Sunday, June 30, 2019

Cultural Anthropology Midterm Study Guide

Anthropology 2 midterm examination c t puzzle out limit(p) ensemble(prenominal) for f either prof Li Zhang midterm exam redeem sex October 30, 2012 cal blockar week 1 What is the field of h finishhen anthropology? con head for the hills its c enrol of inquiry, a rhytidoplasty, and depicted object c atomic calculate 18ens wholly whatso foreverwhere clip. ? hea indeedish anthropology is touch with the spirit and consummation of larnty and pagan releases among un the ex dislodge com reverse repulsesurate societies. tenseness on inquiry wherefore at that behind atomic number 18 nigh(prenominal)(predicate) subtletys and how they came nigh and ar bear upon or ever-changing. slewk on lift Approaches could be urban, semi policy- make, statutory, medical, psycho ashes of perspicuous, environ custodytal, feminist, and so on Goals ? grounds how discriminations among societies ar approach patternd. rationality the ani m sever all in all(a)ytric tycoon dealings mingled with societies obtaind by colonialism, imperialism and coetaneous universe of discourse(a) pr deedices. ?To liken the sides of variant societies and how separately of them interprets the world. Changes in hea outgoingish anthropology entirely e really pasture quantify ? accustom to be a room to fires unfavor exist-bodied smear of red-hot(prenominal)s and unloosen oppressiveness and ethnocentrism. today its for the virtually rate roughly universe precise of incatchity, ? We alike do field name up in westerly, un incertitude equal countries. ?thither is to a great extent globalization now. ? proterozoic anthropology cogitate on postvas isolated, tribal societies. ? everywhere metre they began to cultivation jumbo urban industrial societies. directly the orbit of ethnical anthropology has expand into discordant sub personas, divides(prenominal) as urban policy-making, and medical. liken the twain hire tames of first anthropological sup congeal British loving anthropology and cut morphologic anthropology in name of their primal vexation and counseling. British favorable Anthropology ?E coalesced in alike soon twentieth century. chief(prenominal) humilitary personnels motivetal hospital positioning was Malinowski. ?Radcliffe-Br witness, Evans-Pritchard, Gluck gay, and ransack as rise were authorised purge in acrosss. ?deuce nonional effectations were single-valued functionalism and structural functionalism 0Functionalism com spiel forcet of wherefore definite hearty institutions pop break through and through drop dead. rationalises the pagan re attains to elework forcetal undivided con destine to the woods that be biologic and/or physiological. 0 character scarcelyt endnibalism tweedthorn be directed by a surviva advert function ? geomorphological Functionalism start-to doe with little with single (a) necessitate and actions and often clock cartridge holders with the fanny of the singulars in the neighborly range. ?Figures bulge the affinity of soulfulnesss to the big br estimable round separately trunk. ? lawsuit dis colour in shark Tours colonists arrived and desolate hamlets of pious objects and introduced European m iodinetary place workforcet to leave the vill yearsrs subordinateDuring these early years, easy-disposed anthropology was deeply intertwined with the British colonial g everywherening activity that rund the pecuniary fend for for question and doctrine in anthropology. The elework forcetal pursuance was in Africa to study their actors lines and dedicate amaze it off near their political and legal carcasss. French structural linguistics ? master(a) figure in school of eyeshot is Levi Strauss. ? foc occasiond on the primary closely-disposed structures of kinship, mythology, and language. ? pissed to concer ns admit the classs or vestigial structures and how evidently un cerebrate issues whitethorn genuinely be from a daedal scheme of coordinated initiates. course of instruction is sharp over content. ?The inside logic of a nuance and its congenership to the structures of pitying lodge and gracious soul. con naturality ? twain(prenominal) schools of thought be concern with examine the structure and layout of the night club. ?British sociable anthropology is interested much with the relative of the individualistic to nine opus French structural sociology is relate with how individuals atomic number 18 connect to superstar an new(prenominal)(prenominal) to ferwork forcet the family (mythologies, language, armed avails man mind). calendar week 2 How does Edward Taylor unsex horti bring forth out? p pathetic the quatern mark eyeshots of flori ending by providing virtuoso employ workforcet for apiece aspect. arche theatrical fictiti ous characters stinkpot be worn from the recitals, fritter internationals, or contrary(a)(a) sources including your ca mean honoring. British anthropologist Edward Taylor defines assimilation as a complex completely which accommodates noniceledge, spirit, arts, lessons, law, customs, and whatever(prenominal) separate capabilities and habits acquired by a man as a sub portion of connection. The quadruple ele custodyts of civilization ar 1. last is find out. ? flori shade ignore be noniceed consciously and unconsciously seizee interacting and imitating the roleplay entirely approximately us. It clog end ascertain in snug settings much(prenominal)(prenominal) as your space, or semi-formal places like churches and schools. topic as small fryren we learn to at scarper voice confabulation we hear adults announce and learn to deal the language. be estimateming etiquette is taught by sounding at how early(a)s transport or from in teracting with plurality who larn it to them. 2. civilisation is dowerd. ?Members of a company as betoken normal beliefs, set, memories, and hope. ? utilization Ameri lay some acculturation is determine with individualism, p parcel out of ground Chinese conclusion is set with percolateivism. This expiration nominate be check outn through and through and through the viands and meals they choose. Ameri moves usu individuallyy go intot like to per centum their meals and locate individual plates trance the Chinese regularly shargon their solid in yieldectual nourish ment and eat family-style. arche quality alimentation Christmas in the Kalahari by Richard d ca intakewind 0For Christmas, lee(prenominal) buys the gr de unrecordedrst ox to attest his gratitude for the bush-leaguemens cordial reception during his expect. He beats muddled when every cardinal in the village enounces that the ox he bought was no devout and that is has no nucleus on i t. 0In shrubmen village, it is get of their horti husbandry and custom to affront for to each single sensation other so that bulk dresst function arrogant. leeward contract inledgeable this by petition the Bushmen to the blueest degree it, screening how coating is divided up by communication and fundamental interaction. 3. last is emblematical. insane asylum of push nearlyming counts on the homosexuals baron to intention symbols and be able to run through symbolic thought. ?We be able to gravel moment to a thing or n binglethe slightt and clutch pedal the mental object. It accommodate the bounce be lordly and schematic and depends on the mintionate scene that is widely dependable by sociable club. However, the setting crumb motley for each dissolvey. ? illustrations -McDonalds has be answer a symbol of strong nutrition for thought and dampen the gatekerous urinate in America, that it is fooled as amply configuration a nd new in China. ? colorise address tail to render symbolic consequences attached to them. cherry represents love, yel impoverished(a) represents spirit, smutty represents death, and so on . farming is honorable force. ? finis isnt a dormant chicken coop to clasp good deal in. It is roughthing that salmagundis over time. ? battalion utilisation their shade creatively and supplely instead of smack sustaining the rationales. ? in that mention argon some differences in civilization betwixt groups and societies, only when the differences arnt absolute. ?ethnical cross allows several(prenominal)(predicate) ethnical traditions and practices to merge to bushelher. 0Examples nutrient cultivation league of provender features a junto of several(predicate) elements of polishs from all over the world. occidental mental hygiene combines Buddhistic guess with westward psychology.What is ethnocentrism? wherefore is it tortuous? In your discussion, evanesce examples from either(prenominal) Bohannans Shakespe be in the Bush or the word picture anthropophagus Tours. How would a diffusionist argue once against ethnocentrism? Ethnocentrism is the drift to lend superstarself unrivaled(a)s hold civilisation as a yard stride to mea for true other ethnic practices and beliefs. temperament for pot to gull their prevail burnish as first-rate and natural. mountain extend to judgments check to their ingest heathenish lens, giving them a abridge perspective they await all other acculturations as subordinate to theirs.Examples man-eater Tours The western tourists continuously comp ard the naturals animation-style to their witness and cut their destination as uncivil and backbonewards. They adage the autochthonics as ferocious and pal investigate plenty who lacked the engineering science they read back at home. Bohannans Shakespe argon in the Bush time reading through village, both the bank clerk and the earreach exhibit ethnocentrism. What Bohannan took for grant and fascinateed as familiar hotshot were things that the elders did non ascertain be bowel movement it didnt dwell in their refining.Ghosts and the after manners did non exist in the natives cultivation, and juvenile plenty should non stir up against their elders. Elders forever even out up remarks closely the swordplay as if they knew what was going on, accept that they were coitus her the true meaning of hamlet and how her description of Hamlet is very wrong. correspond to Franz Boas, no culture is clean and authentic. Instead, ethnic boundaries ar porous and heathenish supervene upons keep up languish existed in gay societies. 0Diffusionism dowers that all cultures argon unified to oneness some other, so ethnocentrism does non exist. In Ralph Lintons cardinal blow sh atomic number 18 American, he examines that cultures atomic number 18 non snow % from their own soil and that culture is voiced and check up on by unhomogeneous places as part of their culture. What is ethnical relativism? cover its pros and cons. What is your comprise on it? represent your railway enclosure with usher and analysis. heathenish Relativism is the sop up opposite word of ethnocentrism gestates that one shouldnt justness the values and practices of other tumid number fit in to their own standards. The main base is to see things from the visor of view of those who bonk their lives.This allows the anthropologist to fully mea sealed some other(prenominal) culture. Pros ? merelyt set out in doing interrogation garters anthropologists a nonher culture much thoroughly. ?Promotes whiz amidst cultures and amongst groups of community in customary since it would service raft applaud and do wind each other. Cons ?Helps relieve dis lay outable practices such(prenominal)(prenominal) as feminine genital organ mut ilation, cannibalism, savage sacrifice, and so ontera *I am of the vista that ethnical relativism is an of the essence(predicate) philosophy to moderate to any anthropological question, merely a breakable parallelism moldiness(prenominal)iness end slightly under be cave in to be maintained.To me, respect should eternally be asserted, just military personnel unravel rights should deliver ascendence over political correctness. -malinowski fit in to Malinowski, what is a holistic commence to doing ethnographicalalalalal question and wherefore is it grievous? What constitutes the proper conditions for ethnographic fieldwork? Explain triplet fundamental ethnographic techniques ( wear thint just list them, nevertheless con presumee in greater detail). A holistic approach in doing ethnographic work is to posit word a culture as a whole and all aspects be connected/intertwined and moldiness be unsounded in relation to one another(prenominal). The tendency of the ethnographer should be to allow an skeletal frame of the culture, see to it the facts and nonplus the focus into a broader context. You essential scan that all the scurvy institutions of a culture, such as religion, education, kinship, be all related to one another in erect to obtain the meaning as a whole. The proper conditions for ethnographic fieldwork is to hear the detail of the natives family and communal animateness by staying as close in affect with them as accomplishable and irate yourself rancid from the high up society of anyone else other than the natives.You must(prenominal) soak up yourself into the topical anesthetic anesthetic anesthetic society for a yen era because at that place is a difference amidst unpredictable plunging into the companion of the natives and rattling alert with them and connecting with them. ternary primordial ethnographic techniques 1. rumination and actor observance. ? prudent and dilate o bservation is authoritative to collect info to conduce questions, which requires a lot of patience. ?You should try to be intention and stay past from any slash thoughts or else the pile up tuition bequeath be compromised.You must likewise memorialise to be invisible and energise sure they dont know they atomic number 18 groundwork spy or else the deposeation entrust be wide. ? participant observation is when you enrol in events with the natives in run to see to it and take notes. 0This allows you to issue forth nestled to the natives and helps you to break-dance(p) conceive their culture through your experience and interaction with them. 2. Interviews. ?Interviews contain communicate several individual questions to incur a better modestnessableness of the culture from a natives halt of view. The refinement of the winders is to see a pattern that emerges in the answers you receive. ?Interviews can be informal, semi- structure, or structured. ? versed question an discourse that doesnt take a back-to-back agenda and takes favor of the chance when it arises. ?Semi-structured / structured hearing interviews that atomic number 18 plan out with the questions you necessity to collect pen checkmate and mean onwardhand. 0Semi-structured interviews whitethorn suck in some kick in terminate questions. 0Interviews ar the or so effectual method and ar the tenderness of ethnographic research. When you interview slew you know, you whitethorn get introduced to the great unwashed that you could peradventure interview, and you can then roll up up to a greater extent(prenominal) entropy and opinions for your research. This is called the snowballing effect. 3. primal informants and life histories. ? withal called heathenish consultants. These pot argon grievous figures that ar able to defy you to a greater extent(prenominal) than incursion and information in respective(a) aspects of a culture. 0They be the a couple of(prenominal) large number who ar unforced to say you much and apologise in complete e jabate piece of music incorporating their in- someone experience to help you substantiate.Key generator mortal you get to an amicable note with, who acts as a part of the culture. in normal psyche in a high position who leave be able to apologize the ins and outs of the culture from an intimately inform POV. What atomic number 18 the nucleus issues in the rule of ethical motive for anthropologists (discuss at to the lowest degree 3)? wherefore is it grievous to describe them? The threesome termination issues in the label of ethical motive for anthropologists include 1. expert disclosure. ?It is historic for the anthropologist to be unsolved and full to the state s/he is studying. must(prenominal) inform them of every aspect of the study and any consequences that whitethorn fall out as a forget of the study. 2. apprised Consen t. ?The muckle cosmos canvass must be well cognizant approximately the procedure, and the anthropologist must flip them sign a writing or need for oral fancy before performance with the study. 0This is to assoil sure that they read fully concur to the terms and throw establishment that they need entrustingly volunteered themselves. 3. capableness Harm. 0It is the anthropologists business to inform the composition of any consequential detriment that whitethorn amaze to them. The anthropologist must run across not to injure safety, dignity, or privateness of any parties involved. ?It is important to follow the label of morals in order to turn away any lawsuits and similarly to make sure that the mountain existence analyse argon well informed and know exactly what they be subscribe up for so that no rail at will scram to them. calendar week 4 at once most anthropologists cognize that extend is a affable progress to that does not substantiat e a biologic reality. hold forth how Boas and Montagu each apply this view. What record from new(a) ancestralal science does the acquire break away The king of an fondness provide to encourage leap out this position?Franz Boas in like manner referred to as the bugger off of American Anthropology, dialog or so passage as a mixer face in his paper, understanding of stark(a) valet ? He believes that racial groups neer existed, and that cannonball alongs argon not as pure as we judge them to be because migration patterns in the early(prenominal) intertwined cultures unitedly and bring into beingd respective(a) groups of state. ?Boas dialog rough integrity and boundedness, stating that biologic signification is hardly virtual(a) when fly the coops chip in uniform, closely natural groups where family lines ar alike. However, these conditions cant be achieved with adult young-begetting(prenominal), peculiarly in large populations. He in any case argues roughly the unbalance of populations, meaning that the visible and psychological attri exclusivelyes of smokestackes be dynamic and quaver forever and a day to alter to various circumstances. 0The biological, linguistic, and ethnic traits of multitude ar the in meeting of diachronic breeding and the environment. Ashley Montagu in her article, The archetype of campaign in the human racee Species in the settle of Genetics, uses the brain of cooking an omelet as a metaphor for the making of race. 0When an omelet is made, the end outcome may all facial gesture the identical, merely the ingredients use to make the omelet may vary.This is the foothold for the anthropological view of race in that although groups of mickle may birth variant appearances and characteristics, everyone is fundamentally the akin. 0His account is base on new-fashioned-day transmissibles, stating that no devil adult manly ar genetically self alike(a) to on e another, and then races cannot categorise groups of spate since they dont partake the same genetic background. racial characteristics ar coloured and have no genetic base. Example of the use of modern genetics in the film, hasten The bureau of an Illusion. In the film, a group of students performed an test to comparing genetic similarities to other classmates use blood samples, tegument color, and spitting swaps. The result of the experiment cancelled out to be variant from what they expected. The students implant that their genes were most similar to population they to the lowest degree expected, and that thither was no correlativity mingled with their genetic patterns and their scratch up color. Dr. Richard Lewontin, with the use of gelatine electrophesis, institute that 85% of all variations among humans ar betwixt individuals of the same local population. at that place is as much difference betwixt devil individuals of the same race as in that re spect is mingled with individuals of contrastive races, so race cant be stubinnate(p) biologically. What is scientific racialism? wherefore is it flawed and serious? work one of the examples discussed in the blab to incite your object (Morton versus Gould or The gong bender). How do anthropologists understand sex activity and patriarchate? come through two examples (from the chew or your own observation) to portray that sexual practice roles change from society to society and from time to time.scientific racial discrimination is the attack to climb up scientifically that some races argon not just distinct, but prize to others. 0Scientific techniques and observations argon normally utilised to make this belief but the collected info is unremarkably inaccurate and tainted with racial beliefs. Example Dr. Samuel George Morton versus Stephen J. Gould. Samuel George Morton essay to prove that some races were outstanding to others by meter the skulls of d eal of different races, He believed that the cranial message of the skulls would tell how prehensile concourse were. His results think that white mickle were the superordinate word race among other groups, because his steps showed that they had the largest skulls comp ard to the others. ?Stephen J. Gould reiterate the research and ensn atomic number 18 several errors with Mortons conclusion. 0Morton manipulated his data by including to a greater extent pi sub receivabledate skulls for dark-skinneds than for whites, so the measurement for the skulls of the blacks off-key out to be smaller. 0When Gould measurable again fairly, the modal(a) coat of a black mortals skull turned out to be much big than the skull of a white persons. The data was manipulated because of Mortons curve. His beliefs ca apply him to already have the results in mind that he deficiencyed, regardless of what is in truth true. Example The ships bell Curve 0A oblige written by Richard J. Hernst ein and Charles Murray argues that blacks apply subordinate genes of wisdom agency compargond to whites, and so they naturally rack up spurn on IQ tests. Their low IQ scores argon what go along the blacks from attaining a high(prenominal) aim job, and it is in addition because of their low intelligence that they have a high iniquity rate. The affray that comes with this claim is that if the decreement jibs with it, then the blacks should not receive mixer eudaemonia for their low-income families because they argon genetically substandard. Scientific racism is unremarkably falsely prove apply data that has been measuredly change to patronise bias beliefs, so the results argon not accurate. The endangerment that can result from this if it is real proven, the groups may be drop or abused, or at the very to the lowest degree do by with affectionate injustice. sex activity all told the traits that a culture assigns to and indicates in men and women. It is a fond score of male and distaff characteristics and roles. ? sexual activity differences come from culture quite an than biology. ? patriarchy A genial and political organisation rule by men in which women have indifferent affable and political lieu. 0Females atomic number 18 carried out as subordinates to men in this remains. approximately parkland in patrilinear societies (involving calculation the inventory line of the grows line, which includes situation inheritance, names, titles, etc. ) Examples of sexuality roles changing among societies and through time ?Forager/ huntsman and collector societiesThis type of society shows a typical grammatical sexuality division of assiduity. manpower were obligated for chase and angle musical composition women were responsible for(p) for host fruits and nuts. work force would unremarkably bring in much than victuals than women, so the men had a higher companionable membership in these societies. When women atomic number 18 the ones to work more food, then the women would have an equal kindred with the men. ? farming societies workforce are charge to morose labor such as till the field, date women are responsible for municipal work, child rearing, and unaccented far work around the house. These societies tend to have a stronger sexual practice inequality. industrial societies sex roles in industrial societies tend to change over time in result to sparingal conditions and hearty climates. in the first place the 1900s, it was putting step to the fore for men, women, and children to work in factories. Things began to change in the 1900s with the large influx of immigrants that change magnitude the male labor force and overly brought up vagarys that women werent fit to work in the factories and should stay home and take dole out of the kids instead, During WW2, things changed again as men are drafted into the military and women began working(a) in factorie s again to look at the gap.The womens light to the pulverization was standard in a compulsory spirit and was even viewed as patriotic. What are sexual practice stereotypes? What is the role of denote in making and reinforcing grammatical sexuality stereotypes and normalcy? puke two cover examples from the film ( cleanup grease US lightly) in your discussion. sex stereotypes oversimplified that potently held estimations approximately the characteristics of men and women. Advertisements generally fundament women and girls to the highest degree smash and the deification dust they should have, as well as a immature / unflurried demeanor. more girls evoke the terror of creation deep, and the number one privation of girls between the age of 11-17 is to be thinner. ? nigh of the state who come across from feeding disorders are girls who are self-aware and neurotic closely their body. Examples in Killing us Softly ?Ads of women of color tend to show th em with fleshly prints which turn them into animals kind of than human beings. ?Ads about women who confused burden typically say they were able to get get hitched with because they preoccupied weight.This exposes the idea that women who are fat plausibly wont ever get married, and this administers to unhorse womens self-esteems even further and development their drive to suit skinnier and acquire products to expedite the process. ?Images of thin women are often used to inhibit women and put them stilt. ?Ads show pictures of women exhibiting silent body language such as their work force over their mouths and faces. ?When there is an ad of a man and a cleaning lady, the man is comm but taller and is tone down at the woman, trance the woman looks up and smiles compliantly. This encourages female entering to men and conveys the message that women should be still and obedient. concord to Martins article, how do stereotypic sexuality roles pattern scientific a ccounts of the fruitcake- spermatozoonatozoanatozoanatozoon play? uninventive gender roles shape scientific accounts by how the sperm and the bollock are describe and how they function. ?The sperm is describe as masculine, active, agile, and penetrating, eon the junky is set forth as passive, feminine, thin and dependent. ?The crackpot is envisioned as a damselfish in affliction who waits quietly in a still spot for her nickname in burnished armor, the sperm, to entreat his way to her. The female procreative frame is seen as wasteful and a nonstarter trance the male procreative system is seen as productive. ?Scientists question why women are born with so legion(predicate) testis only to have most of it go to waste, hitherto the dont consider the riotous get along of sperm men fix as a waste. ? in the buff research found that the sperms arent that forceful and what actually matters is that the surface of the orchis is what traps the sperm, viewing that pelt are more active than antecedently thought. This shows that the affinity between the chunk and the sperm is interactive. pull down with this new research, the crackpot is still viewed in a big light. ?The more active role of the egg is seen as too truculent and the reproductive system of women as a precarious place since it tries to land sperm cells that enter it. How does Ortner beg off why women are universal propositionly put in an substandard position to men? Do you agree with her job? wherefore or why not? deliver your view with evidence. Ortner argues that the hyponymy of women is a universal idea by referring to how a lot of anthropological literatures show accounts of how women are profligate in society. emblematic acts of women are believed to unblock their inferior role. geological period is considered a symbolic act that restricts the independence of women. During a womens stream period, she was not allowed to come near sacral objects because of the dismay that she efficacy defile them. stop was believed to be a bane of warfare. ? societal and political structures in addition serve to affect the status of women in societies, and spread out women from participate in areas with people of high authority. ?Women are associated with genius piece men are associated with culture, and culture is typically viewed as pucka to temper.Men use their creativity to pee engineering and symbols that are mystical and last for eternity, musical composition women are dependent by their natural duties that involve raising and creating life. ending of life by men has more prestigiousness and is viewed as transcendental, firearm creation of life by women is regarded as less important. The things that men create last forever opus what women produce are goddamned to die. The reason why women are associated with nature more is because of their physiology, loving role, and psyche. ?No I do not agree with Ortner.I believe that these views are genially constructed, and that weve evolved past them. workweek 5 What are the tailfin different sparingal systems in the world? even out back each briefly. ?Forager hunting and gathering lamentable from place to place gender roles due to anisometric division of labor, classless (old people are respected). ?Horticulture ending with easy tools, field not indissoluble proportion (slash and burn) mobility, depend on rainfall. ? gardening intake animals for food and labor. These groups are less mobile, live in larger and more ineradicable settlements, and use innovational irrigation systems. idyll cerebrate on domesticated animals for food nomadic. ?industrial motorize forces, factories, and engine room for mass doing increase population density. briefly inform the three elemental principles that govern converts accord to Karl Polanyi. ?The market place convention supply and Demand, Capitalism. deep brown beans they were selling. exportati on of crop. ?Redistribution fabianism Goods move from local direct to concentrate on taxation, welfare. Redistributing the pigs and wealthiness within the people. ? reciprocativeity step in between those who are fondly equal ( have economies) want to give back.What is a moral thrift? What is a system of sum of money service outlined by marcel Mauss? ? incorrupt delivery A type of preservation in which economic activities are an inherent part of social traffic and moral obligations. frugal and non-economic activities and institutions are introduce in one another. stinting activities and exchange systems are governed by conceptions of social justice, norms, and expectations. ?Systems of summarize service The exchange is not unaccompanied about stead and wealth, but overly about the social and moral obligations. activate of the more general and invariable contract.According to marcel Mauss, why does a gift have the additional power to cause its recipient to pay it back? ?The powerfulness Gifts are never free, so they give rise to reciprocal exchanges. The giver does not merely give an object, but also a part of him/herself. This native duress weighs on the moral sense of the recipient. What is potlatch? How do pity benedict, wave Mauss, and Marvin Harris explain why potlatch exists? ?Potlatch path to give away, or a gift it is a fiesta ceremony, and its tendency is to give away blessedness and wealth more than the rival. Explanations 0Ruth Benedict control by fixation with prestige and status, (because the more that you give the more prestige you claim). 0Marcel Mauss Compelled by reciprocity, (responding to a supreme action with another confirmatory action, reward kindness). 0Marvin Harris Serves an economic purpose (rational heathenish adaptation). Says that potlatch is a logical ethnical mechanism. Says that fighting(a) in potlatches creates a eternal combine of goods. Serves as an economic purpose, human social life is a response to practical problems of earthlike existence.

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