylock decides to give Bassanio three thousand ducats with an exception that should the loan go unpaid, he will be entitled to a pound of Antonio’s flesh. Antonio agrees, and Shylock gives Bassanio the loan. Back at Shylock’s home Launcelot; Shylock’s servant, decides to leave him and work for Bassanio. While all of this is going on, Jessica Shylock’s daughter elopes with Antonio’s friend Lorenzo. In Belmont, Portia is upset over her father’s wish, which stipulates that she must marry the man who correctly chooses one of the three caskets. Bassanio and his friend go to to court Portia. Bassanio and Portia declare there love for one another and Portia takes Bassanio to pick out the casket. Bassanio chooses the correct casket and Portia’s father accepts him into the family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, not everyone is happy because Antonio finds out that he has lost his ships, and that he has to forfeit his bond to Shylock. When Bassanio and his friend find out that Antonio is in trouble they go to try and save Antonio’s life. Portia and Nerissa are with the two men when they here the news and follow them to Vencie. Shylock and Antonio are side by side when Antonio pleads for his life. Shylock pays no attention to him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They all then go to trial where the Duke of Venice rules and announces that he has sent for a legal expert, who is Portia. Portia asks Shylock to be considerate of Antonio’s harm, but Shylock insists that he give him a pound of flesh. At the same time Bassanio tells Shylock that he will give him twice the amount of money due to him, but Shylock still insists on getting the pound of flesh. Merchant of Venice Overview :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays In The Merchant of Venice, Antonio is the merchant, and complains to his friends about how depressed he is and he cannot explain why. His friend Bassanio is in desperate need of money to court Portia, wealthy women of Belmont, so Bassanio asks Antonio for a loan. However, Antonio cannot give Bassanio the loan because he has just invested all of his money into a number of ships that are still at sea. Antonio advises Bassanio to go and meet with Shylock, a Jew who is a moneylender. Bassanio takes Antonio’s advice and the both of them go to meet with him. When Bassanio and Antonio meet with Shylock, Shylock has nothing but a long-term grudge against Antonio, who had made a habit of talking about him and the way he ran his business. But, Shylock decides to give Bassanio three thousand ducats with an exception that should the loan go unpaid, he will be entitled to a pound of Antonio’s flesh. Antonio agrees, and Shylock gives Bassanio the loan. Back at Shylock’s home Launcelot; Shylock’s servant, decides to leave him and work for Bassanio. While all of this is going on, Jessica Shylock’s daughter elopes with Antonio’s friend Lorenzo. In Belmont, Portia is upset over her father’s wish, which stipulates that she must marry the man who correctly chooses one of the three caskets. Bassanio and his friend go to to court Portia. Bassanio and Portia declare there love for one another and Portia takes Bassanio to pick out the casket. Bassanio chooses the correct casket and Portia’s father accepts him into the family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, not everyone is happy because Antonio finds out that he has lost his ships, and that he has to forfeit his bond to Shylock. When Bassanio and his friend find out that Antonio is in trouble they go to try and save Antonio’s life. Portia and Nerissa are with the two men when they here the news and follow them to Vencie. Shylock and Antonio are side by side when Antonio pleads for his life. Shylock pays no attention to him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They all then go to trial where the Duke of Venice rules and announces that he has sent for a legal expert, who is Portia. Portia asks Shylock to be considerate of Antonio’s harm, but Shylock insists that he give him a pound of flesh. At the same time Bassanio tells Shylock that he will give him twice the amount of money due to him, but Shylock still insists on getting the pound of flesh.

Shaping Behaviour

Shaping behavior is an aspect of behavior analysis that gradually teaches new behavior through the use of reinforcement until the target behavior is achieved (Wolfgang 272). In order for shaping to be successful, it is important to clearly define the behavioral objective and the target behavior. Also, in order to gradually achieve the target behavior, a teacher must know when to deliver or withhold reinforcement (Wolfgang 37). Many behaviors are taught by shaping, and it is used in many different settings.For example, parents use shaping when they praise a young child profusely the first time he dresses himself, even if he has made a few mistakes. Later, they will only complement the child if he has dressed himself perfectly (Alberto and Troutman, 2003). B. F. Skinner was an important theorist for the behavior analysis model of discipline. His findings about how voluntary actions are affected by what happens immediately after a given act is performed has earned him respect as perhaps the greatest behavioral psychologist of all time.Skinner never concerned himself with classroom discipline but instead dealt with human behavior; it was his followers that saw the applicability of his findings and used Skinner’s principal teachings to devise the procedure of behavior modification using Skinner’s procedure of shaping student behavior intentionally through reinforcement. To increase a student’s behavior, a positive reinforcer is used immediately after the behavior is presented, the premise being that if the child does something and is rewarded, then they are more likely to repeat the act.Any of the following could be used: edible reinforcers (foods and liquids), sensory reinforcers (exposure to a controlled visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or kinesthetic experience), tangible reinforcers (certificates, stickers, etc. ), privilege reinforcers (being first in line, holding the teacher’s book while she reads, etc. ), activity reinforcers (play, special projects), generalized reinforcers (tokens, points, credits, etc. ), and social reinforcers (expressions, feedback, seating arrangements, etc. ).Constant reinforcement must be used to help new behaviors (learnings) become established. Successive approximation, referring to a behavior-shaping progression in which behavior comes closer and closer to a preset goal, is used as skills are being built; students are rewarded for improvement. To maintain the desired behavior once it is established, an intermittent reinforcer, one that is used only occasionally, should be sufficient to use. To decrease a student’s misbehavior, an aversive stimulus after the misbehavior occurs must be presented.Punishment often has negative effects in any behavior modification so it is important that guidelines be established so aversion is not seen as punishment. Skinner believed â€Å"punishment could not extinguish inappropriate behavior. A continuum consisting of five steps moving from the use of minimally to maximally intrusive procedures is recommended. The first step is â€Å"extinction – behaviors that are not reinforced will soon disappear. Extinction is the stopping of positive reinforcers that have been maintaining an inappropriate behavior.The second step is â€Å"differential reinforcement – reinforcing certain behaviors selectively. This step can utilize three techniques: â€Å"1) reinforcing decreased rates of the misbehavior, 2) reinforcing the omission of the misbehavior, and 3) reinforcing incompatible and alternate behaviors. The third step would then be â€Å"response-cost procedure , that is, the removal of a desirable stimuli. In order for this step to be applied, the student must have within his possession certain tangible items that he treasures and that serve as reinforcers for him.The fourth step is â€Å"time out. Time-outs are aversions that deny a student a reinforcement for a fixed period of time. The removal of st imuli is actually a time out from positive reinforcement. Four categories of time out can be used, going from minimum to maximum degrees of aversion. A ‘nonseclusionary time out’ is used to deal with a minor disturbance; the student is not removed from the classroom. The student is removed to the edge of the activity in a ‘contingent observation time out’. The student is able to observe others being reinforced.The next category would be an ‘exclusionary time out’; this involves removal of the student from the activity but does not deny access to the classroom. The fourth category would be a ‘seclusionary time out’ in which the student is completely removed from the classroom. Important in this final step would be a calm manner of return to the classroom with no extended conversation; this helps to eliminate the possibility of the student misbehaving in order to get into a conversation with the teacher. The fifth step in the continu um is â€Å"aversive stimuli.There are three types of aversive stimuli: ‘overcorrecting’ in which a behavioral procedure called positive-practice overcorrecting is used to teach the student how to perform correct behavior through an element of aversion; ‘negative practice-stimuli satiation’ in which there is no intent to teach a new behavior but rather to have the student repeat the inappropriate behavior over and over until the behavior becomes tiresome and the student becomes satiated; and ‘sensory insult’ in which extreme strategies are used to get the child to stop the misbehavior.Sensory insult should be used as a last resort and must be prefaced with a meeting of teachers, administrators, and parents. The definition given of shaping summarizes it completely: â€Å"Shaping is a technique by which a student is reinforced for exhibiting closer and closer approximations to desired behavior. It is useful in teaching new desired behavior and is a natural way of encouraging the student to increase the prevalence of desired behavior. Shaping is most effective for increasing positive behavior.The first step, after defining the behavioral objective, is to assess the present level of the student’s skills. Next, set goals and break the goals into steps. As each step is achieved, the behavior is â€Å"shaped. Positive reinforcement is used for each step toward the desired behavior. This comes in the form of praise and recognition (note the absence of tangible/edible reinforcers! ). The biggest advantage of shaping is that it â€Å"focuses your attention and the student’s attention on positive behavior. It recognizes progress and helps the student feel good about himself.It creates the opportunity for positive interaction between the student and the teacher. The shaping link lists five key steps on â€Å"How to Use Shaping : 1. Identify a desired behavior for this student. Determine the final goal. 2. Identify the student's present level of performance in displaying the desired behavior. 3. List the steps that will eventually take the student from his/her present level of performance to the final desired behavior. These levels of skill should be progressively more demanding. 4. Tell the student that s/he must accomplish step 1 to receive the reward. 5.Once the student has mastered a specified behavior, require that s/he demonstrate the next stage of behavior in order to receive a reward. ________________________________________ Goal of Shaping Behavior Shaping behavior is the aspect of behavior analysis that is the â€Å"teaching of behaviors that are not in the student’s existing repertoire. It involves clearly defining a behavioral objective with a target behavior, delivering or withholding reinforcement at the appropriate time, and thus, being able to shape the student into â€Å"gradual successive approximations of the target behavior

Monday, September 16, 2019

The effect of Vitamin D3 supplementation on body fat mass in healthy, overweight and obese Saudi women

Research background As observed in European and North American communities, levels of obesity in the Saudi Arabian population are on the increase. The epidemic of obesity has been described as the fastest-growing public health challenge in a number of countries. The cost implications alone from the treatment of people with obesity have put a strain on the medical services. One such example is published in an American study in 2008, which showed that that$147 billion needs to be spent every year in America for the management of obesity and obesity related disease. This figure was double of what it was a decade ago. Obesity is a term used to indicate excessive deposition of fat in the body. As mentioned before, it is the most common nutritional disorder in developed countries, and is as well significantly rising in the developing countries such as Saudi Arabia. This can be evidenced from the data reported by the Saudi National Nutrition Survey published on WHO (Health Journal, 2007). Recent studies have found the insufficient level of vitamin D in obese people(Turner, 2013; Wortsman, 2000).Although the specific mechanism that results in this shortfall is not yet fully understood, but Turner, (2013) suggested that the deposition of vitamin D3 in body fat compartments results decreased bioavailability of vitaminD3 from cutaneous and dietary sources. In addition, it has been proposed that intestinal absorption of vitamin D is reduced in patients with obesity (Wortsman, 2000). Lack of absorption of vitamin D weakens the calcium metabolism in patients with obesity; this in turn, affects the function of the thyroid glands. Altered thyroid gland can no longer perform its physiological roles, one of which is to activate vitamin D in the body. Moreover, studies have reported low level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in obese adults and are linked to increased body fat mass, suggesting the association between low circulating concentrations of vitamin D metabolites and obesity. (Rock, 2012; Boqacka, 2011). Furthermore, it has also been reported that after absorption in the intestine, the storage of vitamin D occurs in adipose and muscle tissue, which then slowly releases into the blood stream. Defect in this storage system or pathway may result the deficiency of vitamin D and may have an impact in determining the level of body’s fat and adipose tissue (Salehpour, 2012). Hence, it is believed that the deficiency of vitamin D may induce obesity. Research aims Having reviewed the available literature in the subject, this research project is therefore aimed to: Investigate the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation in healthy, overweight and obese women of Saudi Arabia Investigate the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on body composition in overweight and obese women of Saudi Arabia These aims were targeted with the views to providing evidence regarding the association between vitamin D supplements and obesity. Saudi population were given the preference as the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, as well as of diabetes in Saudi Arabian population is very high (Ardawi, Research methods Female population between the ages of 18 and 50 will be studied. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 2 groups will be randomly given a vitamin D3 supplement or a placebo (control group) for 12 weeks. Comparison of the levels of vitamin D3 in three different groups of people, healthy, overweight and obese will be done with an aim to measure its implication in these people.After this, analysis will be done measuring different factors that are associated with obesity. Inclusion and exclusion criteria Old, healthy, overweight and obese Saudi women participants with BMI ?25 kg/ and ages between 18-50 years will be included for the study. Healthy participants will be free from metabolic bone disease, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, renal disease and will not be on anymedication, or vitamin supplements. , pregnant or lactating women will be excluded from the study. In addition, individuals with changes in body weight more than 3 kg within last three months prior to the experiment will also be excluded from the study. Finally, the participants who follow the weight-loss programs or are taking weight loss drugs and smoking will be excluded from the study. Research intentions To address the aims, this study is based upon the following research intentions. These will betested in the laboratory. Assessment of body fat mass and fat free mass by bioelectrical impedance analysis at baseline and end of study Assessment of energy and nutrient intakes by 24h food recall and validated food frequency questionnaires, which will then be analyzed for nutrient intake Analysis of blood serum 25(OH)D and parathyroid hormone at baseline and end of study Measurement of vitamin D level in the participants’ blood to determine the fluctuation in its level and its affect. Measurement of vitamin D levels of obese and healthy weight participants to establish the difference in the level of vitamin D in these two groups of people. Measurement of vitamin D post digestion to determine the amount of ingested vitamin D to show their fluctuationsbefore and after ingestion in the participants of different groups. To conclude, the main aim of this study will be to investigate the effect of Vitamin D3 supplementation on body fat mass in healthy, overweight and obese Saudi women. The association between vitamin D deficiency and obesity is well established. Obesity still remains one of major health challenges. Despite of intense research, the exact cause of obesity still remains obscure. Both genetic and environmental factors have been reported to be associated with obesity, but none of them completely illustrate the mechanism behind it. But recently, the link between vitamin D3 and obesity has gained some interest. Since obesity is associated with many pathological conditions including cancer and cardiovascular disease, unraveling the potent cause and mechanism of obesity will provide insights into the development of promising therapeutics for obesity and obesity related diseases. Also, in the future, References Alqurashi Khalid A, Aljabri Khalid S, BokhariSamia A. (2011) Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in a Saudi community. Ann Saudi Med.;31:19–23. Ardawi MS, Sibiany AM, Bakhsh TM, Qari MH, Maimani AA. (2012) ‘High prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among healthy Saudi Arabian men: relationship to bone mineral density, parathyroid hormone, bone turnover markers, and lifestyle factors’ Osteoporos Int. 23(2):675-86. El Mouzan MI, Al Herbish AS, Al Salloum AA, Al Omar AA, Qurachi MM (2012) ‘Regional variation in prevalence of overweight and obesity in Saudi children and adolescents.’ Saudi J Gastroenterol, 18(2):129-32. Rock, CL, Obesity. Weight loss is associated with increased serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in overweight or obese women. 20(11), 2296-2301. Salehpour A, Hosseinpanah F, Shidfar F, Vafa M, Razaghi M, Dehghani S, Hoshiarrad A, Gohari M. A (2012) ‘12-week double-blind randomized clinical trial of vitamin D? supplementation on body fat mass in healthy overweight and obese women.’ Nutr J. 22;11:78 Turer, CD, Lin, H and Flores, G. (2013).Pediatrics. Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among overweight and obese US children. 131(1), 152-161. Wortsman, J, (2000). American Society for Clinical Nutrition. Decreased bioavailability of vitamin D in obesity. 72(3), 690-693.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Shangri-La Hotel

Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts – Overview Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts are renowned hotel management companies operating prominently in the Middle East. The hotel is considered as a status symbol for upper class people reflecting the privilege and honorable status in the society. The hotel provides facility of services which is suitable for both business travelers as well as for people traveling for leisure and on vacation.The first of Shangri-La hotels was found in Singapore in the year 1971 and now this Hong Kong based hotel chain has grown as one of the largest hotel management companies getting a number of awards and accolades. The hotel chain operates more than 49 high class hotels and resorts in key cities of Asia and the Middle East. The first venture of the hotel chain was established in Singapore by the Kuok Group which is a multinational conglomerate managed by Westin until the year 1983. The name of the chain was changed to Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited in the year 1983.In the year 1989, the Company established a sister concern Traders Hotels in Beijing with the objective of meeting the demand from the business travelers at affordable prices. Shangri-La Asia bought the hotel chain in 1997, at which time the group was called Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts. The hotel chain is owned by Shangri-La Asia Limited, a Hong Kong based company. Shangri-La hotels and resorts is the subsidiary of Shangri-La Asia Limited and the shares of Shangri-La are listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The Kuok Group continues to hold the controlling interest in Shangri-La Asia Limited

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Florence Nightingale Environment Theory Essay

Major concepts essential to the Theory. Patient care theory, environmentally oriented, where the patient environment should be altered to allow nature to act on the patient. (Alligood, 2010). Nurses are to use common sense, observation and initiative to allow nature to heal the patient. The use of Nightingales thirteen canons: Ventilation, Warmth Light Cleanliness of rooms Health of houses Noise Bed and bedding Variety Chattering of hopes and advice Food Personal cleanliness Observation Approaches, to patient care. Nightingale believed nursing is a spiritual calling, and all nurses can help the patients in spiritual distress, making it a holistic approach. The philosophy of the environmental theory of nursing fits well with todays nursing process. The nurses need to assess, identify, implement, evaluate and make changes to the plan to fit the patient individually until the patient has the desired health level. Teaching by the nurses when caring for the sick as well as the patient that has already healed. Observation of the patient and independent judgments made by the nurses. Examples of each approach to patient care. Daily changing of patients linens, as well as maintaining them wrinkle free for skin integrity of the patient. Assisting patients on the daily personal cleanliness, as well as applying moisture to the skin for protection. Maintaining noise to the minimum and allowing patients to have rest time. Keeping the conversations focused on the patient, avoid personal talk or chattering, giving false hopes. Observing and Documenting intake and output by shift to have a clear view of the nutritional level of the patient. Encourage healthy eating as well as drinking and maintain fluids by patient side at all times. Reference Martha Riley, Alligood, (2010). †. In: (ed), Nursing Theory. 4th ed. : Mosby. pp.97-109.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Unit 2 Scenario B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Unit 2 Scenario B - Essay Example When the savings rate increases, there is typically less consumption, as the consumer propensity to purchase goods and services becomes less when disposable incomes decrease. The marginal propensity to consume is equal to the change in consumption divided by the change in disposable income. For example, a consumer who gets a raise at work will have a choice as to whether to spend or save. So, assume that a person earns an additional $100 per week. The marginal propensity to consume would be equal to the new consumption habits of the individual divided by the $100 increase in pay. As such, if the individual decides that 5% of their new income should be saved, the marginal propensity to consume is $5 / $100, equaling .05. The spending multiplier is calculated as follows: 1 / MPS + MPI, in which the denominator equation is the marginal propensity to spend and the marginal propensity to import. When the savings rate increases, consumption begins to rise. As such, the multiplier will continue to decrease as consumption increases. Finally, there will be significant changes in consumption due to a savings rate decrease, represented by lesser consumption when savings amounts increase. At the same time, equilibrium GDP is affected and will increase in direct proportion with a decrease in savings and an increase in consumption at the same time. Mr. Mallon, I believe that the only real concern involving a diminished savings rate will be the long-term impact on the regional economy. From an individual consumer perspective, these changes would be barely noticeable, and the only thing affected would be either an increase in consumption or decrease, based on how much the consumer saves. However, over the broader landscape, when savings drop all across the nation and consumption increases, equilibrium GDP will be affected which will cause significant

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Womens Occupational Distribution in the U.S Essay

Womens Occupational Distribution in the U.S - Essay Example Most particularly, women have been able to take paid jobs. However, they encounter difficulties in balancing between their work and house lives. Under the pressure of the double day, women have put pressure on government and employers to recognize the value of child bearing roles.  Ã‚   Many women strive to attain skills that will help them acquire well paid jobs and better working conditions. Women have also become organized and created movements that break down discriminatory barriers that hinder them from accessing better jobs.   In addition, â€Å"increased participation of women in labor force has spurred women struggles to improve wages and working conditions, and attack head on multiple discrimination they face in the labor force,   from sexual harassment to racism† (Amott and Matthaei 309). This has enabled women to gain financial freedom and avoid dependence on men. A substantial number of women have entered the paid labor force. The work force has ceased from b eing a preservative of white males.   Amott and Matthaei noted â€Å"In 1900, white men made up 72 percent of all workers, but by 1990, their share had fallen to 43 percent† (317).In conclusion, it can be noted that the occupational distribution of women in the United States has a historical background. It has been affected by racial-ethnicity, gender and class statuses. Women in the United States have risen above these challenges and have taken well paid jobs in the labor market. However, the current occupational distribution has in part been influenced.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Moet & Chandon - Integrated marketing communications plan Essay

Moet & Chandon - Integrated marketing communications plan - Essay Example Over the years, the company has used brand ambassadors to popularize their champagne, with the current ambassador being the tennis icon, Roger Federer. However, the company has not realized its sales growth potential due to myriad factors including financial crises and growing competition. At times, there have been changes in the market that have presented the company with an opportunity to push its sales further. At the moment, the company hopes to maximize on the findings that â€Å"people are (beginning to become) fed up with austerity and are thus looking for indulgence. Indulgence represents a chance for wine makers and more so champagne makers’ such as Moet & Chandon in the UK. The focus here is to develop an integrated marketing communications plan that would help in capitalizing on the changing market orientation towards indulgence and thus offering a chance for Moet & Chandon to further grow in the UK market. The plan focuses on establishing a name, and placing Moet & Chandon at a competitive position within the next twelve months. Context Analysis-SWOT Analysis Strengths Moet & Chandon though a French company has made it to establish itself as a global company. This is evidenced by the availability of is famous champagne brands all across the globe. This is one of the company’s strengths and one that has helped in establishing the company as the market leaders in the champagne business, at the moment Moet & Chandon has claim to 25? of the global champagne market. The flagship luxury champagne brands are well established and easily identified. The company also benefits from a firm support. This support comes from independent parties within various retail segments who have over the years sold the company’s champagne as the ideal and most preferable and even classy champagne. The other strength is adapted product the company has made it to adapt its products to various consumer needs and this has informed its growth and preference b y a huge and frequent number of champagne users all over the globe. Lastly, the company’s champagne has what can be referred to as a good health of luxury sector. The company’s champagne is identified as the mark of luxury and is a renowned accompaniment of luxurious events or experiences. This is particularly important as it epitomizes indulgence which has been identified as a trend in the near future. Weaknesses One of the weaknesses and one which is not unique to Moet & Chandon is that the production of champagne is dependent on seasons. There might be times when the market demand is high but the overall production is curtailed by the season dependent vineyards. The other weakness is that there is always a need to have a lot of stock, this is not easy and is in the long run very expensive. Lastly, there are fluctuations in the market demand (market volatility) meaning that there lacks consistency in sales (seasonality of sales). Opportunities Going forward, the comp any identifies a host of opportunities which would guarantee growth if at all the company develops a proper and realizable plan while taking advantage of its strengths. One of the opportunities is close relations with customers. This is a great opportunity as the company is able to fast introduce its products to customers who understand the company’

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Colonialism gave nothing to Africa,expect poverty,famine, disease and Essay

Colonialism gave nothing to Africa,expect poverty,famine, disease and underdevelopment. Discuss - Essay Example The past has been so tragic that the future looks hopeless. Undeniably, the only known fact of African development for the foreseeable future is that underdevelopment and poverty will increase and intensify. The hallmarks of underdevelopment in Africa have been the increase in slums, stagnating agricultural production, widening elite mass gap, increase in diseases, foreign debt, and balance of payments deficit. Underdevelopment scholars have contended that the underemployment of human and natural resources and insufficient development was acquired by African nations as a result of historical circumstances such as colonialism, neo-colonialism and slavery. Colonial history of exploitation and extraction has been attributed the continent’s current status. Boahen (1987: 89) notes that there is no doubt that a huge amount of structural attributes of the process of economic underdevelopment has historical roots that go back to past colonial times. Experimental studies have confirmed that there is a connection between a nation’s past colonial experience and its current level of economic development. According to Cooper (2002: 76), colonization of African nations applied a direct effect on the post-colonial arrays of growth and human and physical capital build-up. This paper will focus on underdevelopment and poverty in Africa providing an account of the ancient roots of Africa’s underdevelopment. It will focus on the period before and during colonialism, and the effects of European colonialism on the development of the region. During the pre-colonial period, African nations had well-established laws, customs, ethics, conventions and rituals, which were particularly effective in resolving issues and conflicts both within and outside the community. These institutions were fruitful in overpowering numerous forms of predatory or rent-seeking behaviour (Boahen, 1987: 91). Rent-seeking behaviours are those acts of exploiting the political process in

Monday, September 9, 2019

Cando processes of globalization help alleviate poverty Essay

Cando processes of globalization help alleviate poverty - Essay Example (Aart, 2005) There are also sources that use "modernization" as a synonym for globalization, and it is sometimes subsumed under "liberalization," "Neoliberalism," and "post-modernism." Globalization may be seen as a structure, a process, an ideology, or a combination of these. Proponents of globalization see it as, "A force which is beneficial to all, individuals and states, in all parts of the world" (George& Wilding, 2002). Opponents of globalization see it "as of benefit to the upper groups in society, to the multinational companies and the affluent world; and as detrimental to the satisfaction of public needs," and as a "force for the perpetuation and accentuation of inequalities within and between groups of countries for the benefit of multinationals and the upper classes. Its constant emphasis on increased competitiveness involves a race to the bottom". A number of factors have led to the process called "globalization." As large corporations began diversifying their products and services by buying up smaller enterprises-usually for stock market, income tax or other financial benefits-they became conglomerates. By then merging with similar-often-overseas-conglomerates, they became huge international entities known as MNCs (Multinational Corporations). The economic breakdown of the Soviet Union gave further impetus to globalization as many foreign firms hurried to establish units in so-called economies in transition. Free trade agreements of various kinds further supported this process. MNCs now account for between a quarter and a third of the world's output, 70 percent of world trade and 80 percent of direct international investment. Perhaps more importantly, international financial institutions, including aid agencies, put conditions on their aid or loans. The World Bank, for example, plays its part by demanding open trade channels as a condition for financial help. Even the partial integration of Europe and the introduction of the Euro made business across former boundaries easier, and consequently, "MNCs are increasingly organizing production and service provisions on an international basis" (Held & McGrew, 2003). The International Monetary Fund strongly advocates less or no government intervention in the economy, but its preconditions for loans have grown from about a dozen to over eighty, thus dictating the economic policies of countries vulnerable to its restrictions. The activities of international banks and aid programs like the IMF, the World Trade Organization and World Bank are not without immediate consequences for working people, and particularly for the poor. The role and activities of some of these organizations are worth quoting: The World Trade Organization was designed as a meeting place where willing nations could sit in equality and negotiate rules of trade for their mutual advantage, in the service of sustainable international development.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The competitive advantage strategy for Diageo, Castel of brewery in Essay

The competitive advantage strategy for Diageo, Castel of brewery in Africa - Essay Example Africa is such an important region for Diageo due to the rich prospects that are found in Africa such as presence of mineral resources and its improvements in governance. Secondly, Africa provides diversity that matches Diageo’s needs. The global, financial, and economic situation, which has greatly affected Europe, has made the company to invest in the developing countries due to the increased prospects of driving growth. The company plans to invest in additional capacities to fuel growth in the continent such as adding more plants and equipments for brewing and differentiating their brands. Innovation is also considered by the company as a very good avenue for growth as well as having the right people who are motivated and interested in improving and fuelling growth in Diageo. Additionally, the company is committed to acquisitions and entrance into new markets as part of the strategies of facilitating its growth in the continent (Wehring 2012, np). The company enjoys a disti nct brand in its employment practices which promotes its ability to attract high caliber talents that are vital to its growth. The company further grows and develops talents as well as creating value chain in production and distribution process which highly contributes to their growth. Diageo are further involved in social economic development such as engaging in water projects and other agricultural projects which is integral in their business growth. Diageo has put unique strategy of growing the African talents in the continent to run its business by developing the current talents locally and bringing other Africans outside the continent. The company has embarked on a full year program to identify prospective African leaders who can take on senior positions in the company. The company is committed in its growth plan to develop a strategy that is capable of filling the gap between the talent required for growth and the current existing talents as well as attracting both the externa l talent and developing the internal talent. The company also ensures that they have dedicated talents that would add value to its operations as well as maintaining an effective and efficient operation (Wehring 2012, np). SWOT and PESTLE Analysis Diageo is the world leader in alcohol that comprises of beer, spirits and wine and enjoys a worldwide presence. The company, with its sound financial base, is capable of ruling the market by investing in R&D and acquiring other firms thus enjoying wider market share. The company usually manufactures the best brands and normally ensures best brands in its African market such as Scotch whisky. The company enjoys a wider market in Africa especially the rapid growth of 300m-consumers who due to the increase in the middle income earners in Africa. Diageo largely depend on the raw materials especially in Ethiopia and Kenya which is very vital for their growth in east Africa as well as wider market in that region of Africa. The company however, is faced with a number of challenges in some regions in Africa such as the unstable governments and lack of highly qualified expertise that they can depend on. There are also competitions from the local companies within the African region especially in Kenya and Tanzania that offer very low priced alcohol hence imposing a little threat to the

Exercising Facilities at the Workplace Coursework

Exercising Facilities at the Workplace - Coursework Example This is more than a third of the population and excludes children and teens. The report further states that in 2008 alone, $147 billion was spent on obesity-related health complications and that obese people were spending at least $1400 more on medication than their normal counterparts. As highlighted by the above statistics, many Americans are not exercising as they should. They are leading unhealthy lives and exposing themselves to obesity-related health risks such as cancer, heart diseases, and type 2 diabetes. I formulated this research to investigate the advantages of setting up exercise facilities at workplaces and also to come up with ways of encouraging people to regularly visit them. This will reduce the obesity rate in the country and the health risks associated with it. I recently witnessed two colleagues discussing a move by their company management to set up a physical fitness facility at the company’s premises to encourage workers to live healthy lifestyles. I was struck most by the agility and enthusiasm that the two exuberated as they discussed the matter. Prior to this incident, I had never envisioned a gym within a working premise. Fitness sections should be constructed in every workplace as a way to encourage people to exercise regularly. The management will, therefore, be forced to allow workers to exercise during working days since most of them will be unwilling to show up at work during the weekends. However, the sessions will only be possible during off-peak hours such as lunch breaks and in the evenings when everyone is breaking for home.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Black Man with a Nose Job Essay Example for Free

Black Man with a Nose Job Essay The article, Black man with a Nose job by Lawrence Otis Graham basically talks about how Mr. Graham got a nose job. The reading has plenty of controversies whether he is less black due to him narrowing his nose. This was a really interesting article because there were several critiques regarding his nose in which he described very well. This man was born into a generation were the concept of oxymoron included such things as a black man with a nose job. The reading starts on were Graham and his father are in the car driving to his doctor. During the way over there he faces with several people who are really concerned about him. Moving on from this, graham thinks about how his father would take it. As they arrived to the plastic surgeon he starts to see catalogs and magazines to what nose he would like to have. As he chooses the doctor gives his opinion to him whether it will look good or not. Once he was in the Manhattan’s upper west side to have his rhinoplasty done, Graham stopped and thought that having this done it was an assault to his identity and people. Growing up in a white neighborhood were all of them would get a cosmetic surgery Graham says, it was done to look better in his situation these alterations were made due to issues of ethnicity and heritage. As said in the book he never compared to a white man but surely he did with his own people. Overall, this article is really interesting because it has plenty of other topics such as on how other people of different races as well have done a surgery and have not seem to be different from their own people. As mentioned in the book one’s racial identity is not embodied in one’s nose. This means that it shouldn’t be a problem because you are the same person who grew up in that race. The article mentioned self hatred of being an accusation done for anyone who has done a surgery. This is really hard to explain but in my opinion self hatred in general can be a problem for people who have a low self-esteem about themselves. If you were born with several, in my opinion people shouldn’t change it. People should be happy and appreciate were they come from. These issues will never change because we are in a world where the media really portrays many things for looking better. Everyone will always want to have what other people have but just as the article says it will not make you less of which ever ethnicity you come from.