Thursday, May 14, 2020

Globalization Sample Questions - 7882 Words

Sample Questions for the Midterm Exam in GOG/GLO 225: Lecture Notes and readings Combined Notes: ââ€" ª There may be some overlap between questions designated to each class ââ€" ª Some questions may be repeated in exact or similar versions, either in the same of different sections ââ€" ª Some of the questions below may come from material outside either the lectures or the classes; don’t worry, but make sure you can answer them ââ€" ª If you want to test your self on these questions, un-bold the answers, but be sure to keep a copy of the list with answers ââ€" ª These are not the questions for the exam, but they are similar and they cover topics that will on the exam From Class #1 1. As described in the first lecture, in GOG/GLO 225 we†¦show more content†¦A high proportion of its workers employed in manufacturing activities d. A focus on specialized knowledge (in terms of both individuals and institutions) 13. Which of the following cities is not usually listed as one of the top three in the ‘world cities discourse?† a. Sao Paulo b. London c. Tokyo d. New York 14. In the research work reported by the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network at Loughborough University in the UK, the highest ranking group of cities in the global economy are called: a. Uno cities b. Alpha cities c. Eins cities d. Yi cities 15. Which of the following is not usually among the major criticisms made of the ‘world cities discourse? a. it tends to perpetuate a colonial mode of understanding cities b. it tends to be is overly economics driven, with no emphasis placed on cultural or political variables c. it tends to perpetuate the status quo d. it tends to freeze out the cities of the global ‘North’ 16. What is usually considered to be the opposite of what Manuel Castells has in mind by his term the â€Å"space of flows,† in the sense that it is grounded by traditional geographical factors? a. The space of people b. The space of places c. The space of transactions d. The space of abstractions 17. The majority of the case studies used in the WMW book (and mapped at the end of their Chapter 1) are locatedShow MoreRelatedAdvertisement And Culture Of The Media1658 Words   |  7 Pagesperception processes. Several studies have shown that consumers are more inclined to respond to advertisements that are congruent with their culture (Boddewyn, Soehl, and Picard, 1986; Buzzell, 1968; Harris, 1984). Unlike, today’s era of media globalization is changing the taste of social capitals especially the youngster and their value system. The value system includes sets of beliefs, attitudes, and activities to which a culture or subculture subscribes. Daniel Lerner stats that work on modernizationRead MoreCharacteristics Of New Media1211 Words   |  5 Pages3. 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