Monday, May 25, 2020

What Is The Making Of The Modern World - 730 Words

The Making of the Modern World by Erik Ringmar, an overview of the events in history that have led to the modern political scene. Diplomacy by Stephen McGlinchey, the evolution of diplomacy and big events that have showcased the power of diplomacy. One World, Many Actors by Carmen Gebhard, the transition of global relations from international to trans-national focused on the role of individuals and groups. As a scholar, these three texts have changed my present thoughts on how the world’s international relations and diplomacy have been an integral part in making the global market. I am an economics major with an international trade and development concentration, learning about how the politics affect trade and businesses, is amazing. My†¦show more content†¦In the realm of international relations, I appreciate that it â€Å"moved away from a dominant focus on the state and the system to deal more with the role and perspective of groups and individuals.† (Carmen Gebhard). This allowed anyone to have a voice in politics and stand up for what they believe in and that is something I firmly believe in and was reinforced with this new knowledge about the concept of trans-national relations. Learning about the events that lead to the modern global political system and global market defiantly strengthened my belief that the global trade has significant benefits, taught me that economic incentives and potential loss can prevent wars, and money runs the world when it comes to being politically dominant. In the medieval ages the kings were dominant and had power over little except the economy. â€Å"The economy was not thought of as a distinct sphere separated from politics but instead as a tool of statecraft which the state could manipulate to serve its own ends.† (Erik Ringmar). Times have changed and medieval kings do not rule all the land but the concept remains the same, countries use their economic standing as a way to make deals, prevent political issues, and push forward their political agenda. This is not always successful especially when it came to the Cold War because the US and the USSR were both economically builtShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s Brave New World And 19841400 Words   |  6 PagesB.N.W. v.s. 1984 Synthesis Essay Hypothesis become theories and theories become laws. Brave New World and 1984 were both predictions made in the 1900s about what the future of the world would be like. Both of these books were written during the time when communism rose, and they show a world where it would have been like if communism was never struck down. Certainly, one novel makes a better prediction of the future than the other, and this case it will be 1984. 1984 is a better prediction becauseRead MoreEpiphany Vs Araby833 Words   |  4 Pages With the materialistic world we live in today where everyone is stuck in their own head is it possible for true hears to exist in the modern age? Two short fiction novels that discuss the quest, epiphanies, and heroes of the modern age are â€Å"AP† by John Updike and â€Å"Araby† by James Joyce. The story â€Å"AP† by John Updike is about an eighteen year old boy named Sammy who works at the AP and finds an attraction to three girls who repeatedly w alk into the AP in bathing suits, after the girls are embarrassedRead MoreModern vs. Hippocratic Oath1257 Words   |  6 Pagestreatment of patients. However, this out-dated oath is not equipped to handle the modern trials and tribulations faced by physicians and health care in general. Many of its principles are simply unrealistic and inapplicable in today’s society. For this reason a revised version of the oath was written. As I will argue, this modern oath is necessary in defending the sacredness of a physician’s title in today’s ever changing world. This is a job the classical oath can no longer rightfully fulfill. In theRead MoreAnimal Imagery In William Butler Yeatss Sailing To Byzantium1091 Words   |  5 Pagesof the world being caught up with all of the wrong things. In Sailing to Byzantium, William Butler Yeats uses the motif of time juxtaposing the modern age with the old empire of Byzantium to critique the current and coming situations of the world, specifically by providing opposite imagery for the young and old. 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There is no longer a link between this period and socio-historical progress, however. 1. Postmodern architecture has changed small spaces and considered how people occupy the space. 2. Making a small space appear larger changes the landscape of the space. b. Not much space isRead MoreModern Technology: a Friend or a Foe?1572 Words   |  7 PagesModern Technology: A friend or a foe? Paolo A. Pantaleon 2-7 â€Å"Were changing the world with technology† (Gates). In this modern world, many people can’t survive without the aid of modern technology. Do you remember when people used to send messages through the use of the â€Å"pony express†? Or when people used to get up from their couch to change the channel of the television? I can’t imagine how people could live without modern technologies such as cell phones, internet, and many more. Technology

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Globalization Sample Questions - 7882 Words

Sample Questions for the Midterm Exam in GOG/GLO 225: Lecture Notes and readings Combined Notes: ââ€" ª There may be some overlap between questions designated to each class ââ€" ª Some questions may be repeated in exact or similar versions, either in the same of different sections ââ€" ª Some of the questions below may come from material outside either the lectures or the classes; don’t worry, but make sure you can answer them ââ€" ª If you want to test your self on these questions, un-bold the answers, but be sure to keep a copy of the list with answers ââ€" ª These are not the questions for the exam, but they are similar and they cover topics that will on the exam From Class #1 1. As described in the first lecture, in GOG/GLO 225 we†¦show more content†¦A high proportion of its workers employed in manufacturing activities d. A focus on specialized knowledge (in terms of both individuals and institutions) 13. Which of the following cities is not usually listed as one of the top three in the ‘world cities discourse?† a. Sao Paulo b. London c. Tokyo d. New York 14. In the research work reported by the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network at Loughborough University in the UK, the highest ranking group of cities in the global economy are called: a. Uno cities b. Alpha cities c. Eins cities d. Yi cities 15. Which of the following is not usually among the major criticisms made of the ‘world cities discourse? a. it tends to perpetuate a colonial mode of understanding cities b. it tends to be is overly economics driven, with no emphasis placed on cultural or political variables c. it tends to perpetuate the status quo d. it tends to freeze out the cities of the global ‘North’ 16. What is usually considered to be the opposite of what Manuel Castells has in mind by his term the â€Å"space of flows,† in the sense that it is grounded by traditional geographical factors? a. The space of people b. The space of places c. The space of transactions d. The space of abstractions 17. The majority of the case studies used in the WMW book (and mapped at the end of their Chapter 1) are locatedShow MoreRelatedAdvertisement And Culture Of The Media1658 Words   |  7 Pagesperception processes. Several studies have shown that consumers are more inclined to respond to advertisements that are congruent with their culture (Boddewyn, Soehl, and Picard, 1986; Buzzell, 1968; Harris, 1984). Unlike, today’s era of media globalization is changing the taste of social capitals especially the youngster and their value system. The value system includes sets of beliefs, attitudes, and activities to which a culture or subculture subscribes. Daniel Lerner stats that work on modernizationRead MoreCharacteristics Of New Media1211 Words   |  5 Pages3. GLOBALIZATION AND NEW MEDIA: The New Media have five distinctive characteristics: digitality, convergency, interactivity, hypertextuality, and virtuality (Chen Zhang, 2010; Flew, 2005; Lister, Dovery, Giddings, Grant, Kelly, 2009). First, digitalization is the most prominent feature of new media. New media or digital media dematerializes media text by converting data from analog into digital form, which allows all kind of mathematical operations. New media also makes it possible for a largeRead MorePerceived Effectiveness Of Influence Tactics Of The United States And China1507 Words   |  7 Pagesdifficulties of exercising influence differently. According to Smith and Peterson, to understand cultural differences, international relationship, and various influences in cross-cultural cooperation are necessary for managers under 21st century globalization. The authors also believed that the managers who have strong cultural awareness would have more strategies to influence people with different cultural backgro unds for a cross-cultural teamwork. In this paper, I will analyze Fu and Yukl’s researchRead MoreCultural Studies By John Frow And Meaghan Morris852 Words   |  4 PagesFor this week’s reading, we read â€Å"Cultural Studies† by John Frow and Meaghan Morris. The author started out by describing how â€Å"culture† became a popular term within the media since the 1980’s and words like â€Å"postmodernism† and â€Å"globalization†. The Australian politician describe the word ‘culture’ affects people’s point of views and way of working through complicated customs, values, and expectations. The author supported the argument that changing culture is a very important aspect by using an exampleRead MoreAnalysis of Religion and Globalization by Peter Beyer Essay1604 Words   |  7 Pagesposition of that social system with regard to other systems. The second half of the book, five chapters, explores applications of Beyerà ¢â‚¬â„¢s theorizing to a wide range of world religious particularities. Beyer introduces his readers to the idea of globalization in religious phenomena with the example of the fatwah issued by the Ayatollah Khomeini condemning Salman Rushdie to death. For Beyer, the speed and range of the event (one to which he returns several times throughout the book) are illustrativeRead MoreInternational Trade And Gender Wage Inequality1426 Words   |  6 PagesInternational Trade and Gender Wage Inequality Motivation for the Research: In recent years, globalization and international trade has become a significant issue for countries. Consumers tend to use more goods and services and due to the lack of resources, the need to trade with other countries seems to be inevitable. Assuming that globalization would occur, labor factors become noteworthy. Although growth in international trade provide more job opportunities for people, there are still inequalityRead MoreResearch Proposal Sample on Vodafone Uk Customer Satisfaction1387 Words   |  6 PagesResearch Proposal Sample on Vodafone UK Customer Satisfaction Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the business industry, it is important to gather customer to make the product and services sold. Therefore, keeping a customer is difficult in the business when it is in the starting stage. A business will find it harder to find prospective and loyal customer when operating abroad. And because of the economic problem that many countries are facing now, another challenge was revived; how to keep the customerRead MorePoverty, Immigration, Social Welfare, And Imprisonment, By Robert Crutchfield And David Pettinicchio1161 Words   |  5 Pagesincome inequality. The final conclusion was made that in order to understand the variance of the imprisonment of non-whites, the history of the countries’ treatment of them is needed to determine the root of the inequality. The next article, â€Å"Questions about Race as a Research Variable†, discusses whether or not race can be used as a research variable. The author, Diane Dirette, defines race and ethnicity. Her reasoning was based on the fact that race and ethnicity are two different concepts thatRead MoreSouth Kore A Dramatic Change Of Multiculturalism816 Words   |  4 PagesSouth Korea has faced a dramatic change of multiculturalism brought by globalization. An influx of different races and ethnicities from all over the world has changed dynamics of race and ethnicity in South Korea. From nation-state with homogenous ethnicity, South Korea is now transforming into racially, ethnically diversified society. According to Korea government, as of 2015, the number of foreign residents in South Korea exceeded 1.5 million, which means three out of one hundred in populationRead MoreGraduation Speech : Education And Education Essay1162 Words   |  5 Pages1. Introduction 1.1. Background These days, there are many students travel to other countries to study and gain more experiences. They are willing to study abroad because in these globalization era, opportunity to get better education are offered and might support their career in the future. As a result, there are many students from Asia travel to other country such as New Zealand, Australia, and America to pursue their dream. Moreover, teacher is part of education that cannot be separated with students’

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Walmart s Presence Of The American Economy - 1643 Words

Walmart’s presence has, at least for the foreseeable future, but put in place. What does this presence mean for the American economy? It means lower prices on thousands of goods. It certainly means a more convenient shopping experience for Americans. However, it also means that a lot of manufacturing work has been outsourced to overseas factories that can produce at a much lower cost. This is a critical equation to balance when talking about a company with revenues of $480 billion (Walmart.) There is a certain nostalgia present when making an argument against Walmart. For example, â€Å"In the old days, you could actually support a family selling electronics or running a general store. But you can’t support a family working at Walmart†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦This is the kind of innovation that Walmart uses to better America. Couple an example like operation hurricane pop tarts with the advent of smartphones and great things are in store for the Walmart c ustomer. Walmart now has a smartphone app that allows in store users to use voice command to get help finding popular items within their budget (Thompson.) It is likely that it is this efficient use of data that has allowed Walmart to be successful at such a large economy of scale for such an extended period of time. Those who romanticize the small business owner would disregard these efficiency boosting technological advances. It is true that America may have more manufacturing jobs if Walmart had never expanded to the extent that it has, but it is also true that many advancements in supply chain management wouldn’t have occurred either. American businesses now have higher technology and more efficient use of their time. Instead of mourning jobs lost to more cost effective foreign competition, Americans should seek to create new higher technology jobs. These types of jobs will create more wealth and yield higher pay anyway. In a globalized economy, perhaps it is time to stop asking, â€Å"Is this good for America?† and instead ask, â€Å"Will this help the world economy?† What, then, are the benefits that Americans are

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Liberty University the Significance of the Calling of Paul the Apostle Annotated Bibliography free essay sample

Hedrick, Charles W. â€Å"Paul’s Conversion/Call: A Comparative Analysis of the Three Reports in Acts. † Journal of Biblical Literature 100, no. 3 (S 1981): 415–432. C. Hedrick talks about the miracle of Paul’s conversion. He compares and contrasts the three accounts and determines the story of Paul as Luke saw it. The only way to truly understand, he says, is to compare all three accounts side by side. McDonough, Sean M. â€Å"Small Change: Saul to Paul, Again. † Journal of Biblical Literature 125, no. 2 (Sum 2006): 390–391. S. McDonough talks about the name change of Saul. He discusses the negative view behind Saul’s name and mulls over why the name change was significant. McDonough also touches on the introduction of Saul into the New Testament. Meyer, Wendel W. â€Å"The Conversion of St. Paul. † Anglican Theological Review 85, no. 1 (Winter 2003): 13–17. â€Å"One of the most potent influences in the process of Pauls conversion,† Meyer says, â€Å"arose from his indefatigable efforts to create and sustain communities of faith. We will write a custom essay sample on Liberty University the Significance of the Calling of Paul the Apostle Annotated Bibliography or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † In this paper, W. Meyer talks about the importance of Paul’s faith and why his conversion matters so much. He focuses on what happened on the road to Damascus and what impact it had on Paul. Ralston, Timothy J. â€Å"The Theological Significance of Paul’s Conversion. † Bibliotheca Sacra 147, no. 586 (Ap–Je 1990): 198–215. T. Ralston talks about the Damascus Road as the catalyst in Saul’s life. He compares the accounts of Luke and Paul himself in seeking the answers to the importance of Saul’s conversion and why such a man would change so radically. Witherup, Ronald D. â€Å"Functional Redundancy in the Acts of the Apostles: A Case Study. † Journal for the Study of the New Testament 48 (D 1992): 67-86. R. Witherup covers the three part story of Paul’s conversion, much like Charles Hedrick did in his comparative analysis. He has used the idea of â€Å"functional redundancy† as a way to show the importance of Paul’s conversion and his life. Redundancy matters. Repetition is used to help the human brain recognize and memorize things of utmost importance.