Friday, May 31, 2019

The Immigrant Experience: The Anguish of Becoming American Essay

The Immigrant Experience The Anguish of Becoming AmericanImmigration from the former(a) 1990s keep mum affects America today. The people who came to America from incompatible countries brought their traditions, their families, and their culture. These three things stuck with them through thick and thin and are still thriving parts of what America is today. many an(prenominal) immigrants came with literally nothing in their pockets and had to work their sort to success. The Immigrant Experience by Thomas Wheeler tells the story of nine different immigrants trials and tribulations of coming and living in America. Each immigrant went through different experiences of becoming American further they also had their similarities. Four things that attributed to the assimilation of the immigrants are language, money, religion, and ambition.Each immigrant experienced their individual trials, but they still all had several similarities. Almost all of the immigrants in this book came to Amer ica without being able to speak slope, except for the immigrant from London. Alan Pryce-Jones came to America able to speak English and this put him at an advantage over the other immigrants because he could communicate with Americans. Also, he came to America after he established his writing in Europe. He came with money and wisdom which set him far above the other immigrants. The immigrants who couldnt speak English had to take classes and settle for low paying jobs because they could not communicate with their bosses. If they werent running(a) for someone else, they entrepreneured their own business. William Alfred, the Irish immigrant, was raised by a grandmother who owned her own business. This made it a little easier for him to find a job, and fill in money. J... ...America and living here made them American. But, they all brought over their own traditions and culture that still affect families today. Americans all have the outer candy coatings, but each peanut inside is d ifferent. The peanuts make the M & Ms what they are. The outer appearance is the same but the inward structure is not. The peanuts do not affect the way the M & M looks but they sure do affect the way they taste. Next time you go to eat an M & M think most what America is. Is it a group of people who are all the same and have conformed to each other so that you cannot distinguish one from another? Or is America like a bowl of peanut M & Ms where you can see how every one is similar but each individual is different on the inside? They may look American. They may act American. They may very well be American, but they cannot neglect their ancestry roots.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Role of Estrogen in Sexual Differentiation :: Biology Essays Research Papers

The Role of oestrogen in Sexual DifferentiationMost, if not all, species with two sexes salute cozyly dimorphic behavior and physical characteristics. These dimorphisms can be attributed to differences in the brain, such as surface or function of structure, and these brain structures can be affected by the hormones circulated throughout the organism. It has been held that the sexual dimorphisms rely only on the presence or absence of androgen, namely, testosterone, during the critical period of education for an organism however, sassy research suggests that the presence of estrogen, specifically estradiol, has an active role in sexual differentiation. Several sexual dimorphic structures in the brain have been observed in laboratory experiments. The corpus callosum in male rats is much larger than that in female rats, and this size difference is uncorrelated with total brain weight. These findings led umteen to investigate the relationship between human male and female corpus c allosa. A account published by de Lacoste-Utamsing and Holloway stated that the splenium of the callosum is larger in women than in men, but their finding has since been challenged by several reports stating that there exists no sexual dimorphism. Analysis make from 1982-1994 reveals a small difference of corpus callosum size in favor of males, but it is hypothesized that age, handedness, overall brain size and weight, and incorrect statistics were not taken into account. (3) in that respect has also been controversy in the research involving the brain arena INAH-3 in humans. The heterosexual male INAH-3 is larger than that of heterosexual females the INAH-3 in homosexual males is on the middling smaller than that of heterosexual males and approximately the same size of heterosexual females. The general population has attempted to use this fact as an explanation of the biological solid ground of homosexuality, though the differences in structure may not be causally related to the sexual orientation of the man. Because we can only observe behaviors when doing experiments with lab animals, the information cannot firmly establish a basis for sexual orientation. The handed-down view on sexual differentiation is that organizational personal effects from hormones which occur during neonatal development are the master plan for the organisms sex and corresponding behaviors and characteristics. vulnerability to androgen, namely, testosterone, would result in a male organism, while exposure to neither androgen nor estrogen would result in the default sex female. Characteristics resulting from organizational effects include formation of genitalia and traits such as aggression.The Role of Estrogen in Sexual Differentiation Biology Essays Research PapersThe Role of Estrogen in Sexual DifferentiationMost, if not all, species with two sexes exhibit sexually dimorphic behavior and physical characteristics. These dimorphisms can be attributed to differences in the brain, such as size or function of structure, and these brain structures can be affected by the hormones circulated throughout the organism. It has been held that the sexual dimorphisms rely only on the presence or absence of androgen, namely, testosterone, during the critical period of development for an organism however, new research suggests that the presence of estrogen, specifically estradiol, has an active role in sexual differentiation. Several sexual dimorphic structures in the brain have been observed in laboratory experiments. The corpus callosum in male rats is much larger than that in female rats, and this size difference is uncorrelated with total brain weight. These findings led many to investigate the relationship between human male and female corpus callosa. A paper published by de Lacoste-Utamsing and Holloway stated that the splenium of the callosum is larger in women than in men, but their finding has since been challenged by several reports stating that there exi sts no sexual dimorphism. Analysis done from 1982-1994 reveals a small difference of corpus callosum size in favor of males, but it is hypothesized that age, handedness, overall brain size and weight, and incorrect statistics were not taken into account. (3) There has also been controversy in the research involving the brain region INAH-3 in humans. The heterosexual male INAH-3 is larger than that of heterosexual females the INAH-3 in homosexual males is on the average smaller than that of heterosexual males and approximately the same size of heterosexual females. The general population has attempted to use this fact as an explanation of the biological basis of homosexuality, though the differences in structure may not be causally related to the sexual orientation of the man. Because we can only observe behaviors when doing experiments with lab animals, the data cannot firmly establish a basis for sexual orientation. The traditional view on sexual differentiation is that organizatio nal effects from hormones which occur during neonatal development are the master plan for the organisms sex and corresponding behaviors and characteristics. Exposure to androgen, namely, testosterone, would result in a male organism, while exposure to neither androgen nor estrogen would result in the default sex female. Characteristics resulting from organizational effects include formation of genitalia and traits such as aggression.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

My Favourite Place :: Papers

My Favourite Place Ive just finished some awkward homework and I know Ive done it wrong. Ive had a really bad day my head is overflowing with worries about SATS tests/ my English talk / that 20-page-essay I havent started that has to be in by tomorrow. So where do I go? (Although off the end of a cliff springs to mind, its not the answer) I go to my bedroom with a bar of chocolate, declination onto my bed, press the play button on my video and settle down to watch Friends, or Trigger Happy TV. Ah Much better PurpleThats all you specify when you walk into my room. Masses of purple everywhere, followed by a blue beaded lampshade on my light that hangs so low that it brushes your head every succession you walk under it. Mirrors, pictures and photographs decorate my room. Whats better than having a picture painted by your mum, gold and silver mirrors, and photog raphs of your best friends smiling down at you from the beleaguer? There is a plenteousness crammed into my small room My giant wardrobe (my other favourite place is at the shops, so it has to house a lot of clothes), and my bed full of cushions - I love cushions I have cushions of every colour, and I especially love the Indian designs with beads or tassels. The net time I counted there were thirteen A curtain canopy hangs over my bed, with my blue dream catcher above my head as I sleep. The bay window is one of the best features of my room.

africa: Wildlife, landforms and climate :: essays research papers fc

Witch doctors, psychics, mediums, biographyualists are alone just a few of the numerous namesassociated with Shamans. Many of us have heard these names echoed since childhood, but dowe really know who these people are? In the United States these people are viewed as outcastthere hasnt been a need for them in a very long time. Science, and modern technology haveexiled the Shaman into the fringe of society. They remain a mystery to most, but beckon theopen-minded. The Shaman is a spiritual wayfarer, that hasnt thrived in the United States sincethe arrival of the white man, and his conquest of nature.There are many definitions for shamanism, but few reveal the true nature of the Shaman.In simple terms, the Shaman is a person called upon to serve as a herald for the acres of thedead, but a Shaman is much more. A Shaman is someone who has explored, and gained a greatunderstanding of their inner being. They can tap into the force that flows throughout the world,and manipulate it. A S haman can alter his conscience so that he may travel to other worlds filledwith objects, and various kinds of spirits. In the spirit realm, a Shaman can gain knowledge inorder to help in healing, and other matters at hand. He is a spiritual advisor, and a healer of both physical and mental ailments.A destined Shaman is typically touchd in to their destiny by various forms of suffering. The most common clue is an extended illness for which there is no apparent cure. During thistime of suffering, the chosen person has dreams, visions, and journeys to the spirit realms, andare usually accompanied by a inn spirit. This spiritual guild commonly informs the ill personof their fate to become a Shaman. There is usually hesitation on the part of the chosen one, butthe suffering breaks down the will of that person. In the end, the destined assumes the role asShaman, and his suffering diminishes. With the guidance of an elder Shaman, or sometimes justtheir spirit guild, the pertly shaman is schoold into their new existence. It is a existence between this earthy realm, and that of the dead. An initiate of Shamanism goes through an significant transformation. As a result of the suffering, and rigorous training, the initiate experiences the death of his ego. In westernpsychology, the ego is the part of the psyche which experiences the external world, or reality,through the senses, organizes the thought processes rationally, and governs actions (Websters

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

My Philosophy of Education :: Educating Education Essays

My Philosophy of EducationEducation today has changed drastically from schools in the past. One example is computers. Everyone is using computers in everyday life now, and it seems handle teachers rescue to compete with that. Kids can learn so much off the Internet that they are becoming smarter. Our kindergarten classes that we took look alike the preschools of the present. The children today have to go to preschool to be well prepared for kindergarten. Kids are even more knowledgeable than we are when it comes to computers. Like many other educators, I would like to make a difference by giving my students a chance to express their talents and maybe I will learn something from them at the same time. My teaching methods will plug in to more up to date techniques.I would like to do something different, take a little of each philosophers beliefs, and credit my own educational philosophies. I agree with Socrates belief that students should use good judgement in all their act ions. I know elementary students are not going to be cognizant of good judgement entirely, but they should be taught through environment and experiences like Foucault. Foucault believes everything is determined by experience in what kind of life you will have and I do agree that experiences shape people into what they become later in life. The school system, teachers, and their fellow classmates are also part of students environment. The child has this opportunity to learn about their society, but it is up to the child to use their judgments in a positive way. I agree with Sophists description of students. I believe that everyone has the ability to learn. However, through my experience, I have learned that some students learn differently than others. I know that learning comes harder for some, but each private has the capability to learn depending on how badly that individual wants an education. At the same time, I believe the child has interest in learning and that is wha t should be taught, like Rousseau said. I know that sometimes it is not easy however, as a teacher I want my students to desire to learn. I believe getting students gnarled is important. Knowledge varies at different levels of education.

My Philosophy of Education :: Educating Education Essays

My Philosophy of EducationEducation today has changed drastically from schools in the past. One example is computers. Everyone is using computers in everyday life now, and it seems like teachers admit to compete with that. Kids can learn so much off the Internet that they are becoming smarter. Our kindergarten classes that we took look like the preschools of the present. The baberen today have to go to preschool to be well prepared for kindergarten. Kids are even more(prenominal) knowledgeable than we are when it comes to computers. Like many other educators, I would like to make a variety by giving my students a chance to express their talents and maybe I will learn something from them at the same time. My teaching methods will relate to more up to date techniques.I would like to do something different, take a little of each philosophers beliefs, and credit my own educational philosophies. I chink with Socrates belief that students should use sizeable judgement in all their actions. I know elementary students are not going to be aware of good judgement entirely, but they should be taught through environment and experiences like Foucault. Foucault trusts everything is determined by experience in what kind of life you will have and I do agree that experiences shape people into what they become later in life. The school system, teachers, and their fellow classmates are also part of students environment. The child has this opportunity to learn about their society, but it is up to the child to use their judgments in a positive way. I agree with Sophists description of students. I believe that everyone has the ability to learn. However, through my experience, I have learned that some students learn differently than others. I know that learning comes harder for some, but each individual has the ability to learn depending on how badly that individual wants an education. At the same time, I believe the child has interest in learning and that i s what should be taught, like Rousseau said. I know that sometimes it is not easy however, as a teacher I want my students to desire to learn. I believe getting students involved is important. cognition varies at different levels of education.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Mechanics of Basketball

Tino Estose WA 4 16 April 2013 Basketball (Mechanics of the game, College, and Professional) Social Media (Twitter and Facebook), Television, Basketball telly Games Factors active the medium Factors about the message Factors about the audience -The most prominent characteristic of at least two of these particular mediums (Twitter and Sports Television) is the delivery of information. These two genres argon specifically instant in terms of delivering information or whatever message that is intended to be delivered. As well, not much plough is required for the audience to acquire the information. . For Television, one just has to watch the program or the game to acquire information on basketball 2. For Twitter and Facebook, golf links to informing sites and information tidbits argon literally everywhere. -Ease of access/ proximity is also another factor that cedes people to gather information about basketball. 1. Facebook and Twitter argon at ones fingertips due to the prevalence of smart phones. And for me personally, I follow numerous accounts on Facebook and Twitter that atomic number 18 devoted to posting about anything basketball. 2. For Television as well, everyone has one.For me, it is in the dorm with the remote being so close that I do not have to get up to do it. The same can be said about Basketball Video Games. The Xbox is right in the dorm room. -As well, the information provided by these different genres can be incredibly descriptive. 1. Pieces of information offered by Facebook and Twitter are usually incredibly specified and many times unmatched. 2. On television, channels and programs hire multitudes of people that allow the destine or game to deliver wide ranges of information and insight.There are the color commentators who are typically former players or coaches that can offer their unique perspective, there are show hosts who appear to be authorities on what they speak on and usually have to credentials to support this, there are an chors who deliver the objective information of what happened in the world of sports that day, and there are numerous behind the scenes jobs that help the people on camera have requisite information (statisticians, journalists, producers, historians, etc). 3. Sports videogames and basketball ones specifically, are incredibly detailed today.The objective there is to offer the most realistic game experience possible. Because of this, these basketball games not solitary(prenominal) offer a great amount of information on every player and teams background, but feature players and teams from the past. Personally playing these games, my friendship structures on the game of basketball and its history have been thoroughly fed. -Existing knowledge on basketball has been a key factor in my experience with these genres. In years past, my knowledge on basketball and basketball topics has been limited to the most current events in the sports world. Another is Comprehension. The text discusses that how one interprets and processes the information that they are encountering through media is a key audience factor. 1. Even though I am only 22, I tone intellectual growth and maturity has allowed me to view plastered mediums and encounter the information with a different type of analysis that allows me to alter my knowledge structures comprehensively. Ultimately, I feel it leads to a rich background of knowledge for me to wad from. -Motivation is another audience factor that I feel has influenced my information acquisition on basketball. . Basketball is a game that I have it away. From that passion, I feel I am motivated to seek any type of information that I can from these three mediums. How I met your Mother Comedy Sitcom There are many reoccurring elements that appear throughout this show. There the more simple ones such as Drinking at MacLarens Pub every night (and days), the flat tire above the bar that at least one (and most of the time, more than one) of the chara cters live in, and the different jobs that each character is shown in.There are also the more knotty ones that feature the behaviors of each character Barney will always drink scotch, smoke cigars, play laser tag, make fun of Robin for being Canadian, objectify women and is invariably seeking sexual gratification. Ted is always talking about architecture, pretentiously citing art and cultural references that no one else understands, and always is conquesting for and failing to find the one (hint this is what the show is named after). Marshal and Lilly are always dealing with married couple issues.And Robin is not only struggling with putting her career in front of her recognize life, but is also Robin Sparkles Canadian pop star, a proud Canadian, gun enthusiast, scotch drinker and cigar smoker. Scrubs Medical Comedy There are numerous reoccurring elements of this show as well. There is the Janitor torturing JD daily, Dr. Cox being stubborn and conceited about his medical knowledg e, Turk accentuating his blackness in a in general white hospital, his wife, Carla, doing the same thing with her Latino heritage, JD constantly vying for Dr.Coxs approval and insisting that he is his mentor, Dr. Cox hating such behavior, Dr. Cox calling JD by girls names, JD qualifying through numerous relationships, homoerotic best friend relationships between Turk and JD, Elliot saying awkward comments and observations in the most honest way possible, and so on. I feel that most overlapping element between these two shows exist the consistency of some of the relationships. The Marshal and Lily relationship reflects the Turk and Carla relationship greatly.Both relationships are portrayed as the strongest love relationships between all the characters. Another relationship that is reflected by each show is the best friend relationships between Turk and JD, and Ted and Marshal. Both shows have their characters living together since to begin with the shows have started, including b oth shows having the characters having met in college and been college roommates. Both shows also have multiple moments of comical intimacy between the characters.I feel these reoccurring elements of these shows provide consistency in the characters. In the context of audience members cognitively processing the show, it provides easier pathways for two different effects. For entertainment value, if there are reoccurring behaviors and attributes of the characters, jokes are easier to make and laugh at because of the familiarity of the audience to the characters. As well, though, it makes plot points of the shows to be understood. This allows audience members to think about grander themes and messages of these different shows.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Effective Study Habits Worksheet

University of Phoenix Material Effective Study Habits Worksheet Respond to the following in 50 to 100 words each 1. run along your ideal hear environment. I would describe my ideal study environment up in my home office away from ein truthone. A quiet daub is where I can focus and concentrate on my assignement. I can brainstorm and jott my ideas freely when I am distraction free. I can commonly complete my assignment in a timely manner when I am tease aparted and comfortable. 2.List some of the distractions that might hinder your study progress or your instruction execution in an online classroom. Some of the distractions that might hinder my study progress or performance from being in an online classroom are watching television, listening to music, preparation dinner, eating dinner, children up and about, telephone ringing, visitors coming by home, and stimulateting sleepy or not getting the proper rest will easily consent a leak you to become distracted and unable to foc us on your assignment. 3. What actions can you take to manage and eliminate distractions?The actions that I can to take to manage and eliminate distractions are recording my favorite television shows for later playback, elimating distracting music, cooking/ eating dinner before beginning my homework, turning my telephone off and making sure that get the proper rest before sitting down to complete my assignments. 4. How will you apply your personal development style? How does your personal Learning style happen upon your study habits? My personal acquirement style is somewhat complicated and complexed.I would say that my style is not structured because I really learn from doing. I am a very hands on learner so it is very challenging for me to understand just from reading/doing alone. I ascertain that my personal learning style can hinder my study habits because I am not in a classroom physically where I the instructor can process or teach in person. Whereas, I have to create way s for me to comprehend what I am learning myself. 5. List 5 effective study strategies from this week that you will use.Explain why you selected them and why they are effective strategies for online learning. The strategies that I will use are visual, musical, verbal, logic and interpersonal. Visually I can take notes and create charts and timelines that will assist me highlighting important points. Music- I will incorporate music with my learning by allowing myself to medicate on music that relax me before actually starting my assignments. Verbal- I plan to read and ask questions from others that will assist me in understaning the lesson as well as provide feedback to others.Logic- I fell that I use the logic strategy a lot. I always apply my assignments to my real-life situations in order to comprehend what I am learning better. Interpersonal- This is one I feel that I am not that good at but plan to do my best at. Studying in groups is very new to me. I feel that it really is a g reat way to learn from others on their thoughts and views on a given assignment. 6. Identify one motley you can sacrifice immediately to increase the effectiveness of your study habits. Explain how this will help you become more effective.One change that I can make immediately will be to utilize the logic method more efficiently. I feel that if I ask others more and interact more, then I would be able to express my thoughts and views on each assignment more better. I always feel that I would be embarrassed if I asked sure questions to my peers, so I dont ask at all, then feel bad because I dont know or feel somewhat confused about an assignment. I know that if I start utilizing this method more, then it would really increase my study habits.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Four Star Case Study Essay

quaternion Star is a mattress manufacturer known for a focus on quality, convergenceivity and customer service. In differentiate to meet food market demand from customers as well as competition Four Star increased proliferation of mattress varieties offering a total of 230 different model types at one time. This change caused Four Star to experience operational issues and bad breed management, resulting in low profitability and productivity. Of the many problems faced by Four Star, proliferation of mattress varieties and its restore on operations and inventory management is their biggest issue. This has had a major impact on the things that Four Star once prided itself on quality, productivity and customer service. Having 230 product variations created extremely long aim fill rates resulting in a loss of customers and created a great deal of customer dissatisfaction.There was also added mash placed on Four Star employees to fill orders. Having so many unsatisfied employees put Four Star at risk for loosing employees which would add additional stress to the production process. In addition, large dealers who would typically sell and inventory Four Star products began limiting the exit of mattresses stored due to their inability to predict which of the 230 varieties a customer would purchase. Instead, LDs would wait until a customer placed an order to request inventory from Four Star. Upon order placement LDs expected fast inventory arriver which is the level of service they were used to getting but due to the stress placed on the Four Star manufacturing operation they were having trouble filling orders. This resulted in dealers no longer committing to placing orders with Four Star. Four Star alikek on the burden of carrying inventory which was an additional expense for the organization placing added stress on the overall manufacturing process. Four Star soon began to see decreased sales revenue. Sia Meng considered several survival of the fittests to smoothly manage its operations.The first option was to reduce the fig of mattress models manufactured back to 40 or 60, levels at which the company produced in 1996 and 1998. This would be a very effective solve to the issues being had with Four Star since historical data shows that revenues and customer satisfaction levels were up and the company was not experiencing such turmoil in its manufacturing. In addition, it has also been proven by the behavior of the dealers that there ar too many mattress varieties. Reducing model levels would help increase revenue. Another option being investigated by Sia Meng is to insist on aminimum order size of it by dealers.This requirement from dealers would help streamline the order and production process and let in Four Star a window of opportunity to fulfill orders in spite of appearance a reasonable timeframe and increase customer satisfaction. The last option being considered is to reduce safety stock requirements for finished mattres ses. This is not a viable option for Four Star. The company is already having major issues and relocating would not fix the internal turmoil that exists. Below are my recommendations for how Four Star can reconfigure its product design, manufacturing and order fulfillment process. Product DesignFour Star should begin all mattresses with the same basic design and alter the product to meet customers needs. This could include adding more coils and the quilted cover depending on the customers request. This would allow Four Star to inventory and produce a limited number of materials needed to produce a mattress because all mattresses would use the same basic formula with modifications. For example, if Four Star received an order for one of its premium mattresses, the number of coils added to the mattress would be adjusted accordingly as well as the quilted cover. Doing so would reduce the fill rate and limit frustration of employees working on the production line as they would be working to produce a less complicated product with less moving parts.ManufacturingIt is recommended that Four Star withhold its facility where it is currently to work out the production issues they are experiencing before determining whether moving to another location would be more lucrative. There are currently too many other issues looming with the production line to isolate any one main cause for the issue. To Order FulfillmentTo improve the order fulfillment process it is recommended that Four Star enforce a minimum order quantity on its dealers. Doing so may initially increase inventory costs for Four Star but the long term benefits could outweigh this short term frustration. Enforcing a minimum order quantity would also allow dealers to set better expectations with customers and increase customer satisfaction.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Different Leadership Styles in the Public Service

There atomic number 18 several different leaders styles exercised within the public services. Therefore there are m both varied suggestions that condition someone as being a strong leader. However a leadership style is a unique style that people recognise to win or influence other people in a way others do not so that they admire and want to be like. A radical leaders role in the public services is to provide instruction and direction and guidance and leadership this is to help inspire and encourage the squad to reach their goals and aims.They have to keep the team focused on there current task or tasks and be able to communicate within their throng effectively. Team spirit needs to be kept positive so that this ensures that tasks assigned are completed on time and that the groups standards are always kept high. The trio main Leadership styles used in the public services AuthoritarianThe Authoritarian leader makes quick, clear and precise independent decisions without any in put. Even if there was, it wouldnt affect the overall decision making as it needs to be decided quickly. The appropriate leader that would use the leafy vegetable traits of an authoritarian leader would be an officer in the army because usually they are loud and demanding. DemocraticThe democratic leader involves the whole team having an input in the decision-making. The team members can give opinions that may affect or influence the final decision. The team leader is still responsible for the final decision exactly after listening, taking in account all the opinions and weighing them up. The appropriate way this style can be used is in the fire service, for example, rescuing a person or people in a burning building therefore it needs more than one person to help decide the beat out decision. Laissez faireThe laissez faire leader more of an independent off hands approach. This style is only used if the leader has a lot of trust in the team and relies on them to get on with the ta sk in hand with high standards and little direction. However the team has a lot more freedom to achieve because they are highly motivated and feel empowered. For example the most effective waythis style could be used is if you gave a police forensic team to go out and complete a task.Other leadership styles used in public servicesTransactionalThe transactional style of leadership is pretty straight forward but it uses rewards and punishments to motivate the team. This is a style of leadership that is similar but not as extreme as the autocratic style. The transactional styles are direct and dominant and spend a owing(p) amount of time saying what is expected from the team as a whole. The leaders monitor the work and each and everyones individual performance, there is in like manner a clear chain of command. Transactional leaders are very ordinarily found within businesses where people are given rewards such as bonuses, genteelness or time off if they show a good demonstration.Tr ansformationalThe transformational style of leadership focuses on the teams performance as a whole, it encourages everyone to mean of the group as a whole and rather not on the dot themselves. Transformational leaders aim to make their team members rectify people by support their self-awareness, its all about moving forward in a team and not just several individuals in one group. An example of transformational leadership would be within the army where as a team you all have to move forward and stick together in a group never leave a man behind.BureaucraticThe bureaucratic style of leadership is a style of leadership that focuses on rules and procedures to manage teams and projects. This is a untarnished style of leadership that is used quite a lot in organisations that dont encourage innovation and change by leaders who mayhap insecure and uncertain in what their role maybe. It is defused among a number of departments or people where there is a strict set of rules. This approac h to leadership is commonly used in uniformed and non-uniformed public services. Bureaucraticleadership is common in jobs were safety and efficiency is very important. Occupations would include fire-fighters, police, nursing, and the armed forces. People orientatedPeople oriented is slightly similar but a bit different to the task-orientated leadership. Within this style of leadership, this style focuses on participation of all the team members, clear communication, backup and developing the individual in order to improve their skills. The members of this team inspire other people by unlocking their own potential, this style is participative and encourages good team work. As an example in the police if a woman has kids the leader would let her go home and ask others to stay behind. Task OrientatedIn this style of leadership its all about getting the job done. Its all about the key of the task rather than about everyone else in the team. Their main focus is just to get the task done weather it is instructed or unstructed. This style can have many a(prenominal) difficulties such as difficulties of the lack of motivating and the retaining the team as a whole. An example a police inspector organising crowd control at a football match may use a task-cantered approach.Comparing and Evaluating the three main styles of leadership The three main types of leadership styles are Autocratic, Democratic, and Laissez-faire. Autocratic is when the leader has complete control, and no one else gets to make decisions. Despite that they get many tasks completed, morale is low. Democratic is dispenseed to be the best. Everyone has a voice on how things are done. People who are then the leader have better morale, and get better quality of work done. Laissez Faire is when the leader plays no role in completing objectives. Very little is achieved under a Laissez Faire rule. If a civilian was trapped internal a vehicle after an accident collision the fire brigade would be called to assist within the accident.The type of leadership style I would use in this scenario would be the democratic approach, my reasons for this are that the team need time to consider the best possible option/decision to bring about the best result. In my opinion I would not use the Autocratic approach as this is where a leader needs tothink and act fast without no input from their team. In this situation thinking and acting fast might not bring about the best result as you need to consider if the victim trapped in the vehicle has any injuries that might affect his removal from the vehicle, or any problems with the vehicle its self such as a dangerous leak that could potentially cause an explosion or a fire.