Saturday, October 5, 2019

Discuss a particular image pattern or cluster of symbols and show how Essay

Discuss a particular image pattern or cluster of symbols and show how it functions in one or two works on the course - Essay Example The Yellow Wallpaper was not only an intimate autobiographical work but one of the few instances where in text, a real life 19th century woman spoke out. A major theme in å… ¸he Yellow Wallpaperis the medical mistreatment of women which plagued the 1900s which is explored by Gilmans use of symbolism and character development. The Yellow Wallpaperis a short story written by the prolific author Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1892 and then was forgotten. Fifty years later Gilman and her works were rediscovered and this particular short story has become a quintessential piece of 1800s feminist literature. Married women during this time were freed from the necessity of contributing to society outside the home, presumably because marriage befit her for motherhood and motherhood required all of her energies."(ODonnell). On the surface it was the story of a woman who has a child and suffered from depression. Her husband, who is also her doctor, prescribed the å… ¸he Mitchell Treatment This was a standard treatment for all mental disorders during this time which consisted of isolation and rest. The woman, the main character, was placed in an attic for a month of recovery. Her only companion was the peeling yellow wallpaper. Slowly the unnamed narrator slipped into deep depressive psychosis. It is not until she sh irked off the treatment and the invisible societal chains that she becomes well again. "The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ... present image[s] of women imprisoned within a labyrinthine underworld that represents the threat of madness; and in each case the myths become metaphors for poesis, hermeneusis, and psychogenesis.(Smith 227). This short story was based on Gilmançâ€" ´ real life experience with depression and the 途esttreatment. The Yellow Wallpaper was not only an intimate autobiographical work but one of the few instances where in text, a real life 19th century woman spoke out. A major theme

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