Friday, August 23, 2019

Operations Management Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Operations Management Master - Case Study Example From this study it is clear that the operations being highly decentralised, with most of them being managed by unit heads designated for each profit centre gives them the operational flexibility and also the confidence among the customers to involve into a long term relationship. This could certainly help Globalcast managers to insulate the external impacts or disturbance experienced in the other regions of the globe from having a chain reaction on their business process. Thus the globally operated companies functioning in the specific locations would be confident in entering into long term associate ship with Globecast. The relationship marketing strategy adopted by Globecast is another important aspect that would give long and stable established relationship with their customers. The primary step in establishing a marketing link with the customers was through the word of mouth recommendations passed by their customers. The marketing analysis report presented has shown that the most of their businesses are repeat business which shows the reliable customer base they have continued to enjoy. Even through Globecast have not created a well planned strategy for its marketing operations, they were able to retain the position as the lead suppliers for most of the global giant's requirements for in different type of product components justify this aspect. Of course, it is understood that national level promotional exercise is being undertaken simultaneously. But the impact it have shown is very feeble considering the manner in which the business targets are achieved by Globalcast over these period. Further, it must also be observed that the in spite of the wide options for the entry of the competitors for such wide range of requirements exist in most of the emerging industries, Globalcast still remains as the prime choice for the customers shows the trust and confidence that their operation shave created in the minds of the customers. The widely spread operations by G lobecast too would be of considerable advantage in consolidating their business with the clients, as any inability for delivery at any one location could also be offset by proper intervention from the production support by the other Globalcast centres. This study stresses that the technical competence the Globecast have demonstrated in the past have resulted in the least cost production units, which are also very attractive for their customers. The capability of design assistance to their customers would too give the added reliability of the operations of Globecast which in turn would help the customers to turn their operations also very efficient. Also, the strength of their networks, supply capability and after sales support all add to the support they have enjoyed in the past. Also, even in such a monopolised business environment, Globecast have never been complacent and is quite obvious that it strives hard to see the benefit of the business continuously reaches all its customer s. This is clear from its future plans for expansions that have been necessitated by the growth potential of the customer organisations.

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