Monday, May 27, 2019

Mechanics of Basketball

Tino Estose WA 4 16 April 2013 Basketball (Mechanics of the game, College, and Professional) Social Media (Twitter and Facebook), Television, Basketball telly Games Factors active the medium Factors about the message Factors about the audience -The most prominent characteristic of at least two of these particular mediums (Twitter and Sports Television) is the delivery of information. These two genres argon specifically instant in terms of delivering information or whatever message that is intended to be delivered. As well, not much plough is required for the audience to acquire the information. . For Television, one just has to watch the program or the game to acquire information on basketball 2. For Twitter and Facebook, golf links to informing sites and information tidbits argon literally everywhere. -Ease of access/ proximity is also another factor that cedes people to gather information about basketball. 1. Facebook and Twitter argon at ones fingertips due to the prevalence of smart phones. And for me personally, I follow numerous accounts on Facebook and Twitter that atomic number 18 devoted to posting about anything basketball. 2. For Television as well, everyone has one.For me, it is in the dorm with the remote being so close that I do not have to get up to do it. The same can be said about Basketball Video Games. The Xbox is right in the dorm room. -As well, the information provided by these different genres can be incredibly descriptive. 1. Pieces of information offered by Facebook and Twitter are usually incredibly specified and many times unmatched. 2. On television, channels and programs hire multitudes of people that allow the destine or game to deliver wide ranges of information and insight.There are the color commentators who are typically former players or coaches that can offer their unique perspective, there are show hosts who appear to be authorities on what they speak on and usually have to credentials to support this, there are an chors who deliver the objective information of what happened in the world of sports that day, and there are numerous behind the scenes jobs that help the people on camera have requisite information (statisticians, journalists, producers, historians, etc). 3. Sports videogames and basketball ones specifically, are incredibly detailed today.The objective there is to offer the most realistic game experience possible. Because of this, these basketball games not solitary(prenominal) offer a great amount of information on every player and teams background, but feature players and teams from the past. Personally playing these games, my friendship structures on the game of basketball and its history have been thoroughly fed. -Existing knowledge on basketball has been a key factor in my experience with these genres. In years past, my knowledge on basketball and basketball topics has been limited to the most current events in the sports world. Another is Comprehension. The text discusses that how one interprets and processes the information that they are encountering through media is a key audience factor. 1. Even though I am only 22, I tone intellectual growth and maturity has allowed me to view plastered mediums and encounter the information with a different type of analysis that allows me to alter my knowledge structures comprehensively. Ultimately, I feel it leads to a rich background of knowledge for me to wad from. -Motivation is another audience factor that I feel has influenced my information acquisition on basketball. . Basketball is a game that I have it away. From that passion, I feel I am motivated to seek any type of information that I can from these three mediums. How I met your Mother Comedy Sitcom There are many reoccurring elements that appear throughout this show. There the more simple ones such as Drinking at MacLarens Pub every night (and days), the flat tire above the bar that at least one (and most of the time, more than one) of the chara cters live in, and the different jobs that each character is shown in.There are also the more knotty ones that feature the behaviors of each character Barney will always drink scotch, smoke cigars, play laser tag, make fun of Robin for being Canadian, objectify women and is invariably seeking sexual gratification. Ted is always talking about architecture, pretentiously citing art and cultural references that no one else understands, and always is conquesting for and failing to find the one (hint this is what the show is named after). Marshal and Lilly are always dealing with married couple issues.And Robin is not only struggling with putting her career in front of her recognize life, but is also Robin Sparkles Canadian pop star, a proud Canadian, gun enthusiast, scotch drinker and cigar smoker. Scrubs Medical Comedy There are numerous reoccurring elements of this show as well. There is the Janitor torturing JD daily, Dr. Cox being stubborn and conceited about his medical knowledg e, Turk accentuating his blackness in a in general white hospital, his wife, Carla, doing the same thing with her Latino heritage, JD constantly vying for Dr.Coxs approval and insisting that he is his mentor, Dr. Cox hating such behavior, Dr. Cox calling JD by girls names, JD qualifying through numerous relationships, homoerotic best friend relationships between Turk and JD, Elliot saying awkward comments and observations in the most honest way possible, and so on. I feel that most overlapping element between these two shows exist the consistency of some of the relationships. The Marshal and Lily relationship reflects the Turk and Carla relationship greatly.Both relationships are portrayed as the strongest love relationships between all the characters. Another relationship that is reflected by each show is the best friend relationships between Turk and JD, and Ted and Marshal. Both shows have their characters living together since to begin with the shows have started, including b oth shows having the characters having met in college and been college roommates. Both shows also have multiple moments of comical intimacy between the characters.I feel these reoccurring elements of these shows provide consistency in the characters. In the context of audience members cognitively processing the show, it provides easier pathways for two different effects. For entertainment value, if there are reoccurring behaviors and attributes of the characters, jokes are easier to make and laugh at because of the familiarity of the audience to the characters. As well, though, it makes plot points of the shows to be understood. This allows audience members to think about grander themes and messages of these different shows.

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