Thursday, August 29, 2019

Personal Values and Ethical Standards

Ethical codes determine a person’s outlook on right and wrong. It influences their interactions with people (Williams, 2011). Personal ethics and professional ethics may differ each influences the other, and sway the workplace environment (Williams, 2011). Companies want their corporate traditions to have a sense of ethical responsibility (Williams, 2011). Frequently, professional ethics covers the same principles of personal ethics, for example honesty, and fairness (Williams, 2011). These principles may also extend to company loyalty (Williams, 2011). Responsibilities Personal ethical responsibilities mainly include people closest to you, for example your family, friends or neighbors, requiring family responsibilities before job responsibilities (Williams, 2011). Professional ethical responsibilities are more diverse and wide-ranging for example, not discussing a patient's history, and putting a person's well being first (Williams, 2011). Professional ethics requires reporting any suspicious or harmful activity, for example if a teacher suspects a student is experiencing abuse or neglect (Williams, 2011). Codes for Personal Values As a human service professional, my values, and morals are set high. My peers and clients look up to my decisions. This is why I relate to of the National Association of Social Workers Ethical Codes, which are 1. 01 Commitment to Clients and 1. 02 Self Determination. Code 1. 01 states, a social workers’ main responsibility is promoting the well ­being of clients (NASW, 2008). Code 1. 02 states, social workers are to respect and promote the rights of clients to have self determination by assist clients in efforts to identify and explain goals (NASW, 2008). Ethical Dilemmas Influences Personal ethics mainly depend on a person's life relationships, for example, what he or she learns from their parents, teachers, and religion (Williams, 2011). People are also influenced by the experiences from childhood dilemmas, for example lying, cheating, or violence (Williams, 2011). Professional ethics is founded on the principles of a profession (Williams, 2011). A person may be legally required to obey ethical principles, such as confidentiality, in the case of doctors or lawyers (Williams, 2011). ? ? Practice and Personal If a social worker suspects that a child is abused, it is their professional responsibility to make any determination about the matter for the protection of a child (NASW, 2011). This is an ethical dilemma that I will not have a problem reporting. I know that some people my hesitant because they feel they maybe tearing apart a family, but I know that I will be protecting a life. Child Abuse Each state has child abuse laws that vow the protection for a child who is abused, mistreated, or neglected. Although each state agrees the protection of a child, each state may handle the reports differently, or how the accused will be fined or jailed. For instance, an individual who lives in the state of Mississippi can remain anonymous when reporting a child abuse reports (MDHS, 2011), but in the state of Texas remaining anonymous is not encouraged (Texas Department of Family Services, 2011). Each state has established that an individual under the age of 18 is considered a child. Arizona’s law states that a child does not have to show any signs of injury when reporting a child abuse case, but this could be interpreted for of verbal abuse (About, 2011). In the state of Mississippi verbal abuse is a sign of abuse (MDHS, 2011). When a case is not reported in Texas it is a Class B Misdemeanor with a fine of $2000, and a possibility of 180 days in prison (ATPE, 2010). If a case is not reported in Mississippi, and the person is found guilty the fine is up to $5000, and the jail time could be up to one year (MDHS, 2011). Arizona and Georgia violation of child abuse laws is considered a misdemeanor if there is failure to report indication of child abuse (Child Abuse Law, 2011). The above states each have different aspects of what constitutes abuse, but all compare that any sign of bodily harm is a sign of child use. Practice and Conflict According to Code 1. 01, it is the responsibility of the Social Worker to promote the well being of their clients (NASW, 2011). Certain professions require people to be objective and impartial, which may conflict with a person’s ethics, such as compassion, and willingness. Individuals find separating their personal and professional ethics helps (Williams, 2011). Some opinions are very personal and may need to be set-aside to do my job (Williams, 2011). Handling spousal abuse is an area that will be personal that I may have a hard time separating out my personal and professional views and values. My problem is that you cannot help someone that does not want to be helped. Spouse Abuse Domestic violence and spousal abuse come in different forms. Whether it is physical, mental, or verbal abuse a person can be assaulted, stalked, sexually taken advantage of, or harassed. Each state has standards surrounding domestic violence and spousal abuse. Spousal abuse is a serious crime and needs to be addressed by law enforcement along with the courts, so victims are protected. Procedures help prompt an effective response to any domestic violence case. Chief Law enforcement officers are responsible for procedures used and are responsible to conform to standards (Supreme Court of New Jersey Attorney General of the State of New Jersey, 2008). Comparing New Jersey, Texas, Arizona, and Georgia each seem to have the laws toward domestic violence. One issue that the state of Arizona addresses differently from the other states was that Arizona has many laws to protect the victim’s service providers, such as testimonial privileges, evidentiary privileges, nondisclosure laws, confidentiality of communications. Statutory law, common law, Case Law, Regulation, outlines these. Ethical Standards and General Principles Professional ethics is the center of social work, and profession has an obligation to express basic values, ethical principles, and ethical standards (NASW, 2011). The NASW Code of Ethics has set values, principles, and standards to guide social workers’ manner. The Code is appropriate to all social workers and social work students (NASW, 2011). The use of psychological tests in the courtroom 1. 07 Privacy and Confidentiality j) Social workers are required to protect the confidentiality of clients during legal proceedings to the full extent of the law (NASW, 2011). When a court of law orders social workers to disclose confidential information without a client’s consent the social worker should request that the court maintain the records, so they are unavailable for public inspection (NASW, 2011). Ethical Principle Social workers pursue social change for vulnerable i ndividuals, and are focused on issues of poverty, unemployment, discrimination, and other forms of social injustice (NASW, 2011). Social workers attempt to guarantee access to needed information, services, resources, equality of opportunity, and meaningful participation in decision making for all people (NASW, 2011). The lie detector 1. 16 Termination of Services (b) Social workers need take reasonable steps to avoid abandoning their clients who still need of services (NASW, 2011). Social workers need to assist in making appropriate arrangements for continuation of services (NASW, 2011). Ethical Principle? Social workers are continually attentive their profession’s mission, values, ethical principles, and ethical standards (NASW, 2011). Social workers proceed honestly and responsibly while promoting ethical practices within the organizations they are affiliated (NASW, 2011). Boundaries of competence 1. 04 Competence (a) Social workers provide services and represent themselves as competent within the boundaries of their education, training, license, certification, consultation received, supervised experience, or other relevant professional experience (NASW, 2011). Ethical Principle Social workers elevate service to others above themselves (NASW, 2011). Social workers rely on their knowledge, values, and skills to help others in need; along with addressing social problems (NASW, 2011). Social workers are asked to volunteer their professional skills with no expectation of financial return (NASW, 2011). Integrity Ethical Principle Social workers are continually attentive their profession’s mission, values, ethical principles, and ethical standards (NASW, 2011). Social workers proceed honestly and responsibly while promoting ethical practices within the organizations they are affiliated (NASW, 2011). 1. 6 Conflicts of Interest (a) Social workers need be aware and avoid conflicts of interest that may interfere with the implement of professional judgment and impartial judgment (NASW, 2011). Social workers need to inform clients when a real or potential conflict of interest arises, so the take the logical steps to solve the issue in a manner that makes the clients’ interests first and protects clients’ interests to th e highest extent possible (NASW, 2011). In protecting a clients’ interests may require termination of services with a referral of the client (NASW, 2011). b) Social workers need not to take advantage of a professional relationship to further their personal, religious, political, or business interests (NASW, 2011). Sexual harassment Ethical Principle? Social workers need to treat every person with a caring and respectful attitude, which is mindful of individual differences, cultural, and ethnic diversity (NASW, 2011). Social workers should promote clients’ socially responsible through self determination (NASW, 2011). Social workers may seek to enhance a client’s ability and opportunity to change through addressing their needs (NASW, 2011). . 11 Sexual Harassment Social workers cannot sexually harass clients, which includes sexual advances, sexual solicitation, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature (NASW, 2011). Human differences 1. 15 Interruption of Services Social workers need to make a reasonable effort to ensure stability of services in the event that services are interrupted because of unavailability, relocation, illness, disability, or death (NASW, 2011). Ethical Principle Social workers need to understand that relationships among people are an important opportunity for change (NASW, 2011). Social workers who engage people as partners are helping process (NASW, 2011). Social workers who seek to strengthen relationships among people are helping by promote, restore, maintain, and enhance the well ­being of individuals, families, social groups, organizations, and communities (NASW, 2011). The legal definition of insanity Ethical Principle Social workers who continually strive to increase their professional knowledge and skills are applying them in practice by contributing to the knowledge of the profession (NASW, 2011). 1. 14 Clients Who Lack Decision Making Capacity Social workers acting on the behalf of clients, who lack the capacity to make informed decisions, are helping by taking the reasonable steps to protection the interests and rights of those clients (NASW, 2011). Conclusion The ethical decision making process helps in instances which a social worker does not have simple answers available to solve complicated ethical issues (NASW, 2011). Social workers need to take into consideration all the values, principles, and standards relevant to any situation, in which ethical judgment are necessary (NASW, 2011). A social worker’s decisions and actions need to be reliable with the character, and the letter of the Code of Ethics (NASW, 2011). References Arizona Coalition Against Violence. (2003, August). Confidentiality For Domestic Violence Service Providers In Arizona Under Federal And State Law, from http://www. delapointe. net/diannepost/docs/confidentiality_manual. df Association of Texas Professional Educators. (2010). Child Abuse Reporting In Texas, from http://www. atpe. org/protection/YourStudentsAndParents/childabuse. asp Authority of the Supreme Court of New Jersey and the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey. (2008, October). State of New Jersey Domestic Violence Procedures Manual, from http://www. judiciary. state. nj. us/family/dvprcman. pdf Child Abuse Laws. (2011), from http://law. jrank. org/page s/11836/Child-Abuse. html Georgia Department of Human Services. (2011). Child Support Services, from http://ocse. dhr. georgia. gov/portal/site/DHS-OCSE/ Find Law. (2011). Georgia Child Abuse Laws, from http://law. findlaw. com/state-laws/child- abuse/georgia Mandatory Reporting Rules. (2009), from http://www. state. nj. us/ooie/helpful/mandatoryreportingdescript. html Mississippi Department of Human Services. (2011). Division of Family & Children's Services, from http://www. mdhs. state. ms. us/fcs_prot. html National Association of Social Workers. (2008). Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers, from http://www. ocialworkers. org/pubs/code/code. asp State of Texas Office of Court Administration. (2011, September). The Texas Family Violence Bench Book, from http://www. courts. state. tx. us/pubs/Manuals/judges/DomesticViolenceBenchBook. pdf Williams, E. (2011, January 19). Personal vs. Professional Ethics, from http://www. ehow. com/info_7820090_personal-vs-professional-ethics. html Women's Law. (2011, August 24). Georgia Statutes, from http://www. womenslaw. org/statutes_detail. php? statute_id=1219#statute-top

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