Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sherlock Holmes Essay

â€Å"The resemblance to a fierce old bird of prey† shows just how frightening this character is. Using this descriptive language is important as it portrays Dr Roylott as someone who is overpowering, fierce and evil which makes him sound like a frightening person who would commit murder. This also creates tension in the reader making them want to find out if it is him who is the murderer. 5. What did you hope to achieve through creating the character Sherlock Holmes? Through the character of Sherlock Holmes I hoped to show him as a positive role model and someone who the law should be like. In those days the police’s â€Å"attempts to combat crime shifted back towards the prevention of crime, as opposed to the detection of criminals. † (This source is from www. oldbaileyonline. org/history/crime/policing. html#metrotext) This is why the police dismissed Helen Stoners story and if Sherlock Holmes had done the same thing then Helen Stoner would have died. This shows how the way of policing was back then. I hoped to change the police force through the character of Sherlock Holmes to make them realise that policing had to be aimed at the detection of criminals as well as preventing crime. â€Å"Pray be precise to details† shows that Holmes is interested and wanting to find out why Julia Stoner died, unlike the police force who just wanted to prevent than solve crime. 6. How did you create a sense of mystery and tension in the plot of ‘The Speckled Band? ‘ I created the sense of tension and mystery in the story by showing evidence along the way. â€Å"Why it’s a dummy† â€Å"A ventilator into another room† There were several little changes carried out about that time† â€Å"A small saucer of milk† â€Å"A small dog leash. † All this evidence adds to the tension and making the reader want to read on to find out how the evidence is all linked. Also, â€Å"How shall I ever forget that dreadful vigil? † This rhetorical question shows how terrible the ordeal was. â€Å"I could not here a sound, not even the drawing of a breath†¦. The shutter cut off the least ray of light and we waited absolute darkness. † This quote makes the reader feel like they are waiting for something to happen and therefore, thus building more tension. 7. How important was setting in the story ‘The Speckled Band? The setting in ‘The Speckled Band’ such as â€Å"the building of grey† was important because it symbolises the danger that lurks about them. â€Å"Lichen-blotched stone, with a high central portion and two curved wings like the claws of a crab. † The simile which describes . Stoke Moran shows the danger that Holmes and Helen are in. The claws sound like they are dangerous and will trap anyone and make them suffer a terrible fate for those who approach them. â€Å"It was a perfect day, with a bright sun and a few fleecy clouds in the heavens. The trees and wayside hedges were just throwing out their first green shoots, and there was full of the pleasant smell of the moist earth†¦ and this sinister quest upon which we were engaged. † This pathetic fallacy shows the contrast between where they are coming from which is calm and â€Å"pleasant† and Stoke Moran, which is portrayed as a â€Å"sinister† place full of danger and mystery. This setting is important as it also builds tension in the reader which makes them want to read on. Sam Booth 10/05/2007 1 of 3 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

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